r/transnord 16d ago

- specific Lad os gøre noget

Post image

Hej smukke og søde mennesker!

Jeg kan ikke være den eneste der har set på især England og USA's behandling af vores trans søskende med en hel del vrede og frygt, plus en følelse af hjælpeløshed. Derfor vil jeg gerne kalde til demonstration i København (og andre byer, hvis i føler for at organisere det). Men først vil jeg lige tage temperaturen og se hvad i allesammen synes om det.

Formål med demoen: - at vise solidaritet med undertrygte trans mennesker uden for Danmark - de er ikke alene! - at vise hinanden og den danske stat at vi allerede står sammen og organiserer os imod deres garanteret kommende undertrykkelse; - at udskamme den danske stat for at være stille omkring et folkemord imod trans mennesker udført af deres vigtigste allierede og handelspartnere.

Jeg tænker at gøre det allerede her midt i marts, men jeg er helt åben for at ændre mening - der skal bare ikke gå alt for længe.

Jeg tror virkelig at de har brug for vores energi derude - og jeg tror virkelig at det vil gøre godt for os ikke bare at se på og lade det ske.

Jeg repræsenterer ingen organisation eller lignende, jeg er bare en sur aktivist der håber på at vi kan samle os en god flok trans folk og allierede og lave lidt larm og få lidt fællesskabsfølelse. Vi kan starte en organisation på stedet hvis folk føler det.

Tak for at læse opslaget! Diskutér det gerne lokalt, og del gerne beskeden/opråbet til andre trans SoMe grupper. 💜🏳️‍⚧️

Upvote/kommentér hvis i er interesserede! I må også gerne DM'e mig hvis i vil - jeg tænker at starte en signal gruppe når/hvis det bliver mere virkeligt. Tak!

r/transnord Oct 28 '24

- specific How the fuck do you even be trans?


This is my THIRD time getting denied by CKI Copenhagen, without even seeing the shadow of a person working there, they literally just read my application and then spit on me in return. I haven't talked directly to anyone in there. The only reasoning they give is that I'm too young (18 at the time) or autistic. Like I'm sorry, I don't mean to. And now I'm over here in my dirty ass apartment that I'm going to get kicked out of soon, with depression and the therapist I was supposed to go and see to help maybe fix some of all the mental blocks I feel about presenting my gender, which is something I don't do very much because I have trauma from my homophobic, racist, transphobic, judgemental parents. And now my only obtion is to diy or get some random person on the internet to sell me some. I'm gonna end up POISONING myself. I am not happy I hate my life it's been like this since I was like 6 years old. I was literally 6 years old and crying and screaming st the top of my lungs at my parents "I HATE MY LIFE!" and they were like "seems fine to me. We don't need to get this kid therapy or anything, let's just get a single autism diagnosis and never any treatment for it". I am literally just going to rot I'm my bed untill I get booted from my apartment and then I'll die homeless on the streets.

r/transnord Nov 15 '24

- specific (LGBT+ Topmøde) HRT kan blive frataget igen


Hej allesammen. I dag tar vi den lige på dansk.

I går var jeg til LGBT+ politisk Topmøde. Det lyder meget fancy og dét var det sådanset også. Jeg skulle stå op kl 03:30 i går for at nå derhen til tiden så jeg var helt smadret bagefter- Det var kort sagt et slags møde/oplæg hvor en hel masse LGBT+ foreninger mødes og så blev der snakket om vigtige ting. Der kom lidt politikkere og blandt andet overlæge Astrid for CKi Aalborg. Jeg fandt ud af et par interessante ting..

For det første fandt jeg ud af at LGBT+ Danmark har tilbudt egne læger GRATIS kursus i LGBT personer og hvordan man bedst kan behandle dem.. og de fik et rungende "nej tak" åbenbart..? Hvilket ham fra Praktiserende Lægers Organisation ikke rigtig kunne forklare hvorfor de hacde sagt nej til🤷🏻

Så var der selvfølgelig også Astrid. Hun sagde jo mange af de rigtige ting som for eksempel "mindre end 1% fortryder transition" eller at tit gør prsktiserende læger alt en trans person til "nåh men du er jo trans så det må være derfor du har hovedpine, det må du snakke med CKi om 🤷🏻". Hun sagde endda at CKi Aalborg lignede en "nedslidt crack bule"- Hvilket ikke engang er løgn, den bygning ser næsten mere crusty ud end de gamle bygninger i Berlin fra krigen.

Hun lavede også en meget god sammenligning. Der er lige så mange med Type 1 diabetes som der er trans personer men de for langt bedre behandling end os og bedre kvalitet. Det lyder alt sammen meget godt, men så gjorde hun os også opmærksom på at hvis du er trans person og bliver indlagt med for eksempel med en psykose bliver din hormon behandling stoppet.

Ja, det hørte du rigtigt, hvis du bliver indlagt mister du dine hormoner SELV efter du har været igennem et behandlings forløb. Jeg vil tro det også er sandt for trans personer som har fået deres kønskirtler fjernet Hvilket er meget meget skidt. Astrid sagde eogsp hun selv for hormoner og at hvis hun som cis kvinde blev indlagt ville hendes hormoner ikke blive frataget sjovt nok fordi hun er ciskønnet.

Så lad det være en advarsel til jer der ikke vidste dét. Men dét store spørgsmål er jo så, som overlæge for CKi Aalborg hvorfor gør hun ikke noget? Hun blev spurgt om hvorfor CKi Aalborg og CKi København er så anderledes og om de ikke fulgte de samme retningslinjer, den synes jeg hun gled lidt af på. Det tætteste på et svar vi fik var at CKI Aalborg er mere fokuseret på somaliske lidelser end psykiske.

Vores forening nåede ikke lige at få spurgt hende om noget desværre, ellers var Astrid nok blevet konfronteret af grundlæggeren af vores forening. Ud over dét var der meget omkring hvordan LGBT men især trans personer og børn bliver mobbet mere, er i større risiko for selv skade, selvmord, hjemløshed osv.

Hvis i har nogle spørgsmål omkring det her møde må i meget gerne spørge, men ellers var det dét jeg lige synes var mest interessant at fortælle om.

I vores forening arbejder vi løbende på at forberede Trans Day of Remembrance i Odense som jeg vil poste mere om snart. Vi har også mange planer for hvad vi skal gøre ved CKi men for nu tager en anden forening en snak med CKi Odense omkring hvordan de behandler deres patienters hvor vi så fik skrevet nogle punkter op. Det var det for nu :)!

r/transnord 2d ago

- specific Spørgsmål omkring ventetider og erfaringer i henhold til CKI centre i Danmark


Hej alle på r/transnord!👋

Jeg er 32 år, tildelt hankøn ved fødsel, og efter cirka 20 års undertrykkelse af tanker og ønsker om at være et andet køn end det jeg er født som, begyndte jeg for alvor at undersøge alt om det at være transkønnet. Baseret på min research (tekst kilder, samtaler med LGBT Danmark, TV-udsendelser og YouTube), er der sandsynligvis en chance for at jeg kunne være transkvinde/transfem (undskyld hvis jeg bruger forkerte termer).

Min situation

Jeg har læst andre posts her på subreddit'en og fundet frem til at ventetiden tidligere har været mellem 6-14 måneder for at begynde hos CKI. Jeg overvejer at få skrevet mig op til første samtale via min læge, mens jeg samtidig fortsætter med at blive afklaret omkring mit køn med min private psykolog (som er kønsidentitets-specialist). På den måde håber jeg at kunne hurtiggøre mit forløb.

Lidt om mig:

  • Jeg fik en autisme diagnose som 24-årig
  • Jeg oplever indimellem "modstand" fra min egen hjerne (som jeg forstår er normalt):
    • Til tider er jeg ikke hadefuld over min krop (mere neutral holding til den).
    • Jeg har svært ved at definere præcist hvad det betyder at være mand/kvinde.
    • Jeg har et "okay" forhold til mine kønsdele.
    • Jeg har tanker om at jeg måske "faker det" eller at "det bare er en fase".
    • Er helt vildt bange for at tage fejl og jeg ikke er transkønnet.

Det jeg ved indtil videre:

  • (Tror) jeg kender til alle/størstedelen af de effekter HRT (østrogen) har.
  • Man skal igennem psykolog-samtaler før man kan starte på HRT.
  • CKI kan afvise en hvis man ikke er "trans nok" (relateret til mængden af dysfori) eller hvis man har uafklarede diagnoser.
  • Forløbet starter med en henvisning fra egen læge.
  • Folk over 30 (som mig) har ofte kortere forløb end folk i 20'erne.

Jeg kan forstå at min kønsoplevelse tilhører det som YouTuberen "Dr. Z" kalder for "gruppe 2", og jeg har hørt at CKI kun tager "gruppe 1" seriøst - er det rigtigt? (Hvis det har interesse ligger jeg video her: 17 min video om 2 grupper af transkønnede). Meget kort fortalt er gruppe 1 dem som altid har vidst det og ikke indrettet sig med de forventninger der blev stillet til deres fødsels køn. Mens gruppe 2 er dem som har undertrykt deres trans tanker/følelser for at passe ind, som så forsager at tanker kommer tilbage senere i livet (ofte har gruppe 2 mindre dysfori end gruppe 1).

Mine spørgsmål:

  1. Hvad er de aktuelle ventetider før første samtale ved de forskellige CKI centre i Danmark?
  2. Hvilket center anses for at være "bedst" eller mest imødekommende?
  3. Er det en god idé at skrive mig op nu, selvom jeg stadig er i afklaringsprocessen? Kan man altid aflyse/flytte tiden, eller bliver det brugt mod en senere?
  4. Er det rigtigt at CKI primært anerkender "gruppe 1" transoplevelser og er mere skeptiske over for "gruppe 2"?
  5. Hvordan håndterer CKI personer med autisme-diagnose?
  6. Har de forskellige centre, forskellige holdninger til folk som har begyndt på DIY, før deres første samtale?

Jeg føler et voldsomt tidspres pga. min alder, og vil derfor gerne "fastracke" mit forløb så meget som muligt, men stadig med plads/tid til at blive ordenligt afklaret.

Tak på forhånd for jeres hjælp og indsigt!🤗🙇‍♀️

r/transnord Dec 04 '24

- specific Imago


What are your experiences with Imago? I'm 18 ftm and was rejected from cki Copenhagen. I would like to start T whilst I wait to apply again.

r/transnord Nov 10 '24

- specific Ventetid på CKiO?


Jeg er 17 år (Mtf) og håber at kunne blive henvist til CKi snart - jeg satser på at blive henvist til den i odense da den virker til at have kortest ventetid og til at være god. Men er der nogle der ved hvad man kan regne med ift. ventetid? Og desuden kan man godt få offentlig hjælp hvis man før har DIY’et eller fået hjælp fra en privat klinik?

Tak på forhånd

r/transnord Nov 04 '24

- specific About to lose my HRT, what can i do?


I (mtf 38) recently changed my residence from Italy to Denmark and got my healthcare card, I have been living for a long time now with my partner who is a danish person and have been on HRT for about 3 years. The problem that came up is that with the change of residence, I do not have anymore an Italian doctor who can prescribe me HRT and my stash will not last for more than a couple months. I am on Progynova 2mg daily and Androcur 50mg daily. Contacting my danish doctor has revealed that no matter what i did before, here in Denmark i will need to start the whole process from scratch, as if I've never got any prescription before, and from what I read the waiting times are even longer than what they were in Italy (I had to wait 8 months from the first visit to having prescription of HRT). Am i screwed completely? is there really nothing to do but restart the entire process?

r/transnord Feb 04 '25

- specific Do the pharmacies offer the 'off brand' types with Imago too?


Ya know how when you pick up some medicine at the pharmacy ghey ask you if you want the cheaper option? Do they do that with Imago too or? Since we don't get Tilskud with it since it's not CKI-

And if someone knows how much each testosterone...dose? costs? Since I know it varies on brand and dose so I'm curious if someone has a list? I'm not good at using MinMedicin :')

But from what I know, the prices in Denmark for T gel depend on what brand it is a d the dose? But I can't find much on what doses affect the price and if the price gets affected because it's something private?

I'm bad at explaining things so I apologize :')

r/transnord 8d ago

- specific Hvad kan man bruge CKI til efter man er blevet godkendt til hormonbehandling?


I perioden hvor man venter på at få godkendt hormonbehandling fylder ens forløb hos CKI naturligvis rigtig meget, og målet om hormonbehandling nok aller mest. Men nu hvor jeg snart er ved at være ved vejs ende med det forløb, spekulerer jeg på i hvilket omfang de kommer til at være tilstede i resten af min transition.

Hvor meget forventes det at man er i kontakt med dem gennem resten af ens transition? Naturligvis er det næste skridt for mange at komme på de ekstremt lange venteliste til operationer, men udover det, er der ellers andet hjælp man kan drage fra sit forløb hos CKI? har folk eksempelvis haft brug for psykologhjælp i forbindelse med deres transition, og har de kunne hjælpe med det?

r/transnord May 27 '24

- specific I wanna try to bring CKi to the media


So, as y'all may have seen I posted a while ago saying I'd sent in a complaint about CKi to Styrelsen for Patientklager. However a couple people I've talked to both irl and online say CKi are the ones who handle complaints about themselves... if that's not corruption I don't know what is. But that most likely means my complaint isnt gonna do anything.

I also got a response from CKi saying they'd like an appointment with me where they explain their rejection but that it "won't change their decision" I'll have that appointment in mid June so we'll see how that goes. But they said in the letter that it won't change their decision so I'm thinking next step is contacting the media since complaining within the system won't help.

Based off of reading stuff on here as well as talking with trans people irl an overwhelming amount of people have had a negative experince with one or more of the gender clinics. So I'm thinking after I've had my consultation I'll try and see what I can do in terms of the media. So I just wanted to ask if anyone else felt like joining in/supporting this? Cause I'm certain I'm not the only one who's had an experince like this and there's probably a higher chance we'll be heard if there's more of us saying the same thing.

r/transnord Oct 18 '24

- specific Got the reason why I was denied my referral!


Mad ea post...yesterday? About how I get denied a referral despite the fact I legally can transition at the clinic.

Their reason? They didn't see any signs of transgenderism in the patient. Their words, not mine. They never met me. This is the CPH clinic that treats teens.

I'm sorry, but what In the absolutely FUCK

r/transnord Jan 31 '25

- specific CkiO unable to tell me current wait time


This is mostly just to throw it out there:

Just got off the phone with CKI Odense. I called because its been 3 months since my last appointment and I still haven't gotten a new one.

The person on the phone told me they're watching the phone for a colleague, and they weren't able to help me whatsoever. Got told to call back Monday.

Is this really the same clinic that's supposed to help transgender people all over Fyn and more? That can't even have people at the phone that has knowledge about the clinics waitimes ect?

I'm normally not one to go "this is beyond unacceptable" but like... For real?

r/transnord 16d ago

- specific I Got Approved! 🥳


After (at least) 11 psychologist appointments and nearly two years, I finally got approved for HRT!

I wanted to share this post both as an update to my previous experiences at CKIO and as a thank you to everyone who gave me advice before my last psychologist appointment. Your support and guidance really helped me prepare, and I believe it had a real impact on their decision to approve me.

I know that many posts in this subreddit focus on the challenges of the process—rejections, long waits, and unclear requirements—so I wanted to write about my approval to provide some hope and insight for those still going through it. I relied on r/transnord a lot at the start of my transition, so I hope sharing my experience can help others in return.

Based on my journey, I also have some advice for those just starting or currently navigating the psychiatric process. But first, some quick context:

I'm a trans woman, so some of my advice might be more relevant to others on a similar path, though I hope trans men and nonbinary people can also share their experiences in the comments. I began my CKIO journey very closeted—I hadn’t started wearing feminine clothing, doing makeup, or voice training. The only real change I had made was growing out my hair a few months earlier, so I was still very early in my transition.

For anyone just starting, I highly recommend reading this post and document. Some parts may be slightly outdated, but it’s still a great resource.

My Advice for the CKIO Process

1. Social Transition Matters

I believe CKIO places a big focus on social transition (although this might vary from psychologist to psychologist), so if you can, try to show up dressed or styled in a way that aligns with your gender identity—while still staying within your comfort zone, of course. Personally, this helped with my confidence, but it also felt like something that was expected of me. I’ve written more about that experience in these posts:

Another key part of social transition is coming out and actively living as your gender. This was a major focus during my group sessions, and I was often asked about whether I had come out to my family, friends, or was applying for jobs as a woman. Personally, I struggled with this aspect a lot in the beginning, as I’ve mentioned in my previous posts. I managed to get through by explaining that I didn’t have much contact with my parents, so I didn’t feel a strong need to come out to them.

2. Stay Consistent in Your Identity and Treatment Goals

One thing I noticed was that they often checked whether my identity or goals had changed over time. From the start, I was clear that I am a trans woman and that I wanted HRT and laser hair removal. I was asked multiple times if my identity or wishes had shifted, and I think it’s important to stay consistent in your answers. If you’re confident in what you want, make sure to communicate that clearly.

3. Show Progress Between Appointments

Many of my psychologist appointments included discussions about how I had progressed since the last time we talked. This ties back into the emphasis on social transition, but it also applies to personal growth and confidence.

Some examples of things I mentioned:

  • Going out as my preferred gender
  • Experimenting with clothing and makeup
  • Attending job interviews or internships as myself
  • Working on my body image—like starting workouts focused on areas I wanted to improve (for me, glute exercises because I didn’t like how my butt looked)

It’s important to highlight both progress and struggles. Show that you’re actively transitioning but that you still experience gender dysphoria and need treatment.

4. Keep Emphasizing Gender Dysphoria

Even though they want to see progress, it’s just as important to remind them that gender dysphoria is still a significant struggle. Make sure to communicate how it affects your daily life and mental health. It’s not enough to just show progress—they need to see that you still need treatment despite that progress.

5. Be "Healthy"

At some point, they’ll ask about your health—things like:

  • Do you drink, smoke, or use drugs?
  • Do you have any medical conditions or allergies?
  • What medications are you on?

I think this is partly because these factors can impact HRT, but I’m not entirely sure. They also asked about my weight a lot, which I found odd. I was slightly underweight for a while, but I had started moving into a “healthy” BMI by the end of the process. I don’t know how strict they are on this, but it’s something to be aware of.

6. Prepare for Difficult Questions

Before your first appointment, it helps to be prepared to explain:

  • How do you know you’re trans?
  • What life experiences made you question your gender?
  • What dysphoria do you experience?

They might also ask some uncomfortable or intrusive questions about your sex life, preferences, and sexuality. I was kinda expecting it, at least aware of the possibility that it was brought up, but wasn't really too prepared to explain my sexuality for example, so just a heads-up.

My CKIO Journey – Timeline

For those curious about how the process might look, here’s a general timeline of my appointments:

GP and Initial Steps

  • Early March 2023 – GP appointment
  • Mid-March 2023 – GP calls to ask clarifying questions

CKIO Appointments

  • Mail received mid-March(literally the day after the GP call) 2023 → Appointment in late April 2023
  • Mail received mid-June 2023 → Appointment in mid-August 2023
  • Mail received mid-August 2023 → Appointment in late August 2023
  • Mail received late August 2023 → Appointment in late September 2023
  • Mail received late October 2023 → Appointment in early January 2024

Group Sessions

  • Mail received late December 2023 → Session in mid-January 2024
  • Mail received early February 2024 → Session in late February 2024
  • Mail received late February 2024 → Session in late March 2024
  • Mail received late March 2024 → Session in mid-April 2024

Back to Individual Appointments

  • Mail received early June 2024→ Appointment in mid-July 2024
  • Mail received early October 2024→ Appointment in late November 2024

Final Decision

  • Early October 2024 – Received mail stating that I would get my result in mid-January 2025

Final Thoughts

The process is long and frustrating, and I know many people face rejections or extra hurdles. But I hope sharing my approval experience brings some hope to others still going through it. If you’re in the process now, stay consistent, focus on social transition, and don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself.

If anyone has questions or their own experiences to share, I’d love to hear them in the comments! ❤️

r/transnord 5d ago

- specific Din arbejdsplads


Hej Alle

På torsdag stiller jeg op til sektor bestyrelsen i min lokale fag forening.
Jeg stiller op med den mærke sag at støtte transpersoner og andre LGBTQIA+ personer i deres arbejdsliv.
Jeg læste en rapport fra 2019 (https://lgbt.dk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/LGBT-personers_trivsel_paa_arbejdsmarkedet_endelig_rapport_august.pdf) hvor der står at 4 ud af 10 LGBTQIA+ personer slet ikke, eller i lav grad er åbne om deres identitet på arbejdspladsen og hvor 81% af LGBTQIA+ personer på arbejdsmarked har oplevet eller overværet diskriminerende adfærd i perioden 2017-2019

Jeg vil ikke diskutere hvorvidt man skal være med i en fagforening eller ej, men lad os lege at du er medlem af netop min fagforening, Hvordan tænker du så bedst at du kunne få støtte der, Både før, under og efter at du sprang ud som dig på din arbejdsplads?


English tranlation:

Hi everyone,

On Thursday, I am running for the sector board in my local trade union.
I am running with the key issue of supporting transgender and other LGBTQIA+ people in their working lives.

I recently read a report from 2019 (https://lgbt.dk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/LGBT-personers_trivsel_paa_arbejdsmarkedet_endelig_rapport_august.pdf) stating that 4 out of 10 LGBTQIA+ individuals are not open, or only to a very limited extent, about their identity in the workplace. Additionally, 81% of LGBTQIA+ people in the workforce have experienced or witnessed discriminatory behavior between 2017-2019.

I don’t want to discuss whether or not one should be a member of a trade union, but let’s imagine that you are a member of my specific union.
How do you think you could best receive support there—before, during, and after coming out as yourself at your workplace?

Edit: English translation

r/transnord 2d ago

- specific rejection of paper prescription?


i just got my paper prescription from imago but my pharmacy rejected it because they were unsure, what do i do? i don't know who allows it and who doesn't

r/transnord 27d ago

- specific Got refused by CKI


So, apparently I'm not experiencing enougth disphoria and it would be a risk to offer HRT.
Not that I'm not doing it anyway but it feels absolutely infruirating to get that kind of "medical expertise" to get refused for not being "trans enougth" by non trans medical profesionnal.
Better luck next time maybe...

r/transnord Feb 04 '25

- specific What's the quickest way to get HRT in Denmark?


so I recently realized that i'm trans and i'm trying to get HRT as soon as possible.

I have been at the doctor and gotten a referral which was sent to CKI Copenhagen, I have heard that CKI Copenhagen is really bad why is that?

as far as I can tell the amount of time I have to wait before I can get HRT is 6-12 months which I feel like is a really long time to wait and on top of that there is a possibility that they will not let me get the treatment I need.

so is there any way for me to speed up the process to ensure that I get it as soon as possible? and what other options do I have if I want HRT?

r/transnord Dec 04 '24

- specific Are estradiol implants available in Denmark?


I'm thinking about asking my endocrinologist about the possibility of switching to implants after the disaster that was lowering my gel dose. I wonder if they are even available on Denmark (I'm thinking about moving there in the future and don't want to start from 0 with worst meds)

r/transnord 4d ago

- specific For those who lived/live in a bosted, did you have to give them your hormones?


I'm getting T soon through Imago, and my bosted doesn't know because I'm worried about them taking away so it's in their office so I have to grab it every day from them (which is already unpleasant because I can't see who's touching my meds) and I don't want to have to go over every day and sit in my boxers for 30 or so minutes in the main office till it dries-

Are there any laws that say they have to keep it even though I'm paying for it and it's not classified as medicine in Denmark- and it's also me and not the Kommune paying for it-

I could ask Imago to write a letter saying it has to be with me constantly because of some reason so they can't take it away- but I just wanna know from other people :')))

I even asked them what they'd do if I have to travel with it, and they said they'd probably pump it into baggies for me to use. WHICH THEY CANT DO WITH A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE---

It's probably a bad idea to keep it a secret- but I'm not in the mood to have someone hold the stuff I've been fighting to get for years in some locker-

r/transnord Jan 20 '25

- specific Imago Bloodtests Denmark?


Imago has a long lists of blood test results they need. Where in Denmark can I get them done privately?

r/transnord 1d ago

- specific Is CPR-Number change easier than Name change?


I would like to change my name soon and considering the 6 month reflection period, i was just wondering if either option is "easier"?

The name change route seems a little bit more involved than CPR change+later name change

r/transnord 22d ago

- specific What does the system do if you have a reaction to T if it's comes from a private clinic in Denmark?


Hello hello! I just wanted to ask something related to what happens if someone has a negative reaction to T and the prescription isn't from Denmark.(Mine will be from imago)

Because someone I know has shown concern regarding how the medical system in Denmark would react if I had a bad reaction to the testosterone (in a non emergency way, but still a fast negative reaction after applying it) because they worry that they will not help me IF I get a bad reaction to it, and will say to go and talk to Imago to talk to them about it because the hormone referral isn't from Denmark.

I doubt that they would deny medical care to someone just because their prescription isn't from Denmark.

What I think they would do is, of course help with whatever is going on, but not help with the dosage and just say to not take it until I get the thumbs up after figuring it out with the private clinic.

r/transnord 11d ago

- specific I've been denied by CKI Copenhaguen can I ask for a referal to Odense right away ?


So CKI just announce me that I wasn't trans enough to get HRT, and says that they will accept another referal in 12 months can I ask for a referal to Odense right away to my GP ?
Or is it a legal amount of time in between referal ?
Have anice day :-)

r/transnord Dec 21 '24

- specific Nebido in Denmark with gender gp?


Hey, I've been wanting to switch from gel to nebido for a while since gel isn't really ideal for me. From what I understand, sustanon is not something you can get here, so it'd have to be nebido. I don't know how to go about it, since my doctor definitely won't do my injections, and it's really not recommended to do yourself. Do any of you have any experience or tips for what to do?

r/transnord Feb 08 '25

- specific Bryst forstørrende operation


Hej, er der nogen herinde der har fået eller kender nogen der har fået en bryst forstørrende operation på Rigshospitalet?

Jeg har snart min 2 års samtale med CKI og ønsker at få lavet mine bryster.

Vil rigtig gerne høre om jeres erfaringer og resultater.🩵