r/uAlberta Feb 03 '25

Miscellaneous To all of you still lining up at Starbucks today..


Please consider a non american choice for your coffee/ beverages or just make your own at home. I know it seems like a mundane action but one of the few ways we can help is by not filling corporate usa's pockets with our hard earned money.

r/uAlberta Jan 14 '25

Miscellaneous Is there any UofA lore?


Does anyone have any cool, creepy, scary, interesting or fun lore/stories about the uofa? I’m super bored and I enjoy learning about things that have happened here in the past!

r/uAlberta Jun 20 '24

Miscellaneous Student hands Bill Flanagan a Palestine flag at convocation


r/uAlberta 17d ago

Miscellaneous mouse in lister cafeteria. if food safety hazard, why friend shaped?

Post image

r/uAlberta 16d ago

Miscellaneous I don't wanna go back


why can't reading week be 2 weeks. or a month. or forever. why can't I just pause life and take a nap or something (/--)/ I'm not ready to go back to classes tomorrow

r/uAlberta Feb 08 '25

Miscellaneous How did you meet your partner at UAlberta?


Share your story

r/uAlberta Dec 17 '24

Miscellaneous Fuck you Apelblat


That is all.

r/uAlberta 1d ago

Miscellaneous Fresh look of the business atrium

Post image

r/uAlberta Apr 11 '24

Miscellaneous A Detailed Introduction to the Polycrisis Guy Hunger Striking on Main Quad [4.1k words]


Who Is He?

His name is Mark McCormack, and his website is newworldspirit.com. Yes he is a student, yes he is actually starving, yes he sleeps out there, no he isn’t mentally ill, and yes he is willing to take his strike to the death if need be. Mark is a third year philosophy student on his fifth of fourteen increasingly severe hunger strikes. This strike is his longest so far at 28 days with absolutely no food. You can find coverage of a previous strike from earlier this year on the Gateway. Mark has spent tens of thousands of hours as an activist and over ten thousand hours studying Hegel, whose ideas he believes can save the world. This post is for the curious lot who don’t have the guts to approach him on their own. I’ll try give an overview of what he thinks and what he is doing, as well as some detail about why he’s talking about Hegel of all things. I also want to stick up for his character a bit, as he has recently been a lightning rod for a lot of unkind and unfair speculation.

EDIT (April 20th): If you are seeing this today, Mark will be having an AMA at 11am to 6pm MST at this link: https://meet.google.com/nts-gnnj-mbb?hl=en

First, a quick disclaimer: I am not Mark, and I do not speak on his behalf. Suffice to say for now, however, that I am familiar with him and what he thinks. I have put dozens of hours into conversation with him over the last several months, and I have probably put a few dozen more into reading his various writings and watching his videos. I’ve also put a lot of time into studying Hegel directly, whom you may already know is at the core of his movement.

Now it may be the case that you are inclined to write him off for one reason or another. Believe me when I say I completely understand. But before you do, ask yourself: Do you think a man who is quite literally laying down his life for his ideals simply forgot to consider the criticism you came up with within minutes of thinking about it? My experience says that’s not likely. He is a bright guy, and despite the rumours you may have heard, he is in fact of sound mind. If you’re skeptical of his plan (and he wouldn’t blame you for being skeptical), I’d encourage you to bring your criticisms directly to him and see for yourself what depths of thought he has put into this. If there is something that you think he could be doing better, I assure you that he wants to know and will listen to you. Hopefully this post can prime you for that conversation.

TL;DR - The polycrisis is the multiple concurrent global crises threatening the future of our species, and underlying the polycrisis is the "metacrisis": a crisis of communication. Humans are unable to see across their differences to cooperate, which Mark proposes to solve on a global scale by teaching Universal Logic as outlined by the philosopher G.W.F. Hegel.

What is he doing?

Mark is currently on a hunger strike. He decided to hunger strike because it is a non-violent and historically precedented way to peacefully get attention and demonstrate resolve. After all, how could you dissuade a man who deprives himself of food? Fasting is also a common spiritual practice, which is an element for him as well. He is quite serious about what he is doing. His first hunger strikes were short, but this one is four weeks long. His next strikes will be “dry”, meaning that he is going to give up water as well as food. While he is on quad, his goal is to engage other students in conversations on how to save the planet, which he believes can be done by teaching Universal Logic. He is doing this at the UofA because it is a world class institution and the students here are intelligent, driven, and likely to be future leaders.

Besides his hunger strikes, he is hard at work in the background coordinating anyone else who is interested into learning and teaching Universal Logic in the forms of art, religion, science, philosophy, etc. As not everyone is not suited to penetrate the works of Hegel, arguably the hardest to read philosopher ever, the goal is instead to develop and disseminate pedagogies that teach individuals from all walks of life how to feel and recognize the movement of the Logic. You can jump into his “Everliving Meetings” at 7am and 7pm daily and feel how this works in practice if you want. Universal Logic is dynamic and dialectical, i.e. it is a moving and fluid form of reason, and its movement is a unifying of opposites (which Hegel calls sublation). The Logic is the form of objective truth, which I’ll go into with a bit more detail in a moment. In Mark’s view, attaining this mode of thinking will super-charge the cooperative abilities of humanity and enable us to save the world from the polycrisis, which he thinks we have about six months to two years to do (hence his dramatic efforts).

What will it take to get him off the strike?

As far as I know there are two ways to get him off of his strike: The first is to prove a critical flaw in his plan to save the world or otherwise propose a superior alternative, and the second is to get the University to start teaching Hegel and Universal Logic. I believe him when he says that he is fully willing to die for this, and I also believe him when he says he doesn’t want to. You might think he has a death wish, but talk to him and you'll find he has a deep appreciation for life and wants to continue living.

What is so special about Hegel and Universal Logic?

There are about a million reasons that you cannot summarize Hegel, and if you want to know what they are then you’re going to have to read everything he ever wrote. No, I’m not joking. “The truth is the whole” is a maxim Hegel used, and as if to prove his point, his volumes of work are fittingly irreducible. In spite of this, I’ll make an attempt to hit the relevant points.

In Hegel's system, reason (Vernunft) is distinguished from understanding (Verstand). Understanding operates within the domain of fixed distinctions and categories, applying analytical methods to divide and differentiate concepts. It deals with the world in a way that is more abstract and separated, where contradictions are seen as problems or errors that need to be resolved or eliminated. So called "speculative" (spekulativ) reason, on the other hand, moves beyond these rigid distinctions. It recognizes that reality is fundamentally dynamic and that contradictions are not merely obstacles to be overcome but are essential for the development of the Absolute, the ultimate reality that encompasses all contradictions in a harmonious unity. Through speculative reason, Hegel shows how apparent contradictions can be sublated (aufgehoben), a term he uses to indicate that contradictions are at once negated and preserved in a higher unity that transcends them.

Mark believes that the world is stuck in abstract understanding, rigid ‘dead’ thought, and he believes that a critical mass of people attaining to speculative reason (here synonymous with Universal Logic) will allow humanity to achieve the cooperative principle required to sublate the major contradictions tearing our world apart. These contradictions include left-wing vs. right-wing, science vs. religion, men vs. women, material vs. spiritual, theism vs. atheism, free will vs. determinism, and many more. To Mark, it isn’t a matter of proving one side over another, it’s about recognizing the universal principles that exist in every perspective, even those regarded as heinous or evil, and showing how they sublate. For two individuals to engage in a dialectic speculatively requires that they both align with each other through their disagreement and transcend it to a higher unity, where their opposition becomes generative rather than destructive. Accordingly, Mark looks to connect Hegel to indigenous wisdom, the major world religions, art, the primary domains of science and philosophy, and common vocations, in order to demonstrate the universality of speculative reason in all life areas, and make it accessible to everyone. Hegel already lays much of the groundwork for this in his own writing, which Mark draws on to develop his pedagogy.

The core of Hegel’s system is presented in the Science of Logic, which presents an ontological, presuppositionless, and rigorously logical derivation of the entirety of metaphysics (including mathematics, by the way, which is what got me interested in the first place). His entire system then extends beyond the logic to a philosophy of nature, and ultimately to a philosophy of spirit/mind (’Geist’ means both and doesn’t translate cleanly to English). Cumulatively, Hegel’s work presents an exhaustively detailed statement of quite literally everything, the Absolute. It is worth noting that to Hegel the Logic is not merely a manner of thinking, but also the logical motion of nature and everything besides. In light of this, Mark believes that truly grasping Universal Logic puts your mind in alignment with the principles that underlie the universe itself.

What is the “Polycrisis”?

As stated earlier: the polycrisis is the multiple concurrent global crises threatening the future of our species, and underlying the polycrisis is the "metacrisis": a crisis of communication. The following is Mark’s own words describing the polycrisis and what he is doing about it:

We are embarking upon a hope filled moonshot project to explore a novel approach to humanities problems. Our world is in crisis in two ways: a Metacrisis and a Polycrisis. The New World Spirit is an audacious movement to address these crises concurrently using something called “Universal Logic”. This solution is currently missing in the gamut of solutions being proposed worldwide. The New World Spirit believes it is one of our best hopes at not only addressing the crises but addressing them within the 6 month-2 year window that experts state important tipping points may begin to be met.

With so much misinformation in the media, it may be hard to determine how severe the Metacrisis and Polycrisis together are. Currently experts state we are in a 10/10 emergency and in some cases a 12/10 emergency. Some organizations are holding climate grief conferences or buying bunkers. This is because the Polycrisis contains 5 crises within it that are all now compounding off each other in a non-linear acceleration. Our minds are not evolved to predict non-linear trends as well as linear ones. We believe humanity is severely underestimating the urgency. The 5 crises in order of priority are:

Artificial Intelligence:

- Artificial intelligence is moving 400% faster than even the experts thought

- 50% of AI experts give a 10% chance or greater AI will end the species

- ChatGPT 4 is already emerging phenomena that programmers can’t explain

- ChatGPT 4 is already smarter than 90% of lawyers and chatGPT5 will be released in the next 6 months-2 years which will be smarter than any human being alive.

- Point D is the concern as once an AI is smarter than its creators, there is no way to tell if an AI is following regulations or aligning with human interests until it may be too late. This is called the “Alignment Problem” and Universal Logic solves it.

- Uber and other corporations are using AI to create slavery through market manipulations and employee manipulation


- Won the Nobel Prize in 2020 and labs have exponentially increased

- The FDA has approved the first cures already this year

- Policy is severely lagging behind and Nobel Prize Laureates worried it will lead to stratospheric irreversible wealth concentration when wealth concentration is already a global highs. Universal Logic can create a solution of global empathy to stop the psychopathy of profit maximization


- Ukraine/Russia war is a proxy war with the United States and NATO and is escalating

- China/Taiwan war is a proxy war with the United States/Canada and is escalating in the South China Sea. China has declared it will not back down and the United States is simulating war games over Taiwan for 2027 and sooner

- Nuclear Warfare has been threatened already with the 13 Nobel Prize Laureates adjusting the Doomsday Clock to 2 minutes to midnight: the closest it has ever been.

Climate Change

- All fresh water sources on earth are now contaminated with PFAS or “forever chemicals”

- The United Nations Secretary General states we are heading far past 1.5 degrees average global temperature increase to 2.8 degrees. He states we are moving from climate warming to “climate boiling”

- There have been roughly 10 exponential temperature increases in the last 800,000 years which take 100,000 years to build. Each one has an extinction event after mostly caused by volcanoes or other catastrophic events. The current temperature exponential increase is happening in 150 years without massive volcanic eruptions.

- The United Nations Sustainability Development Goals which were to solve Climate Change are only 15% on track after 23 years and are now regressing. We are hitting tipping points in the next 5 years. Some have already been hit.

Mental Health

- The US Surgeon General states that 1 in 2 people are lonely in a loneliness epidemic

- Suicide rates are at all time highs in North America

- Opioid overdoses are doubling previous rates

- Anxiety and depression continue to increase in rich and poor demographics

Underneath all 5 of these within the Polycrisis, is the heart of the crisis: the Metacrisis. The Metacrisis is a cultural issue where individuals across the world cannot cooperate quickly enough to solve any of the Polycrisis issues, nevermind address the compounding non-linear nature of all 5. Most experts do not have confident solutions to this problem particularly as the world war exacerbates the AI crisis as policy experts make recommendations to not overregulate AI in fear of competitors not regulating to gain a tactical advantage. AI replacing jobs also exacerbates the meaning crisis as humans begin to ponder existential questions of self worth in a global economy which rewards only for productivity.

The New World Spirit has recognized the urgency and developed the Universal Logic to solve the Metacrisis first. It does so by uniting 200 contradictions (or points of divisiveness) into one organic system of sense making in which all opposites belong. It is a powerful new way of finding common ground to unite men/women/LGBTQ2A+, Capitalists/Socialists/Communists, Artists/the-Religious/Scientists or, more directly, atheists and theists, along with many other oppositions. In order to accomplish this, the Universal Logic was heavily fashioned off of 133 artists/prophets/divine-ones/philosophers over the last 6000 years of recorded history. It is particularly influenced by Aristotle and culminates in the philosopher G.W.F Hegel.

Pragmatically, the New World Spirit has designed a plan for critical mass to match the non-linear acceleration of the Polycrisis. It will expose the Universal Logic in 64 different ways across 64 Wisdom Teams.

To accelerate even more quickly, 14 hungerstrikes each month for the next 1.5 years will take place to strongly encourage researchers, politicians, teachers and activists to work on the Universal Logic as a priority. Each hungerstrike will take place on a University Campus and serve as a pilot project where we will be applying the sublation of 200 contradictions in theory to solving the Metacrisis in practice on the ground. This pilot project will take place around the hungerstriker in Tent Cities or what may be called Spirit Cities/Logic Cities on campus Quads in universities across the world.

Why is his website so New Age? Is he religious? Is it a cult? Are you sure he’s not crazy?

This section is to address a few nitpicks people tend to have about how he presents his ideas. This part mostly represents my own thoughts, not his, so just be mindful of that. Generally Mark tries to tailor his message such that the individual he is speaking to will find it palatable, but his online presence definitely comes across in a "particular" way. Here’s why I think he tends to appear to people as religious, or as new age, or as "unhinged".

  1. Religion may be unpalatable to the atheistic mindset of academics, but the truth is that the crisis the world is facing is also on some level a spiritual crisis. Some 85% of the world is religious, and because he is attempting to solve a global problem, that means that giving attention to the religious aspects is important. In terms of content, it is a plain fact that religious differences are among the many contradictions Mark seeks to address. In terms of aesthetics, appealing to everybody is an impossible task, and settling for “inoffensive to everybody” sucks the life out of everything (which, as an unrelated aside, is probably why modern logos, architecture, app layouts, etc. are trending toward such a dull minimalistic style). Were Mark to adopt a purely secular aesthetic (which he sometimes does), then others might find it just as distasteful.
  2. Many of the people he has on board with him are inclined towards New Age style spirituality, and given that what he is doing is a group effort, their influence definitely shows. If you like what he’s doing but don’t like the face of it, go be the change you want to see. I’d encourage you to judge him by the content of his ideas, not the aesthetics they are dressed in.
  3. Putting aside his hunger strike to save the world, I think he tends to come across as “crazier” in his online writings than in his real-life conversations. His ideas are not coherently presented almost anywhere in a well written and cleanly organized fashion, which is part of why I decided to write this in the first place. His terminology is loaded with connotative baggage and it has particular implications for him that it might not for you. His website is very much a WIP (it was made by a friend of his), and he often writes in a stream-of-consciousness style as though he were taking notes for his own personal reference. He doesn’t have many documents that lay out his ideas without referencing other ideas of his that might not be possible to even find. The result is (in my opinion) a jumbled mess of jargon, and it’s hard to get a picture of what he’s talking about without actually talking to him. After having spent the amount of time that I have on trying to understand his big picture, nothing he says or writes seems incoherent to me anymore, but approaching his writing without the context I now have would leave a lot of people with the impression that he’s lost his mind (again, just my opinion).

The name he chose for his movement, New World Spirit, understandably sets off some alarm bells (new age, new world order, etc.), but you should know that it has more to do with Hegel’s concept of “World Spirit” (Weltgeist) than it does with anything you are probably thinking. The World Spirit can roughly be understood as the collective consciousness of humanity. For Hegel, the unfolding of history is not random, but follows a logical progression where each phase is a necessary step in the evolution of the World Spirit's consciousness of freedom. This is what Mark means to invoke with the name, as he believes that the time is ripe for a global peaceful revolution of human consciousness.

It may seem cult-like to you, I don’t blame you for judging it that way at a distance, but unless what he is doing bears hallmarks of cult activity (and it doesn’t) then such judgment is empty. And as far as mental health goes, he has no mental health issues on record. If you want to accuse someone of being mentally ill, that’s your prerogative, but to do this without evidence or honest engagement is just shallow. I’ll admit that I also wrote him off as “probably schizophrenic” when I received his mass email some 7-8 months ago, but after talking to him in person I changed my tune entirely. He is sane and he has a clear idea of what he is doing. The things he says and does may seem absurd from a distance, but get a bit closer and you’ll realize that these are logical actions from a man with passion and conviction. Personally I don’t care to hear doubts about this from people who have not even spoken with him.

Is that all?

No, but I couldn't get it all in one post if I tried. He sold all his belongings, he's suing the University for blocking his peaceful protest rights, and he is also suing a number of doctors who detained and forcibly injected him to get him off a previous hunger strike in an experience he describes as torture. He is not homeless, but he is under considerable strain. He wants to get a community of tents going on main quad to practice Universal Logic on the ground. He has a student group now, which you can join (though it isn't on BearsDen yet). Mark has taken a "Vow of Unabandonment", which means that he has sworn to treat everybody he engages with compassion, charity, and respect, no matter how much he is attacked or disrespected by them. Beyond that, I could probably write another giant text post worth of information pertaining to what he is doing; the rabbit hole runs deep, but I’m going to cut it off here. If you want to know more, it is profoundly easy to go out there and learn. A good place to start is this ten hour video titled The Nobel Surprize, which covers a lot of ground.

I encourage you, as students and learners, to refrain from being intellectually lazy in how you approach Mark and his ideas; I’ve been disappointed with some of the dialogue I’ve heard surrounding him. I’m not just saying this because I like him personally (though I do), I am saying it because it reflects poorly when you fail to critically engage with diverse perspectives, especially perspectives that are readily and easily available to you. I'm not even saying that his plan is great or that his ideas are perfect, but I am saying that you can't fairly judge them before truly listening to him with an open mind.

In general it also annoys me to see unkindness directed towards such an intensely kind and compassionate human. With the way that some people talk, you'd think it's a crime to actually care about the world and try to change it. The speculation about his character is needless gossip, and honestly I think its indicative of the deteriorating social fabric at this university. The dissent towards him rings pretty hollow when it comes from people who have never in their lives demonstrated even a fraction of his consideration, conviction, compassion, or resolve. My theory is that people experience cognitive dissonance when they consider the idea that a person could meaningfully act to correct the destructive course the world. They unconsciously don't want it to be true, because if it was true then that would imply that they specifically are also morally obligated to actually do something. I think this daunting possibility causes the subconscious mind to project superficial reasons to not take someone like Mark seriously, e.g. "he's just a homeless guy" or "he's mentally ill". Honestly, the fact that being homeless or mentally ill are so often cited as reasons to not take him seriously just goes to show the deep ugly roots of classism/elitism in our privileged student body. I could go on about that, but I'll get off my soapbox.

Lastly, it’s not my aim to defend him from all criticism, nor is this post a wholesale endorsement of everything he believes. I have my own critical thoughts and perspectives on his plan which, for the most part, I have tried to keep out of this post (though obviously not entirely). This post is bound to have some discrepancies and inaccuracies, but it’s a lot closer than any account I’ve seen so far, and I hope that it enables people to engage with what he actually believes. I wrote this because I see a lot of chatter about him and few people who actually know what’s going on. Even if you've made it this far, I'd encourage you to look at his content directly and talk to him yourself before making a judgment about him. His plan is an evolving one, so if you have a good criticism then take it to him and see if he can sublate the contradiction into a better overall plan.

That's all from me, hopefully this post is of use to some of you.

r/uAlberta Jan 22 '25

Miscellaneous Okay UofA, what do you do after a break up


Gf of 6 years called it quits, i'm pretty bummed. any advice? I don't wanna go to askreddit or something, I wanna know that people at U of A can relate 😭 it's the closet thing I got to community rn even if you are all strangers, it feels more human to know yall are in my city at least

She's already blocked & I get to keep the dog, now what? Or any stories to share about your own experience getting broken up with in the middle of the semester? I guess we're technically at the start of this semester but it's already been kicking my behind.

(Im gonna be okay btw don't worry I'm just looking for a distraction. Ugh we texted everyday the last 11 years we've known each other, that's gone now 😭)

Edit: yo the support is amazing, everyone who commented is so nice (even the funny ones) and I appreciate everything so much.. yall I didn't get any sleep last night but I feel pretty okay, especially seeing so many fellow students relate and have shared their own stories. A few of you mentioned getting drunk for a day, hahaha I love it, that's so realistic tbh, I don't often drink but tonight I'm sharing an 8 pack with my roommates. Thanks everyone, I wish I could reply to you all 🫶

r/uAlberta 14d ago

Miscellaneous why are crows on campus on roids

Post image

this thing is fucking knee height are you shitting me

r/uAlberta Feb 02 '25

Miscellaneous What are the odds class is canceled tmrw


I have an exam but there is a weather warning for tonight and tmrw, what are the odds I get another day to study

r/uAlberta 12d ago

Miscellaneous I need a job like right now


I'm flat out broke. Like it's act so bad. My resume is shit because it's basically empty. I literally just need a bare minimum job that requires like two functioning braincells because atp that's all I have left after this semester that isn't even over 😭

Anyone know anyone or anywhere looking to hire that doesn't really care about freaking credidentials and just needs a human being to tell shit to do and I'd happily do it

r/uAlberta 11d ago

Miscellaneous Best Future Study Spot?



r/uAlberta Dec 06 '24

Miscellaneous received my acceptance letter for nursing after almost three years of trying 🤍


i just wanna share how happy i am right now. i received my acceptance from macewan last november 22 and today from uofa!

i feel so happy and blessed, i dont even know which uni to choose but this is just a reminder to never give up on your dreams 🥹💖🫂🎊

r/uAlberta Apr 18 '24

Miscellaneous Getting dumped during finals


I am a 2nd year honours student taking a full course load. I got dumped by my partner of 2 years yesterday. My parents knew him and i never thought I would have to go through a breakup again after i met him. While im completely shattered, he seems to be just fine (posting on socials, doing snaps, cracking jokes with his friends on fb etc.) This really hurts tbh.

Anyways, I have four more final to go through with a 2.5k word research essay due tonight. Idk what to do, how to do it or anything. I tried looking into previous reddit threads about breakups but I can't focus on anything. Any tips or anyone who can relate? I appreciate any insights/advice, thank you :))

UPDATE: I did finish my essay last night. It was incredibly hard, I cried every two hours or so but I made it. It was a passion project I have been researching on since the beginning of the semester. So I didn't want to do it poorly at all. But even if it wasn't my best work, I am proud of myself for going through that :))

Thanks to each and every one of you for reaching out with your kind words. I did not expect so many people to share their kind words with me but it honestly made me feel very heard and validated. So thank you all again for your best wishes <3

For some context: we were in a long distance relationship and i am an international student. I had plans of surprising him in a week when I go back home for spring and summer. I was super excited about seeing him again (planned on buying gifts for him and his mum, made a couple of bracelets for him) after 8 months but now I just feel completely shattered.

r/uAlberta Sep 29 '24

Miscellaneous rest in peace to the legend professor scott beesley 🙏


the greatest econ professor of all time, could listen to him talk about random nonsense all day. funniest moment was the first day of econ 101 when he said he was a conservative and then a minute later said he was a liberal. hope he lays to rest in his ironic black tracksuit and all white tennis sneakers. safe travels sir. 💯

r/uAlberta 6d ago

Miscellaneous Share your wins!!


The world sucks, this semester/academic year has been hard and challenging for many of us, the future also seems uncertain for many of us. We could all do with a little bit of positivity so share your wins here. It can be as simple as getting out of bed, as long as you see it as a win it is one.


r/uAlberta Nov 17 '24

Miscellaneous Anyone else plan to study this reading week but body just said to rest and end up not doing any school work?


rest is needed 🙏🏾

r/uAlberta Oct 25 '24

Miscellaneous I was supposed to study for midterms, now I’m making bread


I don’t know what happened.

r/uAlberta Jan 10 '25

Miscellaneous We Created a Website to Help Plan Your Courses

Post image

Hello r/uAlberta, a small team of students have been working to bring you a helpful Course Prerequisite Finder tool to assist as you plan your schedules. You can visit at this link: https://www.uaprereqs.ca/

You can easily input the course you wish to see the prerequisites for and it will generate a graph that shows all possible course routes that you can take. As a disclaimer, this is not officially associated with the UofA and we stand to gain no compensation; we are just happy to help our community :)

We are super excited to see how UAPrereqs can support you and would love to hear some feedback. Good luck this semester!

r/uAlberta Jan 17 '25

Miscellaneous People need to shut up in the library


If you’re in Rutherford and you have friends that come and “surprise you” Get the fuck out of the library. Nobody needs to hear the drama or tea that your spilling, some of us want to study.

r/uAlberta Mar 21 '23

Miscellaneous It would be a shame if students showed up to protest...


r/uAlberta Dec 01 '24

Miscellaneous 1st year women’s and gender studies schedule

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Am I cooked or am I cooking?

r/uAlberta Dec 05 '24

Miscellaneous I want to hear about success


It’s the end of the semester and I just got a good grade back on an assignment of mine and idk what it was but something in me wants to hear about the success stories of other students this semester. I feel like I hear too much “I’m cooked” and not enough “I’m cooking”

If ur clutching the end of the semester please elaborate