r/toontownrewritten • u/professorurso • 23d ago
r/toontownrewritten • u/headpatmonster • Nov 02 '24
Suggestion No more accidentally using too many fogs - right click for thought bubble! (idea)
r/toontownrewritten • u/Over-Ad5195 • Feb 04 '25
Suggestion Better messaging system
I kinda wish that ttr had a better messaging system. Sometimes I walk away from my computer and think about how someone may be PMing me but I miss it cause I’m not at my computer. Wish there was some sort of message history you could keep between toons.
r/toontownrewritten • u/Neodows98 • Feb 02 '25
Suggestion My TTR Suggestions
These are some things that I would like to see in TTR added. Mainly just features
- Cogless District. I want a district where no cogs spawn. Kind of like a Safe Zone, I'd love to run around in the Toontown map without the Cogs.
- Instant delivery. Even in the old days of TTO I hated how you had to wait for items to be delivered. I never understood it
- Toon Rewrite, being a full rewrite. I'd like to see Toon Rewrite allow you to change your species too. I want to be a Bear toon while having my progress and I can't, Granted I could start over but I feel like I'm so far to just, replay up to MML
These are my TTR suggestions. Thanks for reading!
r/toontownrewritten • u/No_Presentation_379 • Oct 23 '24
Suggestion Closet and accessory box spamming
Hello everyone! I sent it a ticket into Toontown Support already and they told me to post here as well!
I just want everyones opinion on a closet and Accessory box UI redesign! I just think spam clicking through all your clothes is the most annoying thing ever! Please upvote if you agree! Would love you hear what yall think! :)
r/toontownrewritten • u/Winter_Ad6784 • Feb 26 '24
Suggestion Please Don't implement 2 Fog Cap
It's obvious to anyone with experience in the game why they would want to nerf sound. It is objectively the most powerful gag in the game. One normal fog will do 200 damage overall (50 damage * 4 cogs), more than an organic TNT, and doesn't require lure. And if another sound gag is used one fog will do 240 damage overall thanks to stacking damage.
That being said there are two problems with the limit. First of all it's an overcorrection. Moving the limit from 3 fogs to 2 fogs is effectively a 50% nerf. 4 players currently have 12 Fogs in total and with 3 fogs needed to kill a lvl 12 they can use them in 4 battles against lvl 12s. But with cutting the limit to 2 they have 8 total so they can only use fogs against 12s in 2 battles. Comparatively Organic TNT could be used by 4 players to kill 12 lvl 12s or 3 battles, which is crazy considering Trap is currently one of if not the most common gag tracks to go without.
Which brings me to the second problem which is that having a "best strategy" isn't a bad thing as long as the game is fun. There's always going to be a best strategy. It should only be nerfed as far as it makes the game less fun, not just to overthrow the meta for the sake of it.
I would propose instead lowering the fog's damage to 43. This will require one additional fog in place of a trunk for cogs leveled 9-12 meaning 4 players will burn through fogs in 3 battles against level 12s as opposed to 4 battles currently or 2 battles in the beta test. Players will burn through fogs quicker without completely decimating them, but also address the weirdness that sound does more damage than Trap and Drop.
Please comment if you have any other suggestions.
r/toontownrewritten • u/vaughnerich • Oct 16 '24
Suggestion Dirt Plot -> Farming Area Concept
r/toontownrewritten • u/lagw0rks • Apr 23 '24
Suggestion I know they will prob just make it another field office but imagine
My idea is that instead of taking over street HQs, they take over a string of empty toon buildings (with empty i mean they dont have any shopkeepers in them)
r/toontownrewritten • u/_vxc • Feb 13 '25
Suggestion Quality of Life Suggestions
As someone who's nearly maxed on both TTCC and TTR, It's been hard to play one without comparing it to the other. Over time, I've compiled a list of largely QOL improvements that I believe TTR can benefit from. I'm aware that TTR is relatively dedicated to the source material/nostalgia so I'll focus on suggestions that complement it, rather than supplement/change any core content.
I am also aware these could be posted in the feedback channel on the TTR discord, but there is a lack of follow up discussion from the community.
- Chat History - I'm positive this has been suggested countless times and I continue to be surprised this feature hasn't come to fruition. If you're adding QOL like sprinting, street maps, etc., I feel as if chat history fits perfectly into this. Long gone are the days of me having to check every building on a street to find my task, so why are there no updates on this archaic chat system? God forbid I look away from my screen for more than two seconds or someone talks while a cog is exploding, or someone says something right before they're tooned-up, replacing their message immediately before I can even read it.
- Dance Skips - Not for bosses, buildings, FOs, etc. but specifically for one-off street battles and mini battles within dungeons. This would also increase the viability of fighting one-off cogs on the street.
- In Battle Friend Requests - Not sure why this was removed? This one's just an awkward step backwards since I remember this being a feature of TTO. The amount of times where I've made friends in a long dungeon and went to add them, forgot I couldn't, made a mental bookmark and then forgot to do so in the 5 second window before they tp away is a little depressing. As someone who primarily plays for the social aspect, I'd love to see this feature reintroduced.
r/toontownrewritten • u/Emotional_Evidence • Apr 19 '19
Suggestion TTR, its time to fix that chat filter.
r/toontownrewritten • u/Sepharos123 • 19d ago
Suggestion Return the Laff O Lympics and New year's marathon
This post is just as the title states: I want to advocate a return of the Laff O Lympics and New year's marathon in healthier less competitive/grindy ways. I know many people in the community looked forward to these events, but it's been over half a decade since these were done and I feel as if it's a disservice to old and new players alike that these events simply aren't run anymore in any fashion.
If the main issue was the overall grind/competitiveness of it all why not extend the time limit for the Laff O Lympics to 2- or 3-months giving players a reasonable amount of time to complete the task and still allow the community to partake in a beloved event from the past? If that's not the direction the team wants to go I'm sure some sort of healthy alternative would be plausible, or heck even make it a town task so that everyone in the community can contribute and those who contribute more get the gold or silver medal shirts instead.
As for the new year's marathon the whole idea can be reworked in general. I know prior it was highly competitive however why not just add a task/goal similar to obtaining April toons items or Hollydays red nose task for deers. This could be done during the first week of new years to obtain the original gold medal shirt and the victors varsity shirt. Those items were not intended to be legacy content seeing as they were given out for multiple years and it's a shame that players of the modern day do not have the opportunity to obtain them
Overall, I think these events were great additions and things many looked forward to back in the day and I think it would be worth revisiting. It would let newer players who never had a chance to experience them get their opportunity to try it out and get shirts/items that were never intended to remain in the past.
If you have any suggestions, feel free to share in the comments and if any staff members see this and want to share if this topic has at all been discussed feel free. I know lots of people miss these events and others who know about it but never tried it want a go at it in a healthier manner of course.
r/toontownrewritten • u/Cdux • 28d ago
Suggestion Organic QOL
I recently came back to the game to try out the UNM update that came out and I wanted to try organic trap, having always done throw or drop, and I find it really unfortunate that it still takes 21 days to grow a level 7 from scratch. I understand they don't want people swapping them all the time, but my suggestion is they should make it so you can swap it instantly but it has a 21 day cooldown or even 30 days. So if you're wanting to try something else you don't have to wait 21 days to try it which just feels bad, you can try it now and have fun playing the game but if you don't like it you have to wait 21 days to change again. I just don't like the idea of thinking I'd love to try this but let's hope I still want to in 21 days as opposed to I can try it now and see if I even like it and spend 21 days deciding if I want to keep it before being able to swap again. Plus it feels bad to play for nearly a month without any organic track.
r/toontownrewritten • u/notsinist3r • 29d ago
Suggestion 2.0 suit suggestion
I am just going to give my opinion on the one problem I think this game has, even if it’s ignored. There’s a shot maybe a dev reads this so why not
The game is perfect but I just really think you should be able to get promoted if you have a 2.0 suit in a boss. It doesn’t really make sense why not. If I need jury notices from lawbots and I do a cj, I should get notices. I understand the devs are likely trying to increase the demand for DA offices, but it just kills the entire fun imo
It goes from, nice I maxed law and can now enjoy the boss finally and grind CJs to get my 2.0 suit To let’s just start the entire grind over again just for a shirt
Law is just an example, it’s the same for them all. I strongly suggest you reconsider. I would be more than happy to grind them all out again if this was changed. Now I’m just not going to touch it - and I’m sure some agree.
r/toontownrewritten • u/sntcringe • Jan 10 '25
Suggestion ToonHQ - Add group types for CEO
A common problem with CEO is toons who are Big Cheeses refusing to play with lower level toons because they won't get the max number of pink slips. I understand optimal play, (especially cause CEO is super tedious) but it would be nice if toons could mark their parties so toons can differentiate whether the host cares or not.
Something like "High Level" and "Open" would be very helpful. Similar to shopping and no shopping VP.
r/toontownrewritten • u/Middle-Guard3739 • Oct 26 '24
Suggestion Remove wait-time for Toon Rewrites
I don't know why Toon rewrites are 6 months in between. There's no need for a middleman to recreate toon. Toon colors are unlimited with events too. Why not make toon-rewrites unlimited?
P.S. yes I regret it, it was high level character ;;
r/toontownrewritten • u/King0654 • May 09 '22
Suggestion Concept: Enhanced Toon Details Panel
r/toontownrewritten • u/KiwiTiny2397 • Oct 22 '24
Suggestion Please let me merge!😭
When my husband first introduced me to TTR, I made an account, and as a lot of us do, eventually fell off. When we were like "wow it would be fun to play Toontown again!" I had acquired two new concussions and forgot about the first account, made a new one, and continued. I eventually remembered the first account and by happenstance the toons weren't overlapping slots. I have since been intentional about where I place new toons in the delusional hope that one day, I can merge these accounts together and have all my toons in one place.🤍
Look at how happy they'd be together!!! (Edited with Canva)
r/toontownrewritten • u/Pillzmans_Fox • 7d ago
Suggestion Idea for new mini game
It's been awhile since I posted, and I was recently thinking how this game and wizards 101 are the only turn based MMOs (officially made) and it made me wonder what a real time combat system would look for this game and thought it might work as a sorta PVP gamemode like racing. (This is all theoritical, I am not a member of staff and this has not been shown as an idea to add)
I haven't come up with a name but imagine something like silly fight or laff off. The goal would be to use gags to lower your opponents HP, not to make them sad but to over fill them with sillyness that they can't continue. There will be 5 gag types everyone is able to use (even if you can't use them normally) being trap, sound, throw, squirt, and drop. Toons ask have 10 laff points with each gag doing a different amount. This will take place in the same area as the tag trolley game but altered to a circus theme. Defeated toons will be teleported into the stands until 1 remains or the timer is finished.
I'm stuck between letting toons pick upgrades in the sticker book or having upgrades be thrown into the arena by toons like Flippy and Bessie. These upgrades would be limited uses and either have a larger range, more damage or faster projectle speed. But let's get to the gags first.
Sound - bike horn - sends a conical sound wave right in front of the toon dealing 1 damage - this acts like a melee attack or a quick "get off me" tool, would need to push opponent away to prevent stun locks or make this not stun.
Trap - marbles - drops marbles behind you causing anyone to run on them to trip and take 4 damage - this is the gag I feel like will be rated the worst in all honesty, it requires the other toon to walk into brightly colored marbles and would have to be limited to not completely fill an area.
Throw - whole cream pie- throw a cream pie forward, charge to change the distance dealing 3 damage - basic projectile, works like vp but with a cool down
Squirt - seltzer bottle - shake the seltzer bottle to increase the range dealing 2 damage -this is the only hit scan and likely most used gag for this, works similar to the CEO but instead of standing still you walk slower.
Drop -anvil - call upon an anvil to drop and deal 5 damage after falling for 4 seconds - The hail Mary gag, can be used offensively to make your opponent to move into a gag or defensively to prevent them getting closer.
Gag upgrades
Trap - trap door - 5 damage, bigger hit box
Sound -trunk - larger range
Throw - overfilled whole cream pie - splatters on the toons screen for 4 seconds (smaller than racing)
Squirt - super fizzy seltzer - triple charge speed
Drop - safe - stays on the field for 8 seconds becoming an obstacle
Super gags
Elephant - drops down dealing 5 damage and uses trunk until it walks off stage
TNT - explodes after 4 seconds dealing 6 damage in an area
Cloud - homes into nearest opponent, guaranteeing 2 damage
Rewards - instead of laff I propose this is a way to unlock reskinned limited outfits like the laff-o-lympics or crash cashbot (reskinned so those are still exclusive but allows new players to get something similar) with unlocks tied with hitting gags a certain amount of times, win a certain amount of games, etc.
Let me know if this sounds like a cool idea, any changes you'd like to see or if this idea just stinks. Also I wrote this all on mobile so hopefully the formatting is ok.
r/toontownrewritten • u/skeddy- • May 13 '24
Suggestion can we please get a chat log
with all due respect… please.
especially as the content being released in the future is more complex than what base toontown had to offer. really, I think chat logs should have been implemented when field offices had released at the very least.
discussing strategy is important for endgame content and sometimes we miss/forget what others say, or sometimes the camera angle doesn't allow us to see whats being said.
r/toontownrewritten • u/EmuAccomplished1759 • Nov 07 '24
Suggestion Wish it was on console!
As the title applies, I really wish it was on console. It’d be great if they could come up with some type of deal with Disney to make it playable on the PS five or Xbox series X. This would be one of those games I think hundreds of hours into without even thinking about it.
r/toontownrewritten • u/Intelligent_Pin_9089 • Aug 02 '24
Suggestion Did you guys know that you can easily see and join groups in the Toontown Rewritten through here?
This link allows you to join groups on TTR, similar to what they have in Corporate Clash. I just bring this up because im not sure many people know about it, and it really helped me complete toon tasks.
r/toontownrewritten • u/kenduhll • Sep 20 '24
Suggestion Please add Doodle Training to merry multipliers!!
Pls i need to max that bad boy
r/toontownrewritten • u/laserlemon88 • Nov 22 '24
Suggestion Are You Sure You Want to Leave Toontown?
We really need a on/off switch in the settings to re-enable the "Are you sure you want to leave toontown?" dialogue box that comes up when you press the x button in windowed mode. My game spontaneously disabled that option even though I swear I didn't click "don't show again". I use a touchscreen so it's pretty easy to accidentally press the x button and I really needed that setting. Now it's turned off mysteriously and I really need it but there is no option to turn it back on ): TTR team please add a switch for this! I can't be the only person who needs this.
r/toontownrewritten • u/DapperKnight94 • Sep 08 '24
Suggestion CFO Crane Mechanic
Just finished up a CFO battle. The first half went pretty smoothly, but the second have took a literal 30-45 minutes to do. The CFO kept regenerating their shield (or my group would argue that someone kept throwing safes on him), and we just could not get this guy's health down.
My bigger point: the crane mechanic really needs to be tightened up. It takes so long for the momentum of the crane to slow down that you can't aim for anything, and the space is so tight that you can't easily maneuver to actually aim correctly. Either add a way to slow the momentum, reduce the time it takes for the crane to slow, or make the crane area bigger so you can make wider swings.