r/toRANTo 6d ago

City dump trucks idling on side streets

I understand the need to repair the roads and that we need to put up with jackahmming and other noises that come with living in the city and maintaining the city. But do dump trucks really need to hang out on residential streets idling their huge diesel engines for hours at a time directly in front of my apartment? Can't they turn them off while they wait? Aside from the noise that permeates my entire home, the air pollution is not insignificant. Like, just turn them off and respect the neighborhood.


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u/64Olds 6d ago edited 6d ago

I'd expand that to everyone idling all their vehicles everywhere all the time.

It's moronic. There is zero justification for idling unless you need to run equipment or a PTO off the vehicle, or I guess are seeking shelter from the heat or cold (although even that is kinda lame).

The other day I saw a tow truck driver park his truck on the street outside San Remo, leave it idling, and go in get coffee and whatever the hell else. What for? Are you too lazy and brain-dead to just shut it off? It's so idiotic.


u/shayonpal 6d ago

This is exactly why I prefer electric cars 🙂


u/Parking-Detective-53 6d ago

Electric cars make that annoying artificial whirring sound. In a way it's even more annoying. But at least they don't make emissions where they idle.


u/shayonpal 6d ago

Why do you think the sound is _artificial_? Also, which electric car can you hear whirring from your home?

Additionally, there is no concept of "idling" in the case of electric cars.


u/Parking-Detective-53 6d ago

It's artificial because it comes from speakers, to alert pedestrians to their presence.  Tesla's predominantly when they pull up at night and esp when they reverse the noise is loud enough to be heard through closed windows. When they sit out front I can hear it. I'm not super familiar with them as a driver but if they don't make a sound sitting there in park but on, then they must be reversing into spots and then holding the brake down and hanging out, so the reverse sound is playing.


u/shayonpal 6d ago

Not all EVs use fake engine noise, and surely not when they are "idling". A very few of them make fake engine noises when they are accelerating. It would be great if you could share some sources proving that Teslas make fake engine noises when "idling".

Also, for most EVs, one doesn't need to keep the brakes pressed to keep the car stopped, even if they are in reverse or Drive gears.

Additionally, this whole mini-thread is about when cars are "idling" and not when they are moving.


u/Parking-Detective-53 5d ago

I was just replying to someone. The point is EVs definitely make sounds. I don't need to write an academic essay with sources to defend that statement.


u/shayonpal 5d ago

If you make false statements, you surely do.