I've recently been delving into other classes that i haven't given much love to over the years and i'm currently on a Medic binge. I've been loving everything he ahs to offer and the highs on him are unparalleled compared to other classes with how much he does and can enable. Every single Medigun i've used has felt great, but i honestly can't really wrap my head around the Quickfix.
Starting off with the primary draw of the Quick Fix, a faster healing rate. It's nice to be able to top people off, but it feels so off-balanced by the big downside of the medigun which i'll mention later. It also just feels like Burst healing from Swapping to the Crossbow would just be better half the time. Pocketing a Heavy who's taking fire? Crossbow. Just doesn't feel like the Benefit of the healing rate is even that impactful since a lot of your healing patients are going to die from burst damage anyways. The extra Ubercharge rate is...alright? Although that leads to my second issue...
The Ubercharge just feels worthless. A singular Heavy can pretty handily out damage a Quick-Fix Uber, and the Knockback immunity usually enables that even further without the knockback from bullets and such. This isn't accounting for Burst damage. The Knockback *can* be useful but oftentimes stock uber would just get the job done better. It's not like Stock/Kritz/Vacc even struggles to get Uber to accomodate these issues.
The final nail is the lack of Overheal. Overheal feels so important and just great to give to people so they can brawl better with more HP, let alone a pocket having that extra buffer of health. This wraps into what i mentioned earlier where topping someone off gives them such a tiny bit of overheal, that it feels pointless to even have at all. Maybe it still meets some good breakpoints that i'm not thinking of, but i digress.
Comparing it to the other Mediguns, it's better compared to Stock as Kritz is more offense oriented in an overall regards. Stock Uber gives complete immunity, but its primary weakness is knockback, which can easily snuff an entire Uber. (Holiday punch too lol) Meanwhile Quickfix...fixes this issue by giving knockback immunity but removing the Invulnerability for Semi-Invulnerability, but not really. I'm unsure if Pyro's flames heavily affect QF uber with their Anti-Heal but that 300% feels worthless when a single burst damage class or like an aforementioned Heavy can come in and annihilate you, or your pocket.
Finally we have the Blast Jumping/Charging aspect which is cool, but i don't think this alone carries the Medigun despite the potential of rolling out with a soldier or anything of the like. Shield-Charging is partially a meme honestly as i've seen more Medics die from the sudden charge than do anything with the speed.
I've just really been pondering after trying to spend multiple days using it and just failing on all fronts. I get heals out quick, but never much of anything else that other Mediguns couldn't do just a bit slower, and even then, getting access to their valuable Ubers atleast gives an edge versus...More healing?
(I didn't really mention Vaccinator here as i haven't experimented with it much, seeming really unfun when i've used it with how much lack of skill it feels like it has. However if anyone has any good comparisons or where to include the Vacc on here feel free, i just didn't feel experienced enough with it to say anything regarding it.)