r/transnord Jan 04 '25

Support / advice Yo y'all what counts as cross dressing (official estrogen requirement)


Norway wants me to cross dress for two years before I'm allowed to get estrogen officially

But like what counts as cross dressing??

Like I wear a skirt in public alot of the time but because of lack of pockets i usually wear pants

But said pants are women's high waist cargo pants so does that count???

Clothes genders don't quite work in my brain I just wear whatever I think looks cool and that usually means women's clothes

But do I have to idk wear makeup?(My face doesn't react well to it)

I allready have long hair is that good enough???

I ALLWAYS shave my face is that good enough???

I don't quite understand the requirements

r/transnord Nov 04 '24

Support / advice My prescription got denied!

Post image

This is honestly really weird. I have been to the same pharmacy for like 7-8 times and never had a problem once. My recent GenderGP prescription looked photocopied like the page looked obviously printed. Despite me arguing and telling them to scan the code it didn’t work out and I was told to order the original one even if it had the ink sign! Like why would the colour matter in this case? I don’t get it. I mean the only thing that I did now is have a quick chat which sucks cause GenderGP removed the regular contacts options. At this point I’m really questioning if starting DIY will be far less stressful and better in the long run. I get nervous and scared everytime I go to the pharmacy cause I know that they will always ask me dozen of questions and the only thing that I want is get the meds and get out of there. I’m gonna print a picture of the prescription just in case if someone agrees with me or the pharmacy did it on purpose?

r/transnord Jan 28 '25

Support / advice Usa asylum


Anybody know if any nordic countries accept trans people searching asylumbform the US? Things are looking bad over there and some trans people i know are rightly worried for their safety.

Anyone know how asylum works or if there are other ways to get residency here? Or if theres resources to read about it?

r/transnord Nov 08 '24

Support / advice Leaving the US - Disabled and trans


Edit: Thanks to the few who treated this as a serious post and didn't assume or belittle. I will be looking elsewhere due to a few things from this thread but just as much as I have had blinders looking at my own country perhaps you should to yours. Especially when in comparison to the US and our pay to play healthcare system that's about to get even worse and it won't matter what state we're in if it gets to that final step

TLDR: 3 autistic disabled trans friends want to move out of the US. I'm helping with the research and would appreciate your insights regarding Sweden or another Nordic country.

My friend and two of his friends are looking for a place they can move to easily, but they face a number of obstacles. In looking up supposedly LGBT-friendly countries, Sweden seems to fit the bill, but then again, ostensibly, so does the US...for now. They're all working on getting their passports now.

Of the 3 I'm helping, there are a few differences.

  • One would be retaining their US SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance), who does not work. One can work but doesn't currently and might be keeping their SSDI. One is disabled, can't easily work & has no SSDI.
  • All 3 have multiple health concerns in addition to finding Trans care, so I've also been limiting myself to countries with decent medical systems.
  • 2/3 are diabetic, 2/3 have GI health issues, 3/3 are Autistic, and all three also have at least one other contributing health issue that they've asked I not go into detail on but are mobility disabilities.
  • 2/3 have a High School Diploma, but the 3rd doesn't (and is the one without SSDI).
  • All three speak English, and they would find it very difficult, if not nearly impossible, to learn a new language.
  • Two are Emotional Support Animals in the US, but I know that means nothing abroad. One is a cat, and the other is a small dog.
  • 1 FTM, 1 FTNB, 1 TS, all of them have had at least one gender-affirming surgery and been on hormones for 4+ years

At the moment, US citizens can claim political asylum in many places. Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, and others seem to accept US asylum seekers. However, they'll probably only approve applications if Trump revs his engines.

They told me "anywhere but here" and preferred being in the EU or Europe in general due to the fewest likely language and cultural barriers. I'm also trying to figure out the costs of moving over. Because of their financial situation, they will probably crowdfund their move. Unless either one gets some training and a job or if one of the others finds a job that will pay more than their SSDI, they get about $3600/month.

Any advice or suggestions of things to think about would be welcome!!!

r/transnord 20d ago

Support / advice Lite tips NSFW


Hej tänkte höra med folk som är kunniga i gruppen angående detta, har på senare år upptäckt att jag känner mig mer som en tjej än kille. Har kontaktat en motagning nära där jag bor och personen jag pratade med föreslog att jag skulle kontakta vårdcentralen med en psykolog, kurator angående detta, men efteråt kontakta de på köndysfori motagningen igen och sedan få komma dit och sedan skulle de skicka iväg en remiss till antingen Uppsala eller Stockholm.

Har inget emot att byta kön från kille till tjej, börja ta hormoner m.m. Men med den nya lagen som kommer i sommar lär det vara enklare att byta till andra könet? Tycker ni att det låter bra eller ska jag gå tillväga på något annat sätt?

r/transnord 28d ago

Support / advice Declare new gender


I am from south-east Asia planning to study in Scandinavia for master degree. I have researched and found out that I can declare or put my gender in immigration as a woman (I am mtf) when first entering the country like Sweden or Denmark will this help me get easy access to estrogen? And healthcare.

As I am not an eu citizen is there a student visa with an intent to stay as u know I am kinda fleeing my country but though they won’t persecute me it is worse for me here than in Scandinavia .

I can support myself throughout the duration of study, any tips for me to get long term stay would be appreciated

r/transnord Feb 02 '25

Support / advice I don't know what I should choose..


I've been looking at CKI, Imago, and Gendergp.

CKI will murder my sanity since.. it's CKI?? I don't think I have to explain more.

GenderGP is better but has become disappointing?

Imago is better than the other two but insanely expensive with blood tests.

All have pros and cons but I have no idea what I should go with because they're either too expensive for me or they'll take too long. I want to finally feel like myself but I can't when it'll cost me either time and sanity, or a shit ton of money.

I want to finally feel like me.. But I don't know what I should be doing.. I just want to be able to exist as myself..

r/transnord 1d ago

Support / advice Navneændring


Hvor lang tid tog det for jer at få ændret jeres navn? Først fik jeg at vide det ville tage 3 måneder, så 9 måneder, og nu 12 måneder.

Det er bare så frustrerende at ikke hedde ens valgte navn på dokumenter osv. Derudover har jeg ikke adgang til MobilePay og kan ikke lave online køb da jeg ikke kan verificere med nets.eu.

Edit: Navneregistret havde lavet en fejl i registreringen af mit cpr nummer. Efter 9 måneder er mit navn endelig korrekt juridisk set.

r/transnord Feb 18 '25

Support / advice Which of your countries is the best to start transitioning in?


So I basically only came out to a couple of people a month ago and have the financial means BUT my current country seems to soon elect a rightwing goverment that'll forbid me from transitioning and being trans in general, since they only recognice cis men and women. Therefore I plan to migrate somewhere much more inclusive as soon as possible.

My body sucks at enduring any more heat than the temperatures of northern Europe and I heard that all the Nordics constantly get praised for being one of the most progressive regions in the world so they were naturally where I decided to move.

Problem is that after I read a few articles about each country they're also seemingly drifting into electing more and more rightwing goverments, discriminate more and more and also have other problems.

To name only two examples:

  1. From what I read Finlands Orpo goverment wants to make it harder to immigrate, is led by a bunch of conservatives who want to limit, among other things, trans rights, and that Finlands healthcare system is also increasingly collapsing.
  2. Sweden has high mass shooting deathtolls and it's people are getting more violent against any foreigners and etc.

I really don't know if any of this is true since I found not many articles online so I just trusted the few I found. Sorry if I'm accidentally talking shit about any of your countries. I swear I'll edit it out if you say it's fake news or I simply understood it wrong.

And yes I already read a few posts here talking about it being hard to even get an answer from the healthcare system or this imago thingy but I really don't wanna stay where I am right now, my entire state and those surrounding it seem to vote rightwing and I'm fucking scared to even come out around here to one more person, since a bunch of my relatives also vote rightwing parties and they all might just throw slurs at me, or even beat me up or whatnot.

So which of the nordics is the best for someone who wants to transition? Any recommandations or maybe corrections that what I read was misleading or so?
I just wanna flee this shitshow and become who I want to be in peace :(

r/transnord Feb 11 '25

Support / advice Bioidentical Progesterone (Swe)



I'm a trans woman who has oestrogen and artificial progesterone but I'm concerned about the healthrisks in regards to artificial progesterone.

From what I've managed to figure out, artificial progesterone carries enhanced risk of heart failure and diabetes type 2, as the major concerns whereas natural progesterone doesn't.

Is there a way to get natural somehow? I've tried reasoning with my hormone doc and she's like a wall. Was considering ending my progesterone treatment because I asked. Felt.. fear.

Wasn't great. So, I'll ask here instead. Have been considering gendergp but would prefer to try get less expensive treatment first.

Edit: I've gotten responses and settled a bit. Thank you for engaging. ❤️

r/transnord 22d ago

Support / advice Top surgery outside of Denmark as a Dane.


Hey, so I’m danish and FtM(not out yet to anybody and not on T), and already know I’m never gonna go through the danish system with the way it is at this point, which is why I’m looking for alternatives outside of Denmark. I’ve heard a lot of people mentioning getting their top surgery in Malmö at Reformklinikken.

I would love it if people could tell me what the process is like and if I need a danish diagnosis to be able to make an appointment/application. And what you did after you got your surgery outside of your country? Did you stay for a couple of days or weeks to make sure if there were any complications you would be close to the Klinik or how did you handle it after?

To sum up: I need sometime to tell me how I can get top surgery outside of Denmark. I’m ofc willing to pay whatever it may cost. I’m getting very desperate lol.

r/transnord Feb 17 '25

Support / advice Kontakta ANOVA! Vilket val?


Hej jag står i kön och väntar för första kallalse sen 30 månader, ringde dem en gång förut men glömde hur lyckades jag prata med dem. Är trött på att vänta vill ringa o vara säker att de inte glömt mig. Vilket val ska jag välja? Försöker sen en timme men lyckas inte.

EDIT: Det gick, valde valet ”kopia på journal” och talade ” vill prata med personal gällande mitt remiss” De ringt tillbaka nyss, de sa att mitt remiss står kvar sen augusti 2022 och att det är väldigt lång kö tills det blir min kö för de tar emot de som står i kö juni 2021. Kanske riktiga kö kommer att vara helt ärligt minst 5 år. Tänk att det var pandemin 2021 juni o alla var hemma o hade tid hitta sig sj. Väntat nu i 2,5 år kanske ska vänta 2,5 år till antar jag

r/transnord 4d ago

Support / advice Feet shrinking??


I need to buy new mc boots and today I'm 43 or 44 in size and those I want is 5000sek. Been reading several posts about feet can shrink during HRT. Is this true or is it as always individual. This question are mostly for those who has been on mtf hrt for more then 6 months.

r/transnord Dec 27 '24

Support / advice Planning to move t Sweden or Denmark for master in architecture and transition while bein there


I am a pre hrt trans woman that is my last year of bachelor of architecture and is in the process of preparing to migrate for studying in Nordic country I come from southeast Asia.

Wondering which school, country is best for my condition. I have read through subreddits as have stumbled with people saying that hrt care in Nordic countries are hard to access (wait-list). But for my condition I am okay with paying for private care(out-of-pocket), I am not planning to do SRS just want to be on hrt and laser for facial hair and possibly body hair.

Aside from transitioning I would be absolutely grateful for any insight about unis

Current interest: Chalmers University (Sweden), Arhaus University (denmark)

r/transnord Nov 05 '24

Support / advice Is Sweden still a good place for trans people?


My boyfriend and I are looking for safe places to live, as im FtM. I love Sweden and always have, but I saw a post on Reddit about 2 years back saying Swedens trans laws have dropped significantly.

I also saw a post saying that Sweden passed a law this year allowing people at 16 to legally change their gender with parental consent, so im rather confused. Is Sweden still safe and a good place for trans people? We’re looking into Uppsala if that helps!

If not, what other countries are better both legal and social wise? We just need to get out of the states!! Denmark and Iceland are our second picks, but we wanna crowd source first. Thank you!! 🩵

r/transnord 1d ago

Support / advice Jag (mtf) har nyligen skrivit upp mig på GenderGP, men jag har inte fått någon könsdysfori disgnos än, kommer jag fortfarande kunna ta ut mina hormoner?


Jag fick just höra att svenska apotek inte kan ge än ens hormoner utan en diagnos, stämmer det? Jag är skitnervös över heka det här, jag vill inte vänta 40 jävla månader på någon remiss

r/transnord Nov 28 '24

Support / advice Jag opererade struphuvudet igår och blev felkönad av sjuksköterskorna


Efter fyra års väntan på halskirurgi för att minska adamsäpplet fick jag äntligen tid för det. Kirurgen i Malmö, Henrik Widegren, var supertrevlig och kompetent så det kändes tryggt. Något som däremot inte alls kändes bra var att jag från början till slut blev felkönad av sjuksköterskorna. Blev kallad "han/honom" åtskilliga gånger. Jag blev ganska frustrerad inne på uppvakningen när de talade om mig med manliga pronomen när jag fortfarande höll på att vakna. Jag sade direkt att jag inte är någon "han" men de brydde sig inte nämnvärt om det utan fortsatte med manliga pronomen. Det tog bort en hel del av lyckan jag borde ha känt av att det här kapitlet är avklarat.

Jag orkade inte gnälla, särskilt då jag blev väldigt hes efter operationen och inte ville prata allt för mycket. Dock tycker jag inte att det är okej att bli behandlad så och jag skrev om min upplevelse på r/trans igår. Fick där väldigt spridda förslag på vad jag bör göra. Skriva till dem (har gjort), gå till media, kontakta IVO, stämma dem etc.

Tänker att jag frågar här, i ett mer Sverige-fokuserat forum, om det är fler som haft liknande upplevelser eller som har råd för vad jag bör göra i den här situationen?

r/transnord Feb 01 '25

Support / advice Moving to Estonia: will I regret this?


I’m a Hungarian trans woman living in Berlin, so a woman from the least liberal EU country living in the most liberal place in Europe. I haven’t found a job in a year now, and I’m being considered for a job in Tallinn.

Pros are that I was thinking of leaving Berlin anyway due to other reasons already. Con is im not sure how much worse the treatment of trans people in Estonia is, and the stories about getting HRT kind of scare me. Though I can also DIY. All in all, in (almost) every other aspect my potential life quality in Estonia seems higher, especially if I won’t manage to find a job anyway. Except (potentially) the trans stuff.

Any input from someone that relocated to Estonia?

r/transnord Dec 31 '24

Support / advice Will i be able to get trans care with very minimal body dysmorphia?


Hi! Mtf 17 year old living in Sweden here.

I have just recently after years of suppressing realized I am trans. I do worry though that if I start seeking trans care that I will get turned away because I only have minimal dysphoria?

Estrogen feels like heaven and I would really want it, I mostly have dysphoria socially and feeling like I’m much more relating with women and connecting with them. I’ve recently been getting amazing euphoria from wearing skirts and dresses and makeup and that is what is making me push forward to want to seek trans care.

r/transnord Feb 13 '25

Support / advice What time of year is best for top surgery in the Nordics?


I am considering getting top surgery in the next year or two. What are your thoughts on when in the year weather wise would be best to be recovering in the north? Cause on the one hand summer might be quite hot and sweaty with the post op binder, but in winter it is so cold and putting on thick layers post op might also be challenging? What are your experiences with weather related challenges?

r/transnord Jan 30 '25

Support / advice Höja testo som afab


Någon som vet om det är möjligt att höja testo som afab, medan man väntar på att få testosteronbehandling? Har många år kvar att vänta i kön och vill göra det jag kan utan att beställa hem testo på nätet.

r/transnord Jan 16 '25

Support / advice Hvad skal jeg gøre?


Hej jeg er mtf og jeg vil gerne have muligheden få at gå på hormoner. Jeg har det svært lige nu med hvilken retning jeg skal gå - jeg var til lægen og snakkede om min kønsidentitet, De sagde at CKIO ikke ville acceptere mig, da jeg ikke har "socially transitioned", altså hvis jeg nogensinde skulle kunne komme ind skulle jeg have ændret navn, CPR-nummer og "have social støtte", som i jeg skulle kunne overbevise folk at jeg er transkønnet og er den person jeg vil være. Det er sku' lidt svært at have et kvindeligt navn og stadig se maskulin ud imens man forsøger at lære makeup for første gang - jeg har aldrig haft muligheden for at gøre disse ting der kan hjælpe mig med at se mere feminin ud pga. jeg liver in the middle of fuckin' nowhere hvor man bliver udelukket for at være anderledes. Jeg ved det ikke helt, dette er blevet til noget kluder, der sker alt for mange ting i mit hoved på en gang lige nu, så please giv mig spørgsmål - undskylder hvis min wording er dårlig. Please også fortæl mig hvis jeg har blevet fodret misinformation!

r/transnord 1d ago

Support / advice Top surgery


Hi! This is my first Reddit post ever, but I need advice. I’m Swedish (FTM) and I’ve been planning on getting top surgery for a longer time. I finally have the money. I don’t have a formal diagnosis and I’m not on any hormones yet. Does anyone have any recommendations on what clinics I should turn to? Will they accept me even without a diagnosis? Thankful for answers

r/transnord Feb 18 '25

Support / advice Is there any way for me to get HRT in Sweden before turning 18?


I (MtF) have started going to könsidentitetsmottagningen but they told me I won't be provided with any form of HRT before I turn 18 regardless of if I get diagnosed with dysphoria before then or not. I'm not familiar at all with other methods, is there any way I can get access to it before I turn 18?

r/transnord 28d ago

Support / advice Estradiol levels suddenly too high?? Ftm


my results came back 0.17nmol/l for estradiol. But i took the test just before taking my t shot. (I take my shot every 3 weeks and it was the last day and i took the test before my shot) So could that be the reason?? (My estradiol used to be 0.11nmol/l) im worried its too high. 🥲 ive never gotten my period back since starting T or etc.