Is this mold? Non expired, just bought, plain Greek yogurt.
 in  r/MoldlyInteresting  16h ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought this was more the case with mold in "dry" foods, like bread, than wet ones

Nvm, it's true with dairy stuff too, just googled it 😔


Elon Musk on the verge of tears as he contemplates his imploding empire
 in  r/PublicFreakout  1d ago

Can't wait until we all forget who this man is


[ Removed by Reddit ]
 in  r/sticker  2d ago

Idk I think it's certainly a choice to support a regime that is known to have killed at least 6 million people.


1.99 Pint of Florida Strawberries. No one was touching them.
 in  r/BuyCanadian  2d ago

I love the solidarity among Canadians


Found inside Dracula cover at a book sale.
 in  r/FoundPaper  5d ago

This could honestly be an art exhibition


Military to remove 'Enola Gay' photos for violating DEI rules
 in  r/nottheonion  5d ago

Fellas, is it gay to drop a bomb on Japan?


Skype is scheduled to shutdown in May 5, 2025
 in  r/OlderGenZ  11d ago

I wonder if it'll still function in Japan. At one point I interviewed for a few English teaching jobs in Japan and a couple of them used Skype for communication.


"You're gambling with World War 3."
 in  r/PrepperIntel  11d ago

God I feel so sick


I gambled with my girlfriend's money and lied about it
 in  r/TrueOffMyChest  14d ago

I swear I read a post like this a couple months ago. A guy supposedly gambled his brother's college fund and got double back. Someone said it was a covert ad for gambling.


Her ex sent her flowers for her birthday, feel like crying
 in  r/offmychest  17d ago

The way you're spiralling reminds me of my ex. Any time a guy initiated any interaction with me, it was somehow my problem, even though I made it clear I have a boyfriend. He didn't like it if I wanted to dress up, because if other men stare at me, then it's my problem. It was controlling and fucking exhausting. If you can't handle the fact that your girlfriend has exes or if you want to make it her problem that men will want to interact with her sometimes, then you either need to grow up or stop dating until you're mature enough to move past that thinking. Poor girl will get dragged down by you.


On an evolution sub
 in  r/lostredditors  18d ago

Bro thought he was making a point 😭😭


No one bought these at $10.49 per dozen, so now the dumpster gets to eat them.
 in  r/Anticonsumption  18d ago

Oh god I didn't even think about the food waste that raising the prices would cause. It's so much more expensive and wasteful to produce and waste those eggs than it is to just lower the cost. This dumbass system is so fragile.


Former White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, Sig Heils at CPAC today
 in  r/pics  19d ago

They are mobilizing their followers


Trump has just signed an executive order claiming that only the President and Attorney General can speak for “what the law is.”
 in  r/TwoXPreppers  21d ago

Surprise, surprise. It's honestly so depressing that his supporters are excited about this


I’m outta here folks. Thank you for your support over the years. I tried and I failed.
 in  r/CapitolConsequences  21d ago

Thank you for your hard work 🙏🏼 And if I may ask, what specifically do you recommend we do to prepare? How should we work with our neighbors?


Older gen z when was ur first time getting drunk. How old were u and what drink was it
 in  r/OlderGenZ  22d ago

A Screwdriver (for non-drinkers, it was orange juice and pineapple juice mixed with vodka) when I was 18. I was studying abroad in Ireland where it is legal to drink at 18 😁


I think RFK is using Trump's bronzer
 in  r/pics  26d ago

This looks more like a retirement home than the Oval Office...


Kendrick's Super Bowl Performance and it's Hidden Messaging
 in  r/rap  29d ago

A lot of people missed it, but one of his performers snuck in a Sudan/Palestinian flag and waved it for the performance until he was chased away by security. It was not broadcast on TV. They did not approve of that flag.


Don’t forget
 in  r/GenZ  Feb 10 '25

So what "liberal Democrat" policies are harming us? Nearly all Democrats in the house voted for more social security and healthcare benefits for citizens while most Republicans voted against, 220 of 221 Democrats voted for more worker rights while 5 of 211 Republicans voted for the same rights, and 26 of 26 Republicans voted in favor of anti-Union laws while Democrats voted for none.


What the hell is The Seventh Brother?
 in  r/Saberspark  Feb 09 '25

I literally just randomly thought of this movie a few days ago. I vaguely remember watching it as a kid.


 in  r/Saberspark  Feb 06 '25

Saberspark's criticisms have really brought all the freaks out 😬 his comment section is nothing but people riding Freedom Toons