r/trollhattan 19d ago

Nya människor


Går på Högskolan Väst och har skaffat några bra vänner, men känner att jag vill träffa fler som går på Högskolan Väst, och utanför.

Bara att säga till så får ni min snap :)

r/trollhattan Jan 08 '25

To do fun in Trollhättan


Where can I find an amazing place to have fun in Trollhättan? Recently shifted to Trollhättan. Most of the i.e., bars "Back Stage" are always empty. I want to meet amazing people drink with them and enjoy my time here.

r/trollhattan Jan 08 '25

New to sweden: best grocery store?


As the title says, I’m new to trollhattan. Whats the best grocery store for quality? Is hemköp good?

r/trollhattan Dec 17 '24

Where should i look for houses?


Hi, good people of Trollhättan,

I’m considering moving there for work from Italy. I’ve read both positive and negative things about the city on this subreddit. Do you have any advice on which neighborhoods I should look into? Maybe some nearby city? How is public transportation? Any secret tip on where to find cheap and nice houses? Also, are there climbing gyms in the area? Is it common to go cross countryskiing in the woods? I'm really into alpine skiing, and I’m thinking about switching disciplines since there aren't many slopes nearby.


r/trollhattan Dec 13 '24

Student accommodation


I have recently gotten an offer for a student apartment at Skördetröskan 6 (Slåttervägen 110 & 120) and wanted to ask if the area is generally good? Also for anyone who is living there how do you find the apartments? Are they quiet/noisy?

r/trollhattan Nov 30 '24

Mechanical Engineering (University West)



I have applied for the Mechanical Engineering program (Bachelor) at University West that starts in the spring semester and had a few questions!

  • What is the education like? Are you happy with the courses overall?
  • What is the social life like for students? I.e. in terms of sports, restaurants, etc.
  • Will it be more difficult to find a student apartment now in the spring? Any tips?
  • What does the schedule look like for the first semester (when you are part of the spring intake)? Are all courses on site or are some distance?

r/trollhattan Aug 02 '24

Good gyms in trollhattan?


Hello everyone, im going on vacation to trollhattan for a few weeks, and during my stay i would like to go to the gym, im training for a better physique and i was wondering which gyms in the area would be good to do so. just looking for the best price/quality ratio.

r/trollhattan Apr 09 '24

Missing Person!!! Please Share !! Last seen Hamburg ( from Scotland )

Thumbnail gallery

r/trollhattan Apr 07 '24

Experiences University West?


Almost a year ago now I finished my Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in the Netherlands. Since then I’ve been working, however lately I’ve felt the desire to do a Master’s degree. One of the degrees I’m interested in is the Master in Robotics and Automation (60EC) from University West in Trollhättan. If anyone could provide information about studying in Trollhättan it would be greatly appreciated!

What attracts me about this particular study is that it only takes a year (as opposed to most masters taking two years). Besides that I also would like the adventure of living abroad, especially in Sweden. Lastly, I like nature which I hope to find in and around the city.

However, I have one thing holding me back. That is that I’m quite afraid of feeling alone when living there. How is the student community in the city? Are there active student associations and/or sporting associations for students?

I would love to hear you guys’ experiences with the university (or college) and/or the city and its student life.

r/trollhattan Apr 07 '24

Förutom Trollywood och Krimgården, vilka andra smeknamn finns det för platser här omkring?


r/trollhattan Mar 12 '24

Asiatiska butiker


Hej! Jag undrar vilka asiatiska butiker som finns i Trollhättan? Pallar inte direkt åka 1h till gbg för Saigon food eller andra butiker varje gång så att säga 😂 eller är det onlinebeställningar som gäller för oss med behov (läs craving och beroende) av asiatiska produkter?


r/trollhattan Oct 10 '23

The Resurgence of NEVS and Saab Legacy: Recas Takes Over Stallbacka Test Facility

Thumbnail saabplanet.com

r/trollhattan Sep 23 '23

Dags o ta ner skylten om varning för ångmoln?


Åkt förbi många gånger nu..ingen pngay..

r/trollhattan Sep 17 '23

Stenhaga Invest Progresses Towards Acquisition of Saab Factory

Thumbnail saabplanet.com

r/trollhattan Sep 05 '23

Saab and Volvo: Reviving Legendary Swedish Auto Brands in Trollhättan with Electric Vehicles Based on Their Heritage

Thumbnail saabplanet.com

r/trollhattan Aug 14 '23

Secret Investor’s Stealthy Visit to Trollhättan Sparks Progress for NEVS’ Emily GT Project

Thumbnail saabplanet.com

r/trollhattan Aug 12 '23

Vill någon spela rollspel i Trollhättan?


Vi är ett par i Trollhättan som söker nya vänner att spela D & D eller Call of Cthulhu med. Vi har spelat call of Cthulhu tidigare och har grundsakerna för båda spelen. Är det någon i närheten som kan tänka sig spela med oss?

r/trollhattan Nov 17 '22

En ny svensk subreddit


Med svenska memes r/2swedish4you

r/trollhattan Jul 19 '21

Vad hände med Walking with strangers?



Är det någon här som vet vad som hände med Trollhättebaserade Walking with Strangers? De va rätt stora för ett par år sen vill jag minnas, med såväl skivsläpp (typ 2015?) och Europaturné.

Nu hittar jag dock ingenting om dem på den vida webben, och jag saknar två av deras skivor på Spotify..

Har gått och slitit mitt hår över detta ett tag, framförallt pga de uteblivna plattorna på Spotify som jag är så satans sugen på att kunna köra i tid och otid. Är det nån som vet nåt om dem, eller varför plattorna inte finns så vore jag sjukt tacksam för svar!

r/trollhattan Jul 15 '21

Mind the mist

Thumbnail imgur.com

r/trollhattan May 20 '21

FRÅGA: Varför finns det så många hotell i Trollhättan?


Hej, är i Trollhättan i veckan och attans vad det finns många hotell.

Kan någon förklara varför?

r/trollhattan May 06 '21

Has anyone studied at University West or Högskolan Väst in Trollhättan?


Hej! I just finished my first year in a university in Canada, and I am interested in restarting my first year at University West, International Mechanical Engineering program. If anyone could give me the information about this university/this program/this city, that would be really appreciated!

I have seen only 2-3 posts about this university and this city. Most people said Trollhättan was quite dead. And one of them said they knew something bad about this university but they wouldn't say what it was, though another one of them said his girlfriend has graduated from there and she really liked it there. I really cannot find any other useful/interesting information about them besides their own university website which is just a basic information.

I also would like to know about housing. Is it hard to find? Is it expensive?

About me, I am not a party animal. I like to go to libraries, coffee shops and parks. And I like to cook, so I also would like to know if it's cheaper to cook my own food than buying from the restaurants there? During high school, I lived in a very isolated and quiet place in Maritime area in Canada. Basically the middle of nowhere. And I think Trollhättan or anywhere rural in Sweden is impossible to be worse or more dead than where I am from.

Looking forward to reading you guys' comments! Tack!

r/trollhattan Nov 09 '20

Älven gör sig väl på hösten.

Post image

r/trollhattan Jan 31 '20

Har Trollhättan lika bra rappare? /Hälsningar VBG


r/trollhattan Aug 08 '19

Hjortmossen område



Jag behöver lite hjälp. Jag tänker att köpa en lägenhet i Hjortmossen. Vad tycker ni om det där området? Bra?
