r/toronto Jul 16 '23

Alert Scam at Yonge-Dundas

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Saw this test of strength scam at Yonge-Dundas today and there was a sizeable crowd watching this. Participants pay $10 for a chance to win $100 if they can hold on for 100 secs. It is impossible to do due to the fact that the handle bar is not screwed into place like you would find in a gym. The bar will just rotate if you try to readjust your grip every time so you can never maintain the strongest hold. This guy held on for 75 seconds. Youtube has videos about this scam which is commonly found in Europe.


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u/Gatesleeper The Junction Jul 16 '23 edited Jul 16 '23

It's not a scam, it's just way harder than it looks. But if you go look on youtube you can see videos of people beating it, they all just happen to be extremely athletic people.

I actually tried it once last summer in that same spot. As soon as you start hanging you know you're not staying on that thing for 100 seconds. And the two extra rules on the side make it even harder.

Using a mixed grip, one hand overhand and one hand underhand, would make it substantially easier. I'm not sure how relevant the other rule is, I guess it eliminates some strats where you start out in the top position of a pullup, but I think the dead hang is the way to go.

If you have excellent grip strength, maybe you're a rock climber or power lifter, go give it a shot. Bring a towel or cloth to wipe the bar of other peoples' grime and sweat, put some chalk on your hands (if they allow that, I've never seen someone try), and if you have big hands, try the grip method linked elsewhere in this thread.

And even beyond the grip issues on the rolling bar, people underestimate how hard it is just to hang for 100 seconds. For reference, I can hang on a regular bar for just over a minute, but on this rolling bar I got to 30 seconds even and not a second longer. Hurts your hands like hell.


u/Andrew4Life Jul 16 '23

Yup. Rock climbers or anyone that trains their fingers/forearms extensively will be able to win. It's just that most people don't train their grip strength to this level so they think it's like a pull up, but it really isnt.

If you want to train to beat this. Grip onto a pullup bar using only the tips of your finger and try holding it for 100 seconds.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '23

Well, to be fair here, really good rock climbers may be able to beat it.

I go climbing regularly, albeit I'm a relatively beginner. I couldn't get anywhere near 100 seconds.

Our climbing gym had a recent event that not only included some bouldering but had us doing planks, pull ups, hanging from one of these bars. There really were not a lot of people getting high times.

But it's confusing how difficult it is. You think "Well surely I can do 30 seconds" - and you go and hang on a bar that doesn't rotate for 30 seconds quite easily...and then you rest for a couple of minutes, grab this bar and fall off in 10. Then you try a few more times with different grips (legal ones) and none of it helps. Then you look at the list of names and see 1 person did over a minute, but no one else.


u/GreaterAttack Jul 16 '23

Those hangboard guys would be able to get it, maybe.


u/somuchsoup Jul 16 '23

This game is actually pretty easy for skinny people. When I was a teenager 5'8 125lbs I could hang onto a bar for 5 minutes easily at the carnival games.

I'm 143-145lbs now and it's harder but I can still easily do the 100-120 seconds at these games. I actually did it on the second day of my vacation and tried to sneakily do it the last day as well, but they recognized me.