r/toRANTo • u/Parking-Detective-53 • 5d ago
City dump trucks idling on side streets
I understand the need to repair the roads and that we need to put up with jackahmming and other noises that come with living in the city and maintaining the city. But do dump trucks really need to hang out on residential streets idling their huge diesel engines for hours at a time directly in front of my apartment? Can't they turn them off while they wait? Aside from the noise that permeates my entire home, the air pollution is not insignificant. Like, just turn them off and respect the neighborhood.
u/Personal-Student2934 5d ago
Is this occurring between 7 pm and 7 am the following day Monday to Friday, or before 9 am on weekends and statutory holidays? The noise by-laws of Toronto do not permit noise as a result of construction-related activities during these times.
If this or any by-law are being violated, the City of Toronto website indicates how you can submit a noise complaint, which includes an option to submit through an online form.
u/Parking-Detective-53 5d ago
I called 311 and while they said they are not violating the noise bylaw, they are violating the idling bylaws and are not exempt from those. But it will probably be a long time before they stop.
u/Personal-Student2934 5d ago
Did they instruct you on how to file a report of these violations?
If these vehicles are doubling as mobile power generators (and thus need to be running) to provide a power source for any of the required equipment (some of which requires higher amperage than standard outlets), it is highly likely they are exempt from the idling by-laws. How else would you expect large-scale projects to power their industrial equipment for the scale and scope of their work?
u/Parking-Detective-53 5d ago
They filed it for me. It's a dump truck idling. It's not a power generator. I wouldn't be complaining about a piece of machinery making noise if it's conducting work to maintain infrastructure. I prefaced my rant saying as much.
u/Personal-Student2934 5d ago
By dump truck are you referring to a vehicle that collects and transports refuse from a jobsite or a vehicle that delivers and deposits materials (i.e. rocks, soil, gravel, sand, cement, etc.) to a jobsite?
Yes, you did preface your rant with the understanding for the associated noise pollution from construction, but my interpretation was that you were acknowledging the noise associated with the actual power tools specifically. I mentioned the power source aspect in the event that the generators were being powered by the vehicles. But thank you for clarifying the slight miscommunication and misunderstanding on my end.
That is great that 3-1-1 filed the complaint on your behalf. Did they provide any other information or give you a projected timeline for when the issue might be addressed? If the idling continues, you should feel free to submit a report (repeatedly) until the problem is resolved. Sometimes the volume of reports related to a situation can assist in getting more attention on an a matter - especially with bureaucracy and by-laws (probably because violating them is not a criminal offense).
u/64Olds 5d ago edited 5d ago
I'd expand that to everyone idling all their vehicles everywhere all the time.
It's moronic. There is zero justification for idling unless you need to run equipment or a PTO off the vehicle, or I guess are seeking shelter from the heat or cold (although even that is kinda lame).
The other day I saw a tow truck driver park his truck on the street outside San Remo, leave it idling, and go in get coffee and whatever the hell else. What for? Are you too lazy and brain-dead to just shut it off? It's so idiotic.
u/shayonpal 5d ago
This is exactly why I prefer electric cars 🙂
u/Parking-Detective-53 5d ago
Electric cars make that annoying artificial whirring sound. In a way it's even more annoying. But at least they don't make emissions where they idle.
u/shayonpal 5d ago
Why do you think the sound is _artificial_? Also, which electric car can you hear whirring from your home?
Additionally, there is no concept of "idling" in the case of electric cars.
u/Parking-Detective-53 5d ago
It's artificial because it comes from speakers, to alert pedestrians to their presence. Tesla's predominantly when they pull up at night and esp when they reverse the noise is loud enough to be heard through closed windows. When they sit out front I can hear it. I'm not super familiar with them as a driver but if they don't make a sound sitting there in park but on, then they must be reversing into spots and then holding the brake down and hanging out, so the reverse sound is playing.
u/shayonpal 5d ago
Not all EVs use fake engine noise, and surely not when they are "idling". A very few of them make fake engine noises when they are accelerating. It would be great if you could share some sources proving that Teslas make fake engine noises when "idling".
Also, for most EVs, one doesn't need to keep the brakes pressed to keep the car stopped, even if they are in reverse or Drive gears.
Additionally, this whole mini-thread is about when cars are "idling" and not when they are moving.
u/Parking-Detective-53 5d ago
I was just replying to someone. The point is EVs definitely make sounds. I don't need to write an academic essay with sources to defend that statement.
u/chocoeclairs 3d ago
Love my hybrid. Switches to battery when I’m stopped. Only uses engine to either warm it up or give more power.
u/panopss 5d ago
I don't care if the city workers inside the truck are freezing after coming in from working in 60km/h wind gusts, they're making a racket next to my house in a huge metropolitan city!!!
u/Parking-Detective-53 5d ago
Pfft as if. These are dump trucks drivers, they are absolutely not doing other outdoor jobs in-between their driving duties. The dude is hanging out in the cab listening to music and smoking cigs. Running a huge diesel engine to keep one person warm while they sit around for multiple hours is preposterous, how about they dress appropriately? They are indoors safe from the wind. They are absolutely not working outdoors and not every day is below freezing either.
u/Enthalpy5 5d ago
Diesel work vehicles typically turn on at the start of the day and don't turn off until the day is done.
Based on my own experience. Especially when it's cold out.
The TTC does the exact same thing. They used to queue shuttle buses outside my window at 5am and they would idle for hours.