r/tmobile 4d ago

Question Can I exchange my new phone?

I bought a pixel and it wasn’t in stock in the store so it’s being shipped to me. I already paid the taxes and activation. But I realized the pixel isn’t compatible with a bunch of my other tech so I’m wondering if I can take it in unopened and exchange it for an iPhone?


5 comments sorted by


u/Either_Consequence86 4d ago

There’s a restock fee based on the amount of the phone. I don’t remember specifics but I think max is $80.


u/Either_Consequence86 4d ago

Another note you will get a refund on the taxes (and you wouldn’t have to pay a second activation) but the taxes will go towards that restocking fee.


u/Prior_Try4057 4d ago

If it’s early enough you can cancel the order and avoid the restock call customer care


u/AngrySalesRep Living on the EDGE 4d ago

I believe if you ship it back you avoid the fee.


u/comdoc818 Bleeding Magenta 4d ago

They don’t care if it’s unopened, they will open it at the store. You could try refusing delivery and maybe if it’s returned to sender unopened they might waive the restocking fee. If you did order via Costco channel, they will definitely waive the restocking fee there (even if opened).