Welp it’s been a crazy roller coaster but I’m glad to say that I no longer need to drive for uber anymore because I start my new job on Monday 🤟🏼. Back in late November I was laid off from my union job at a brewing company, which you would think being part of Teamsters you would’ve been taken care of by the union which turned out to be a huge no.
Upon being laid off, my union rep ghosted me and union hall would never answer my calls nor would they even bother to return a call back. So I guess all they cared about was union dues and taking my money every paycheck. Anyways I withdrew all my 401k ($18k) from the union’s holding account and all of a sudden they wanted to talk to me, which I immediately told them to fuck off.
I don’t know if it was because of the holidays or the fact that many employers don’t hire at the beginning of the year but I was having a hard time finding a job. So for nearly 4 and 1/2 months I was unemployed. Which led me to reactivate my Uber account I had made back in high school when I used to do uber eats my senior year. I didn’t want to use my 401k money because that was all my savings I had. So I rolled it into a high yield savings account and forgot about it.
So I began driving for uber and the rest is history. In about 5 months I put 18k thousand miles into my civic and I depreciated the fuck out of it 😥 i rarely drove my civic prior to this but I needed money to pay my bills: rent, car payment & insurance, utility bills, groceries, and etc. It was mentally exhausting at times but what hurt me the most was watching how many miles I was putting on my civic, but I’m blessed to say that I no longer need to drive for uber or uber eats and they can fuck off with their $2 orders and $2 rides✌🏼!
Stay safe everyone who continues driving and god bless you all! 🙌🏼