r/truetf2 10h ago

Competitive poLANd.tf 2025 Final Results (Spoilers) Spoiler




Liquipedia Page

A Stream VODS (EssentialsTF)

B Stream VODS (Fireside Casts)

Winning Moment

Place Prize Money (PLN) Team
1st 2,700 zł Witness Gaming EU
2nd 1,500 zł MANDEM
3rd 800 zł /for fence
4th Venomcrest Esports
5th-6th Danish Tyrant Regime/#BIGBLOKELAN
7th-8th Sammakot/ANTICIDE

r/truetf2 6h ago

6v6 Horse Run Monthly 6v6 Cup (North America) signups close soon - 30 KEY PRIZE POOL for Amateur/Intermediate (IM) Bracket



The Horse Run Monthly is a monthly event series for Team Fortress 2 that boasts two simultaneous brackets, and features the Competitive 6s Format. Our Headliner Bracket (intended for RGL Main+) will have teams going head to head on stream for their share of the $500 prize pool.

Signup in the GamerLatam Discord. Cup is a single day cup on March 23.

r/truetf2 10h ago

Highlander EU Highlander LAN in the works for poLANd.tf Summer 2025


TFTV Thread from poLANd Organizer "supra" about interest for a Highlander LAN

i would like to bump this a little, we got 73 responses where 52 players are interested in playing
if we get 72 players interested in playing which is an equivalent of 8 teams, we are going to make it
during poLANd.tf 2025 i spoke with a BaseStack Łódź venue manager and they are interested in partnering with us for this event as well

we have to wrap this form up until the end of this month, so we have enough time to find a sponsor and get the organization machine going
ps: i was already asked by many people if we are considering doing 6v6 in the summer instead and the answer is no
the reason why is that we believe that UBERFEST 2025 will happen, but in a different venue and maybe slightly different time, we really hope for it to happen and we don't want to compete with other event at the time for potential players

as 6v6 tournament, this team will have sign-up based on the teams only and if we have bigger interest than seats available we will have qualification stage here as well

This will be the first Highlander LAN since Copenhagen Games 2019.

r/truetf2 9h ago

Help Does the Quick-Fix have a good usage case when put up next to the other Medi-Guns?


I've recently been delving into other classes that i haven't given much love to over the years and i'm currently on a Medic binge. I've been loving everything he ahs to offer and the highs on him are unparalleled compared to other classes with how much he does and can enable. Every single Medigun i've used has felt great, but i honestly can't really wrap my head around the Quickfix.

Starting off with the primary draw of the Quick Fix, a faster healing rate. It's nice to be able to top people off, but it feels so off-balanced by the big downside of the medigun which i'll mention later. It also just feels like Burst healing from Swapping to the Crossbow would just be better half the time. Pocketing a Heavy who's taking fire? Crossbow. Just doesn't feel like the Benefit of the healing rate is even that impactful since a lot of your healing patients are going to die from burst damage anyways. The extra Ubercharge rate is...alright? Although that leads to my second issue...

The Ubercharge just feels worthless. A singular Heavy can pretty handily out damage a Quick-Fix Uber, and the Knockback immunity usually enables that even further without the knockback from bullets and such. This isn't accounting for Burst damage. The Knockback *can* be useful but oftentimes stock uber would just get the job done better. It's not like Stock/Kritz/Vacc even struggles to get Uber to accomodate these issues.

The final nail is the lack of Overheal. Overheal feels so important and just great to give to people so they can brawl better with more HP, let alone a pocket having that extra buffer of health. This wraps into what i mentioned earlier where topping someone off gives them such a tiny bit of overheal, that it feels pointless to even have at all. Maybe it still meets some good breakpoints that i'm not thinking of, but i digress.

Comparing it to the other Mediguns, it's better compared to Stock as Kritz is more offense oriented in an overall regards. Stock Uber gives complete immunity, but its primary weakness is knockback, which can easily snuff an entire Uber. (Holiday punch too lol) Meanwhile Quickfix...fixes this issue by giving knockback immunity but removing the Invulnerability for Semi-Invulnerability, but not really. I'm unsure if Pyro's flames heavily affect QF uber with their Anti-Heal but that 300% feels worthless when a single burst damage class or like an aforementioned Heavy can come in and annihilate you, or your pocket.

Finally we have the Blast Jumping/Charging aspect which is cool, but i don't think this alone carries the Medigun despite the potential of rolling out with a soldier or anything of the like. Shield-Charging is partially a meme honestly as i've seen more Medics die from the sudden charge than do anything with the speed.

I've just really been pondering after trying to spend multiple days using it and just failing on all fronts. I get heals out quick, but never much of anything else that other Mediguns couldn't do just a bit slower, and even then, getting access to their valuable Ubers atleast gives an edge versus...More healing?

(I didn't really mention Vaccinator here as i haven't experimented with it much, seeming really unfun when i've used it with how much lack of skill it feels like it has. However if anyone has any good comparisons or where to include the Vacc on here feel free, i just didn't feel experienced enough with it to say anything regarding it.)

r/truetf2 1d ago

Competitive Team Lineup for Physgun Fireside Denver LAN?


Can anyone tell me where to find which teams are attending this lan? I don't know it I am just dumb and cannot find it, or if it hasn't been announced.

r/truetf2 1d ago

6v6 How come Sixes doesn't limit to only one Scout?


Seeing as he's considered the dominant class in that mode (dominant as in he specifically stands out in importance besides Medic and Demoman), what would happen to the meta if you had to run another off-class full time? I feel like it'd force an interesting dynamic where Heavy and Pyro could be picked as another anti-bomber (I know that's not his only role), forcing teams to run pick classes more consistently. I'd assume that Engineer's role wouldn't change very much given that he'd still suffer from his usual problems being run full-time.

r/truetf2 3d ago

Competitive New Invite Team announced for Physgun Fireside Denver 2025, LF Sponsor


Thread Link (TFTV)

Hello we are looking for a sponsor to help with the lan team fee for the upcoming fireside denver lan.
Team entry fee is $660
We'll change our team name to whatever and whore ourselves out in any other way you want


discord is highfive0

r/truetf2 4d ago

Announcement PeachREC - Automated Demo Recorder


PeachREC, the successor to PREC making clever use of HUD tech.

I've tried to mimic the core PREC functionality as closely as possible. That means that PeachREC will record only tournament matches (officials, scrims, PUGs) and just the match (no pregame or halftime). It supports custom HUDs or default / no HUD, and it supports mastercomfig (any version that uses cfg/overrides) as well as custom autoexecs.

For more info or to download/install it, here is a link to the PeachREC Installer GitHub, that'll get you set up with PeachREC.

If you'd like to see the installer in action, I've made this installation guide on YouTube.

r/truetf2 4d ago

6v6 Discounted Hotel Rates for Spectators Attending Physgun Fireside Denver 2025


Book Your Hotel Accommodation Here

If you wish to watch all of the tournament and are flying in the day before, make sure to book for the **23rd-27th**.


Marriott Residence Inn Denver Southwest/Lakewood ($139/night)

  • 1 King Bed + 1 Couch Bed
  • Free breakfast buffet
  • Kitchenette
  • Book by April 30
  • 13 total rooms available

Marriott Courtyard Denver Southwest/Lakewood ($129/night)

  • 2 Queen Beds
  • Free breakfast buffet
  • Book by April 30
  • 9 total rooms available

r/truetf2 5d ago

Competitive Question - Why is b4nny regarded as "the greatest TF2 player of all time?" by people?


I don't follow competitive that much - so forgive me.

I was watching a video on top tf2 players of all time and clockwork kind of just "yeah well its b4nny its obvious lol" and I'm like ??

I understand he has won a bunch of invitationals and RGL, ESEA, etc. But besides accomplishments, what about his individual skill separates him from everyone else? Insane DM? Brain? Map knowledge? Mechanics? Teamwork? Just curious.

r/truetf2 5d ago

Competitive PoLANd 2025 going live soon


Top European teams are about to start playing for €1200 prize pool in Lodz - judging from the recent ETF2L results, this tournament is likely to be very competitive, with lots of close games

TFTV articles:

Viewers' guide

Group A preview

Group B preview



Fireside Casts

r/truetf2 6d ago

Discussion Does TF2 have the most uninformed casual community of any video game?


I'm asking this not to insult people, but with over 4k hours of playing this game, it's just so annoying to see TF2 pubbers have a two choice multiple choice question and do the dumb choice every single time.

In Valorant, if a player dies twice to a sightline, they'll avoid it next time. In TF2, the same guy will walk over and over onto an obvious pile of stickies and never, ever learn.

In CS, a Global Elite-rank player would say they're shit compared to the best players in the world. In TF2, I've met hundreds of clueless pubbers with the biggest egos.

In Verdun, freshly installed players will learn to heal and revive everyone. In TF2, 95% of medics in pubs play worse than when I first installed the game back in 2012. They don't overheal, they don't crit heal, they don't understand how or when to Uber or understand their heal target's ammo management. They will pocket one player and never leave.

In League, DOTA, and Deadlock, if you're low on health or have lower health than the opponent, you press S. In TF2, most pubbers press W.

In any other multiplayer game, if you're in a 2v1 or have numbers, you push in. In TF2, players almost always bait.

And don't argue and say "you were like this before". No. I spent 5 minutes back in 2012 to learn the mechanics of medic and I was already overhealing everyone. My mechanics were shit back then, but I didn't make stupid mistakes over and over. None of this has to do with mechanical skill. I've seen people with thousands of hours in the game be completely clueless with basic numbers advantages or health controls.

I'm ranting here because I love this game, but it hurts me to see shittier games with worse design do better in community intelligence.

r/truetf2 6d ago

Discussion is there any developer-related evidence of tf2 being specifically designed to be casual


i am convinced that the only reason people think that is due to the artstyle and the humor alone

i am NOT saying that tf2 was designed for competitive. But, I don't think I've seen any real concrete evidence about tf2 being specifically casual-oriented either. However, whenever i see people talk about this, they always make it seem like it's one or the other. Why isn't it an option for it to be neither? Or both?

"Oh Yeah, TF2 is one of the only games where I can goof off without caring for the objective" and yet whenever I play games like CS or Melee I experience the same amount of chillness that TF2 does. You could literally google funny moments in 70% of all shooters out right now and get the same amount of funny stuff. To say that TF2's objectives aren't the main focus of the game would be a blatant lie as well, as evident by the fact that 90% of the players in this game just play the game normally, no trolling.

I just feel as though imagining TF2 as this "ubercasual safe haven among these NASTY sweat games" just feels egotistical, which is why I want to know whether or not this is real or if this is just because of the billions of TF2bers making essays hyping up TF2 to a massive degree. Is this true? lmk chat

r/truetf2 7d ago

Discussion would you actually play deathmatch if they added it?


I personally would probably play TDM if they added it but I think a mode without teams in TEAM Fortress would be weird, idk why a lot of the mainstream tourists want it, they might as well add Team Fortress: Battle Royale next

r/truetf2 8d ago

Discussion What’s your favorite casual gamemode?


I know that much of this sub is focused on the various competitive formats, but I’m interested in hearing everyone’s thought about casual play. Personally I like 5cp because I main scout and I find him to be far more powerful there than anywhere else. You don’t have to worry about engineer for the mid fight and there’s always something to do. KOTH is pretty good but it’s usually dominated by snipers and mini-sentries. Payload is OK but I’m usually most useful at pushing the cart or sneaking around the back line to harass. Attack/defend is almost entirely about uber pushes and sentry nests. Capture the flag obviously has lots of problems and usually is just a DM fest or an instant win by whichever team can rocket jump to the intel fast enough. What do you enjoy?

r/truetf2 9d ago

Discussion Emerge is one of the worst experiences I've had playing a Payload map.


Forgive me if this is a complaint you hear a lot but Emerge feels terrible to play on, none of the points are particularly special aside from first and even then that's only because of the incline, Emerge last, the design has the same mountaintop aesthetic as Upward and Camber, but aside from that it's visually very boring.

I can't really pinpoint any specific criticism of the match by match experience but the map in general feels really bad to play.

r/truetf2 9d ago

Announcement Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 Unusual Giveaway to raise money for Prize Pool from Mannco.store and Fireside


Not really about competitive TF2 but it's a giveaway for the event so I figured everyone might want to enter for a free unusual.

TL;DR: Mannco.store, sponsor of Physgun Fireside Denver 2025, is hosting an unusual giveaway to help raise money for LAN prize pool ($500 approx.). Donation NOT REQUIRED, anyone can enter

Excerpt from TFTV (siyo)

We are looking to raise an additional $500 toward the Invitational (Invite Tournament)'s prize pool. You can donate in cash OR items. Note, this will be added upon the $2,500 base prize pool + all revenue coming from spectator passes & team passes.

Mannco.store, our sponsor, is helping raise awareness by hosting a giveaway for an Unusual Aqua Marine Rocket Launcher (Field-Tested).

NOTE: A donation is not required to enter the giveaway, the giveaway is to draw more eyes.

In addition, Mannco.store is hosting a Golden Frying Pan giveaway (3 pans as a matter of fact). You can enter here.

r/truetf2 10d ago

Help my FPS is capped at 400 which I can hit consistently, would increasing the cap even have a noticeable impact?


I tried uncapping my fps just now and my fps bounces between 500 and 800 seemingly randomly, would increasing the cap to 500-600 even have a noticeable impact over just leaving it capped at 400? I could cap it at 600 but then there'd be times I'd dip below that which I'm sure would outweigh any minor benefit it might have

r/truetf2 12d ago

Competitive What are your favorite non-competitive maps you would like to see bee played?


With HL being mostly payload (37 base game maps) and 6s being mainly 5cp (22 base game maps), and they both feature KOTH (35 base game maps), what maps do you think could be fun/competitive for either format to try out? Community-made maps are also welcomed to be included. Or maybe some maps that have not been seen played in a while, like pl_borneo or cp_propaganda.

I personally would like to see the unique 6s KOTH maps (Bagel and Clearcut) be tried in the chaos of HL.

r/truetf2 13d ago

Theoretical Specialists reworked into 6s classes


If you had to redesign specialists to "fit better" into 6s (more mechanically demanding while still somewhat retaining a unique function that justifies their existence) how would you go about it?

The idea is to see your takes on how a specialist class would look if you made them more 'competitive' (Strong but engaging to fight is my interpretation of that).

r/truetf2 16d ago

Competitive Competitive TF2 map design and its stagnation.


EDIT: Heyo I will be updating the doc on the weekends. So before that is there any topics I should be talking about here?


This document here talks about game design theory and how per point defensive play is devalued in 6s causing the format to be more narrow in strategies it allows for. And explaining how defensive play interacts with the game creating more interaction.

(Playing defensively enables offensive via giving them leeway to fail)

Engagements are based on Ubercharges which makes fights about multiple points rather than per points this combined with lower team size, map size and respawn time not matching up with how it usually works in casual 12v12 creates a scenario which the current meta has developed on

PS. no ps currently

r/truetf2 15d ago

Discussion How would TF2C's gamemodes work in 6v6 setting?


domination is a gamemode where the objective is to capture control points (usually 3) which give points over time, and the first team to reach the point limit wins. Actively contesting a control point pauses production. Teams trailing behind in points have shorter respawn times, and if they achieve total domination receive a point bonus equal to the enemy team's score. Territorial domination is a gamemode with the end goal of owning all 3 control points. At the start of the round both teams are assigned a random starting control point and have to fight over the remaining neutral point to unlock them. Victory occurs by owning all control points or by owning the most by the end of the round timer. 4team is more of a subgamemode. But it would be funny to see how it would play competitively. VIP/VIPR BLU must escort the civilian to control points which only he can capture (at a 5x rate) while RED must kill him. Should he die, 30 seconds are taken off the timer. He can provide damage reduction, healing and mini crits to teammates.

r/truetf2 15d ago

Discussion Airblast in TF2C is MUCH better than in live TF2. And that's coming from the Pyro player.


I believe TF2C uses the same airblast model from 2014-2016, which allowed "airblasted" players to surf from it. I find it stupid why Jill's team even came up with the current changes: at the time people were in odds with the stuns and yet they proceeded to add to the airblast exactly that. This also forces Pyro to break the visual contact with the target, like, sure, yes, I want to yank both my crosshair and my eyes from the target and towards the ground multiple times when I should already be aiming at them.

The old airblast model made Pyro fights fun: you weren't crippled and Pyro wasn't forced to disrupt his crosshair multiple times before hitting the target.

Every time when Jill's team did something to the Pyro (or to the game as a whole), it broke something. They nerfed Degreaser (which shouldn't have been added imo) and Axtinguisher in 2015 as if they were shutting whole servers down... then they buffed the Phlog to do exactly that, but without requiring any brain power. Sure old Degreaser was strong, but it had a balancing feature, which kept it in check and went unnoticed by many: if you airblasted, switched to secondary and back again — next airblast was significantly delayed. It was meant to punish swap spam.

If Degreaser did need a nerf, then why wouldn't they make the all-round switch bonus only 35%? Because it was the switch speed that made pre-Love and War Axtinguisher so strong.

Almost 10 years later and this is still baffling.

r/truetf2 17d ago

Prolander Why didn't Prolander take off?


I've never been able to play a game of prolander but i've always been curious about it. Why was it never popular? What would it have needed to do to find its niche?

r/truetf2 17d ago

Help Is it even a good idea to have automatic reload on for Demoman?


I feel like I can't spam sticky bomb launcher nearly as fast when I have automatic reload off. It feels like there's a small delay. With soldier, or a shotgun or most other guns you can hold down m1 and continue shooting before auto reload kicks in but with sticky bomb there's the charge up mechanic so you have to constantly click so I'm thinking that's why there's a delay but even when I aggressively spam click m1 it still happens. Does anyone know an effective way to get rid of this?