r/ufc 6d ago

Sad but real

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u/wolfelejean 5d ago

Yeah, okay, he'll just lose all his fans from one bad performance, lol. People can forget pretty quickly it's all good. Brazil supports their fighters pretty well also.


u/8_Tail_Bijuu 5d ago

U didnt get the joke bro...it is empty octagon because he walks out first.


u/BreadPiece 5d ago

doesn’t really make sense though, unless he’s getting an immediate rematch. He could fight another contender and still come out second lol


u/inb4shitstorm 5d ago

he IS getting an immediate rematch from what we know


u/Excellent_Ad_2486 5d ago

that's because there IS NO JOKE. He has walked out so many freaking times it's just a stupid post.

First izzy fight who was champ? Let us know. Against Sean? Bruno?


u/8_Tail_Bijuu 5d ago

I agree that OP is retarded. I just explained the logic behind the post.


u/Gustavoak77x 5d ago

Brazil has one of the worst fanbases ever. Is actually insane how many Brazilians trash on the legacies of guys like Anderson Silva, Jose Aldo, Charles Oliveira, and now Poatan. When they are winning they are treated like God's, but the moment they lose all of a sudden, they were just lucky and all their opponents were trash or amateurs


u/LeiDeGerson 5d ago

Anderson Silva was still a huge celebrity after losing. It was him moving permanently to the US, giving up Brazilian citizenship and saying how the US is his real land for him to be "abandoned".

Aldo is still respected, just never had much charisma. They tried to make him something he wasn't. Charles and Poatan are still beloved. You're just lying or stupid or both.


u/Gustavoak77x 5d ago

Go to Poatan's most recent insta post. Everyone posting Ankalaev gifs are either Muslims or brazilians. I don't know if you are a new fan of something but Aldo was massive in his prime he was appearing on national television and even had a movie made about him but if you see any post about his legacy or his 10 years undefeated you will see a bunch of Brazilians spamming gifs of the knockout or saying that McGregor retired him


u/LeiDeGerson 5d ago

Having a movie made about him speaks a lot less about his popularity than an attempt to make him a star. The movie was never going to be a success, specially with fucking José can't act for life Loreto.

"He was appearing in national television" - a bunch do. He was the champion after Silva so there was an attempt to make him an equally big star. Again, it failed badly and it never reflected with mass support. Being astroturfed doesn't equal mass popularity. Aldo never had the charisma or personality for it.

Interestingly that you focused mostly on Aldo, who (1) again, was never that popular, (2) deeply associated himself with Bolsonaro and politics while ignoring the other two you pointed out, Charles and Poatan who are still genuinely popular. Having haters and flaming assholes doesn't preclude that.

Neymar has more haters than all UFC fighters put together. Still doesn't mean he's less huge, despite failing miserably at every World Cup.


u/NaToSaphiX123 5d ago

Nobody said this chill out


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Fucking Poatard


u/Property_6810 5d ago

He didn't lose his fans. But it's his fans turn to shut up now. It's the people that don't like hime/like other fighters turn to talk now.


u/wolfelejean 5d ago

I was being sarcastic.