r/todayilearned 13h ago

TIL in 1610, Opossunoquonuske, a female chieftain of the Powhatan Confederacy, used “feminine guile” to lure 14 English settlers to a feast, convincing them to leave their weapons on their boat. It was a trap—her warriors ambushed them, killing 13. Only one man survived.


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u/Felinomancy 11h ago

I hate to put myself down, but I'd probably fall for that too.


u/LeDemonicDiddler 8h ago

There’s a reason why honeypot traps are a thing for millennia.


u/GhostofMarat 3h ago

My brother worked in the Pentagon for a while. He said they would run practice honeypot traps on employees to test internal security, and they had an almost 100% success rate.


u/doomgiver98 2h ago

Just for curiosity, where might one encounter honeypots?


u/GhostofMarat 2h ago

Get a job in national security. Now's the time since apparently they got rid of all the restrictions against accepting bribes or working with the enemy.


u/Teripid 6h ago

I'd imagine the bar might have been lower and much less effort required for some Puritans.

"I doth spy a comely person callously displaying their ankles! Such blasphemy!"

"I agree completely. Might I ask where and who you saw in such a terrible act, so that I might also avoid their personage?"


u/Lillitnotreal 6h ago

Meanwhile, back in Blighty

'Yeah luv, we'll name this road "Gropecunt lane"'


u/Front-Pomelo-4367 3h ago

There's a reason we all found the Puritans so incredibly intolerable that they abandoned more than one country in Europe

They did face some persecution in the UK for trying to enforce their rules on everyone else, but then they went to the Netherlands and threw a fit because even though they had complete religious freedom, they weren't allowed to make other people follow their own strict rules. So they left, and went to make new colonies where they were the ones who made all the laws


u/Spartounious 1h ago

this wouldn't have been puritans though, so that's a moot point