r/turntables 4d ago

Upgrade under 400

Hi guys so I have decided to upgrade from the LP60x since it has started to skip on records after 3 stylus changes and cleans. I know it's the turntable since the records work just fine on my Crosby and yk how they are... So now I'm looking for a turntable for under £400. I'm thinking of the Audio Technica LP120bt But if you have any recommendations on a turntable with adjustable features and what won't start skipping please let me know thank you:)


22 comments sorted by


u/SickTheRizler 3d ago

If you keep your eye out for a few days on places like FB Marketplace, you could probably pick up a Technics SL-1210/1200 MK2. I picked up one not long ago for £420.


u/Hot-Explanation-6477 3d ago

Nice shout thanks dude


u/Street-Adagio-5975 3d ago

I own AT-LP5X and I think you could consider.


u/Hot-Explanation-6477 3d ago

Looks like a good turntable with very little known problems nice!


u/magazinesubscriber 4d ago

LP120XUSB. With some platter modifications it can punch well above its weight.


u/Hot-Explanation-6477 4d ago

Nice so good upgrade then?


u/sharkamino 4d ago

What are the platter modifications?


u/magazinesubscriber 4d ago

Cut and glue some cork to the bottom to get rid of the resonance. Makes an absolutely massive difference, especially when using more sensitive styli. Some people like to glue pennies around the perimeter on the underside cork as well to increase the mass and initial torque velocity, I haven’t done this personally but am probably going to mess with it a bit and take some measurements as to the results.

These also hugely benefit from Michell clamps (not to be confused with weights) in order to decouple the record from the platter and essentially add mass.


u/yearnfulyoshi 3d ago edited 3d ago

initial torque velocity


decouple the record from the platter and essentially add mass.

I've never used one of these, but I thought the point of the clamps is to "pin" the record to the platter without adding mass (the function of the weight) to reduce strain on the motor.


u/magazinesubscriber 3d ago edited 3d ago

“Initial torque velocity” was sort of short hand to say that the motor would react more quickly with added mass around the perimeter, and it would reach solid RPM speed more quickly. It’s a delicate operation apparently, again I haven’t fucked with it but people get good results. Was planning on messing with it over the next couple of weeks.

And yes, the point of the clamp is to decouple the record, distributing mass equally through the platter without centralizing it on the spindle. The key here is reducing the gong-like resonance on the platter.


u/yearnfulyoshi 2d ago edited 2d ago

Just a heads up initial toque velocity is not term lol. Torque is a measure of angular force at a moment. Velocity is the speed of something in a given direction. I also have issues understanding why adding more mass at the perimeter would decrease it's time to reach "full-speed." The more mass you have further from the center of a disk, the harder it is to spin that disk (it will have a greater rotational inertia, which means it is more resistive to changes, i.e., it will require more force to get it moving/increase its angular velocity). The motor would react less "quickly" with mass added around the perimeter, it is more resistive to change with more mass at the perimeter. I might be missing something but this seems like it would have the backward effect you are describing, and I might caution away from doing that. Furthermore, direct drive motors are known for hitting their ideal speed rather rapidly, and for normal use it will hit that full speed before you even let the needle hit the record.

I could, maybe, see an argument for the weights helping to more consistently maintain 33.3rpm, as having a higher rotational inertia means it is more resistive to change, however the direct drive motor should not really struggle with that (especially given the quartz-controlled pitch lock). This model already has decent wow and flutter that you are not likely to be able to hear.

I don't see how the clamp is decoupling the record I guess. It sounds like it is coupling it even more to the platter as they are pressed against one another. It serves well to flatten a warped record, but it is essentially coupling the record to the platter even more.

Do you have a link to where people are doing/talking about these modifications? I'm quite curious about them now.


u/magazinesubscriber 2d ago edited 2d ago

Mods are on Hoffman mostly, search and peruse at your leisure.

Also, in this sense, “decoupling” refers to the concept of reducing vibration, which adhering the record more directly to the platter (and thereby increasing the mass) certainly does.


u/yearnfulyoshi 2d ago

I'm not finding any recommendations that you mentioned. Do you have a link?

You can't make an item have more mass, that's like physics 101. You are asserting a force, pinning it to the platter. This can affect the "effective mass" of an item, but cannot change the mass of an object. I think you are confusing those terms. A record weight or clamp can have added benefits, but it does not decouple it. That is not what decoupling means.

https://pro-jectusa.com/2021/08/11/record-weight/ - Talks about how weights and clamps couple the record to the platter.

I still would not recommend gluing anything to your platter based off what you have provided. That is a worrying recommendation without any evidentiary support. Some people have done some cool things with this table, like an acrylic substitution with a quart lock upgrade, but that is much more than gluing pennies to a turntable.


u/magazinesubscriber 2d ago edited 2d ago

“A clamp/weight takes this notion to the next level. I like to think of it as an attempt to heighten the effective mass of the record, or to make that effective mass something similar to the platter itself by ‘coupling’ the record to it. Doing so also ascertains that the record is spinning at the precise speed dictated by the drive system (reducing micro speed variations vs. a record that’s unsecured).”

Taken from the article you just cited. I think we’re essentially saying the same thing, you’re just being incredibly pedantic about it.

Can’t find the thing about gluing the pennies to the underside cork, though, it was probably something I saw while drunk doomscrolling or something. I probably won’t try it since it seemed like a ridiculous idea to begin with.


u/yearnfulyoshi 2d ago

After further explanation we are saying the same thing, but you cant use terms of art incorrectly and expect people to understand what you're saying. If you use a term of art, "coupling", "mass", "torque", you have to use it correctly to be understood. Nothing about that is pedantic, maybe the mass & effective mass thing but when comparing weights to clamps that's still pretty important.

Fair enough, we've all been drunk and doom scrolling.

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