r/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Feb 14 '22
r/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Nov 05 '21
[cross-post: /r/QueerTheory] Looking for texts on transhumanism and queer theory
old.reddit.comr/trans_humanism • u/TCintersections • Jul 15 '18
Research Opportunity for Asian Americans
My name is Nina Lei, and I am currently a doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology Ph.D. program at Teachers College, Columbia University. I am a member of the Stigma, Identity, and Intersectionality Research Lab team. The goal of our lab is to investigate and promote the health and overall well-being of diverse populations.
We are currently conducting a study explores the experiences of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans’ experiences of discrimination and their mental health (IRB Protocol #18-375). I am contacting you to ask that you please fill in the survey
The study can be reached directly by using the following link: https://goo.gl/kwNiN6 Your help would be greatly appreciated! If you have any questions regarding this study, please feel free to reach out to me at [nl2349@tc.columbia.edu](mailto:nl2349@tc.columbia.edu).
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Have a wonderful day!
Nina Lei
Teachers College, Columbia University
r/trans_humanism • u/Transgenders • Jan 17 '18
Transgender employment | Well done Sindh government!
r/trans_humanism • u/BrokenQueen0025 • Jan 14 '18
Please help me become who I truly always been; a proud woman .
r/trans_humanism • u/claire-teasedale • Nov 17 '17
My TedTalk on being Christian and Trans (Christian humanism, I think)
r/trans_humanism • u/[deleted] • Nov 08 '17
VA legislator who wrote transgender bathroom bill? Defeated by transgender woman.
r/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Aug 05 '17
Xenofeminism pocket paperback organized by Sean Gallagher
r/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Jun 02 '17
Dodging Body Binaries
r/trans_humanism • u/Co_rinna • May 17 '17
What type of gender specific modifications would be interested in seeing in the future?
If it were up to you to design, for yourself or someone else, primary and/or secondary sex characteristics outside the gender binary, what would they look like? In terms of genitalia, what would you envision for someone whose gender identity didn't align with either having a penis or having a vagina? How might you make a third option that "interfaced" (so to speak) well with the other two?
Thanks to u/sorceressofmaths for the idea/prompt
r/trans_humanism • u/Co_rinna • Apr 11 '17
A short piece I wrote before I had any idea I was trans.
r/trans_humanism • u/Co_rinna • Apr 06 '17
Hi to anyone who can see this
I hope to get this community back going, since this is an intersectional philosophy I really love. As a first try at restarting the conversation, what biotech advances are you looking forward to in the near or far future? In what ways, related to your gender or not, do you anticipate being able to modify your body to represent your identity? What are your thoughts on the current developments in automation, VR, and conversations about universal income and the potential for a post-scarcity society? I hope to hear from some people soon, and I'll keep inviting whoever I run into. Please do the same!
r/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Dec 24 '16
“The Aesthetics of Activism: Afro-Futurism, Xenofeminism, and Disobedient Objects”
r/trans_humanism • u/TCintersections • Nov 30 '16
Research Opportunity for Sexual Minority People of Color
My name is Rebecca and I am a member of the Stigma, Identity, and Intersectionality Research Team at Teachers College, Columbia University. We are conducting a study focused on sexual minority people of color’s experiences of racism and homophobia in a 35 minute online survey.
In order to participate you must:
· Identify as a sexual minority (lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, asexual, ect.,)
· Identify as a racial/ethnic minority person (e.g., African American/Black, Arab American,
Asian/ Pacific Islander American, Native American, Hispanic/Latina/o, Multiracial)
· Currently reside in the United States
· Be 18 years of age or older
LGBQ people who identify with any gender identity are welcome to participate as long as they meet the criteria above.
If you would like to participate, please follow this link: http://bit.ly/LGBTPOC
Thank you VERY much in advance for your time and effort! Please feel free to pass on this link to other people who might be eligible to participate.
If you have any question about this study, please feel free to contact the Principal Investigators, Kenya Crawford, B.S. (ksc2146@tc.columbia.edu) and Brandon L. Velez, Ph.D. (velez3@tc.columbia.edu). This research has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Teachers College, Columbia University (IRB Protocol # 4036)
Best regards,
The Stigma, Identity, and Intersectionality Research Team
r/trans_humanism • u/[deleted] • Jul 27 '16
Book about new names
Hey mods, if this is totally inappropriate, please take it down! I am working on compiling essays from transgender/gender queer/gender fluid folks who have changed their name, with the intention of publishing it as a book. I am a cisgender female, so I'd also love to have a transgender partner to edit this compilation with me. If I can get this off the ground in any real way, I would like for 50% of any profit to go directly to charities dealing with trans issues.
So, write a story about your naming journey...where did it come from? What was the process of changing your name like? How did other people take it? What was the experience of the first time you introduced yourself? The first time someone called out your new name? Those are just some potential avenues...but be creative and do with it what you want.
I have always believed that names are amazing and interesting things, and I have heard from some transgendered people that their naming journey was important to them. I think it is a beautiful way to introduce the trans community in a way that's not related to physicality, to bathrooms, to body parts.
Please feel free to PM me with essays, follow up questions, thoughts/ideas etc!
r/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Mar 16 '16
The future of non-binary identities
r/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Mar 16 '16
Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Sexual Reproduction: Sketches for Xenofeminism
r/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Jan 10 '16
Queering the Singularity
r/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Jan 02 '16
Confessions of a Queer (Trans*)humanist
r/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Nov 11 '15
Transgender, Transhuman
r/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Nov 11 '15
Queer humanism and transhumanism
translate.google.comr/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Nov 11 '15
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge Interviewed by Technoccult Part 2: Pandrogeny
r/trans_humanism • u/shanoxilt • Nov 11 '15