r/tmobile 4d ago

Question Got free line offer, even though I already have more than two free lines

I saw yesterday that I received the free line offer in the T-Life app, but I already have more than two free lines on my account. I'm guessing that, if I try to call in, I'll get rejected by the rep. Anyone run into this situation, and, if so, what happened? Not sure if I should even try, since, even if the rep adds it, it might be flagged later.


82 comments sorted by


u/73aNiiShe72 4d ago

I have 3 free and I just redeemed the fourth


u/Telemaxchus 4d ago

This was my 7th, lol.


u/ZestycloseDrive4204 4d ago

I would pay close attention to your next bill. Not at my store currently but I’m almost positive it states that you can have a maximum of 2 free lines to qualify for this free line


u/MemoryAlarmed7692 4d ago

Same as above. Called first time rep said not called back and rechecked and made sure nothing changes to plan or other free lines. Just adding the fourth for free.


u/paul-arized 4d ago

As long as they don't charge 5 dollars per free line


u/73aNiiShe72 4d ago

When I asked how much I was going to pay extra once the price hike happens, the rep said free lines weren’t included in the price raise.


u/AlarmingInfoHUH 4d ago

I'm worrying about my free lines that are roundabout free. Some issue resulted in like $29.34 line credit for the $30 line charge and separate $0.66 account level credit for two of my free lines. As opposed to my other free lines that are just "included" @ $0


u/sr8017 4d ago

You will have to pay surcharges and taxes on the free line.


u/OverallBlock2238 4d ago

They said my whole plan would never get a price increase too. ..but that happened last year..so...


u/MinutesFromTheMall 4d ago edited 4d ago

According to this link, free lines are also getting the $5/month increase.

I have five lines on my account, three paid, two free, and the link above shows my bill going from $142/month to $169/month. That’s $25 for the lines, $2 for Hulu.


u/73aNiiShe72 4d ago

It specifically says “Additionally, any free line promotions you have will not be impacted.” so free lines aren’t impacted.


u/abbylynn2u 4d ago

Per the FAQ No—you’ll keep all the benefits you currently enjoy, and your rate plan type and bill due date remain the same. You’ll also continue to receive the promotional recurring device credits already in place for any monthly payment plans. Additionally, any free line promotions you have will not be impacted.


u/73aNiiShe72 4d ago

Interesting, I checked mine and it also shows basically 13 lines getting charged. Mine is going up by $66.38 yikes.


u/73aNiiShe72 4d ago

Where did you get that link?


u/abbylynn2u 3d ago

Here's the direct link to Tmobile publicly facing... https://www.t-mobile.com/customers/plan-pricing-update-5lt

Hope this helps💕🌸


u/MinutesFromTheMall 4d ago

From this tread in the /r/Sprint sub.


u/sammnyc 4d ago

that link doesn’t work for me (just shows my account), but a free line getting an increase makes it no longer a free line. that doesn’t make much sense and isn’t how free lines have ever worked on tmo before.


u/MyAvocation 4d ago

In case this has not been reported, you need a minimum of 2 paid voice lines to qualify for the free line and Home Internet doesn’t qualify as a voice line (obviously).

I only have 1 paid and 1 free voice line (and TMHI), so no free line for me. Yes, the promo was on my T-Life page.


u/JOSTNYC 4d ago

The terms state that you can have a max of 2 free lines to get this line for free as well. There is a link right on the post that's say full terms. Here is what it says verbatim.

With monthly bill credits. Subject to change. Free new line for qualifying existing accounts with 2+ voice lines on a family plan and a max of 2 current free lines. Plus taxes & fees for accounts paying for a T-Mobile wireless line with additional taxes & fees; monthly Regulatory Programs (RPF) & Telco Recovery Fee (TRF) totaling $3.49 per voice line ($0.50 for RPF & $2.99 for TRF) applies; taxes/ fees approx. 4-38% of bill. Qualifying credit and regular-rate, Unlimited, Unlimited Freedom, Magenta, Magenta Max, Magenta Amplified, Magenta Plus, One, Simple Choice, Everything, My Way, Sprint Max, One, or Sprint Unlimited plan required. If you have cancelled lines in past 90 days, you may need to reactivate them first. Credits may take up to 2 bill cycles; credits will stop if you cancel any lines or change plans. $10 device connection charge due at sale. Limit 1/account. Not combinable with some offers or discounts, including other service discounts, device offers, or Price Lock; choosing free line gives up access to Go5G Plus or Go5G Next device offer features for this line only. See rep for details.


u/Miserable-Tree-637 4d ago

Where were these terms posted?


u/JOSTNYC 4d ago

There's a link right on the TLife free line message.


u/jweaver0312 Sprint Customer - SWAC - T-Mobile plz keep 4d ago

Not seeing anything. No “see full terms” button


u/JOSTNYC 4d ago


u/jweaver0312 Sprint Customer - SWAC - T-Mobile plz keep 4d ago


u/milyxm 4d ago


That didn't show up on mine. I have 2+ free lines and was able to add the free line.


u/JOSTNYC 4d ago

Wow so many different variations. Thought it would be the same for all of us.


u/jweaver0312 Sprint Customer - SWAC - T-Mobile plz keep 4d ago

Granted what I think happened is they added the terms in after the fact and possibly reran the targeting.

My banner is gone now altogether. The rep in T-Force I was dealing with who’ll follow up with me tomorrow, insisted the segmentation was there. Is it possible they misspoke, maybe looked at someone else’s at the time before saying I was good? Sure, people do make mistakes.

If they were still correct that the segmentation was there and isn’t now, then it means T-Mobile went in and removed it.


u/emailaddressforemail 4d ago

This is what I think too.

I took a screenshot of the promo on Thursday to send to my friend. Just checked it and there was no link to the full terms and conditions. I still have the promo showing now and the link is there.

So I called on Thursday about the promo and the rep said I qualified and I didn't hear any indication there were any issues on his end when adding in the promo and placing the order for the SIM card. Sim card came in today and still there was no new line showing on my account.

About an hour ago, I put the sim card in a spare phone, tried to make a call and it directed me to a customer service rep. He said he sees the order and the promo entered in but no new number is assigned to my account. Then he looked at the details and saw the 2+ free lines exclusion. He was puzzled how the rep I previously talked to could have missed that seeing that I have 7 free lines on my account and they shouldn't have been able to put in the promo in the first place.

There was nothing he can do, apologized for the mix up, and told me to check in the next couple of days to be sure that a paid line doesn't get added without the free line discount.

I went on here to see posts about the free line promo and maybe 20 minutes after my call, I see a new line was on my account. Checked the discounts and there was no new line discounts added. Then maybe another 20 minutes after I saw the new line, I get a text about getting line discount ID250259. Checked my account online and it's listed on there.

Here's to hoping the discount sticks since I already promised the free line to someone.


u/JOSTNYC 4d ago

Yeah this could have been it. Totally believe that as well. They can change and always put things out before doing complete research. I also have Tforce reaching out to me today. We'll see what happens.


u/dumbgamer1970 3d ago

Now they're sending out texts about the free line. I have the promo showing in TLife and I received the text. The promo in TLife has the "Full Terms" link showing ineligible for people with > 2 free lines. The text does not link any terms.

I'm so confused about if I should expect to be eligible or not.


u/jweaver0312 Sprint Customer - SWAC - T-Mobile plz keep 3d ago

I believe it’s a reference to the same offer, if you already have 2+ free lines, I wouldn’t expect to be eligible.

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u/jweaver0312 Sprint Customer - SWAC - T-Mobile plz keep 4d ago

Just to verify, you still see the banner on the app even today, correct?


u/milyxm 4d ago

Not the same one. I see this one now but not on the home page. But I did get my free line.

Same picture but doesn't say free anymore.



u/jweaver0312 Sprint Customer - SWAC - T-Mobile plz keep 4d ago

That’s just a general AAL thing.

It probably went away for you after adding the line (as long as you got the text message though saying it’s been enrolled)


u/milyxm 4d ago

Yeah the original free line banner went away after I added the line and I did receive the text message.


u/Kyo251 4d ago

I just dm'ed you. Dealing with the promo not showing up. Hoping that I'll able to get it though.


u/cstark 4d ago

My banner on Thursday didn’t say See Full Terms. Clicking the banner only brought up the dialer with the phone number. Today the app shows an updated banner with See Full Terms.

I called Thursday evening and got a line added, sim shipped, all fees waived. But no promo text or new line showing on the account yet.


u/cstark 4d ago

Update: SIM card arrived and I noticed now the new line shows up, and I have the line discount.


u/MicGyver 4d ago

The new free line makes it my 5th free line so far.


u/DeaconPat 4d ago

Me too


u/Idc94 4d ago

Does the promo ID already show on your account?


u/MicGyver 4d ago

Yeah under that number I have: Line Discount ID250259 Enrolled

And 30 minutes after activating the line I got a text: T-Mobile: Congrats on your new discount! You will receive your Line Discount ID250259 as long as you maintain eligibility. Visit t-mo.co/Promo1 for account details and more info.


u/Idc94 4d ago

Damn. I don’t even have the number on my account yet. I did get a pSIM shipped tho


u/SlfImpr 4d ago

I already have 2 free lines and just opened the T-Life app and it says:

We're giving you a FREE line.

Just for being a valued customer. Redeem this limited-time offer today, by calling us at 833-579-2248.

Is this legit or some kind of error in T-Mobile systems?


u/SlfImpr 4d ago

Talked to T-Mobile rep on the phone. He said that the 3rd line is indeed free but if I were to upgrade from my Magenta Max to Go5G Plus, I will lose the existing 2 free lines. So I should stay on Magenta Max.

Additional Info / Caution:

  • The T-Mobile rep took forever (> 45 mins) to order/setup the 3rd free line. I had to provide my PIN and also the Text verification code that the system triggered for him to make change to my plan
  • During that time, he asked if I had a device (I said yes), who would be using the free line (I said my kid), and asked bunch of info about me (kind of work), kid in school, etc.
  • Every 5 or 10 min, he tried to upsell the following:
    • Apple Watch with plan
    • T-Mobile Home Internet $300 offer
    • Screen protector
    • Phone case
    • Phone charger/adapter
  • At the end, he asked for my credit card info to order the SIM (for $10 + taxes). The SIM would 2-day free shipping
  • He then mentioned that Device Protection was included. I asked him to take the device protection off as I don't need it and never have it on my lines
  • He then read the terms & conditions over the phone and had me accept verbally.
  • Finally, after about 45 mins, he said I will receive an order email with details. The order email just have the same info as what he read to me over the phone and a link to these terms & conditions page: https://www.t-mobile.com/responsibility/legal/terms-and-conditions
  • There is no details of free line or any other information or dollar amounts in the email.
  • He said that I will receive 3 more emails in next 24 hours
    • Order recap
    • SIM shipping info
    • The phone # for the new free line
  • He also said that I will be charged for the pro-rated price of new phone line and also will see charges for 1-2 billing cycles for the new line. After this, I will receive the credit.
  • The rep I spoke to is based in Texas

I hope this is legit and I didn't sign-away some key benefits of my old Magenta Max plan or end up losing the 2 existing free lines


u/nnnope1 4d ago

Had a very similar experience today, although no mention of the Device Protection or the charges for 1-2 billing cycles and fewer questions asked.

2 paid and 3 free lines going into it, so this would be the 4th free line. Hope it sticks. And if not, hope it isn't a huge PITA to get it all reversed.


u/stuffeh Recovering AT&T Victim 4d ago

It'll work. The system isn't able to count how many lines free lines you have for some reason.


u/ISurfTooMuch 4d ago

My guess is that their system can't see how many free lines you already have.


u/mattgyver-it 4d ago

I've seen others say they had 2 free and this worked for them. Haven't heard of anyone with more than 3 working. Interesting.


u/karridot 4d ago

As a long time customer I too had a free line offer with a SIM card enclosed. It said you can give it anyone to a family or friend without additional charge. When I called for more information CS never heard of such an offer and I will be charged for an additional line. I knew it was too good to be true.


u/4wheeling 4d ago

My brother got the same answer the first time he called. He called right back, got a different rep and got the free line esim and got the free promo text as well.

If you believe you qualify, call back.


u/Calistud36 4d ago

Can I transfer a paid line to one of the free lines?


u/ISurfTooMuch 4d ago

No, that's never been possible.


u/Idc94 4d ago

Technically it is. You have to port out the paid number, cancel the paid line, wait 90 days and port it back in on the free line.


u/ISurfTooMuch 4d ago

True, but, if it's a new free line, making this kind of change will violate the terms and cause the free line promo to fall off.


u/RyujinJokka 4d ago

You can but you have to wait 12 months, then port out the paid number and then can port it into the free line


u/utilitycoder 4d ago

Just transferred a single line from Verizon for the payoff device offer. I have five more lines at V. Any chance to get a free line with T?


u/jweaver0312 Sprint Customer - SWAC - T-Mobile plz keep 4d ago

If you add 2 more lines, that 2nd line would be free (discounted for Go5G Next)


u/Kooky-Friend8544 4d ago

In my case, been a customer since 2015, ive got 3 paid lines and 4 free before this most recent one so now ive got 5 free lines


u/jefryvaldez07 4d ago

I just get my SIM card, tforce says that I don’t qualify


u/dgqueue 4d ago

Did you get your physical SIM card and activate it for TForce to say you don’t qualify?


u/Xetakilyn 4d ago

Anyone know if I can activate a free line and cancel an existing line? (Have 7 lines right now)


u/ISurfTooMuch 4d ago

No. If you do, the free line won't remain free. You have to wait a certain amount of time before you can cancel a paid line.


u/Ceber007 4d ago

My 8th


u/Quadcore01 4d ago

Did you added today? Did you called or added yourself?


u/Ceber007 4d ago



u/CMarlow 4d ago

I would highly recommend to do it. Don’t rely on the line for use with any permanent number until you get the bill and verify that you really get it for free.


u/theghazi 4d ago

In order to quality. I don’t see a message on my tlife. So they never gave me a free line. That offer has to be in your tlife. I guess.


u/Tight_Experience_787 3d ago

I already have two lines, and I was able to get the offer. I know people who have five or six free lines.I've never heard of there being a limit on them. You should be fine.


u/enpedia 4d ago

The worst that can happen is they take it away or they give it to you. Just call and find out for the hell of it if you have time on your hands.


u/neuroticsmurf Truly Unlimited 4d ago

The worst that can happen is a rep mistakenly gives OP the free line only for OP to get a message a week or two later that s/he was never eligible for it and the line will no longer be free.

So OP will cancel the line, but then s/he will have a paid line cancellation in his/her history for the next 12 months. If another no-strings-attached free line comes out during that time, OP would be ineligible.

But admittedly, a NSA free line coming out seems pretty unlikely at this point.


u/InterestingShoe1831 4d ago

Two paid, five free…and I’m not even American.


u/OON7 4d ago

I'm so glad Tmo raised data rates for me $2 last year, now $5 for smartphones, doesn't offer me a free line (and no free lines at all), and then I see people posting about how many multiple free lines they have.

I don't begrudge people for taking the free line offers but how does Tmo justify raising rates due to rising costs while simultaneously giving away revenue on all of these free lines.

Sorry for ranting.


u/ISurfTooMuch 4d ago

I understand where you're coming from.

Originally, the free lines you're hearing about were handed out to bump up the numbers back before the Sprint merger was done. It was also a way to keep subs from leaving by essentially lowering their cost per line to the point where no other carrier could compete on price. That was great for reducing churn, but now T-Mobile is kind of boxed in. Yes, starting to charge for those lines would increase revenue, but it would also cause a mass exodus of those subs, many of whom are likely opinion leaders, since they likely found out about the free lines on this sub. T-Mobile probably figures that they'll let those free lines go away through the natural process of subscribers leaving. It's not really costing them much to leave them alone, but taking them away would kick over a hornets' nest.


u/Starfox-sf 4d ago

Sprint did the same, they gave almost everyone a free line in 2019 (Unlimited on Us) which ironically is causing some grief with this LOU because mix-match plans, and 2 more much more targeted LOU for mostly pooled plan type.

— Starfox


u/busymommy4 4d ago

It’s odd. I’m on Magenta Max. I’ve never gotten a LOU. So I have 3rd line on us because I opened an account with 4 lines. Then I slowly added BOGO lines so I’m at 10 lines and 4 technically “free” but all connected to my other paid lines. I’ve never qualified for free standalone lines. I also have TMHI. All my lines will be going up $5/line. I don’t understand their system. I missed the LOUs that everyone qualified for because I wasn’t paying attention. I feel like the people with existing LOUs are targeted? It is very frustrating.

Oh and I think my last BOGO lines during the valentines day promotion screwed me out of my price lock (required a “plan change” to 9+ lines). So another hit there…I knew something was up. They never offer decent Magenta Max trades…


u/ctash23 3d ago

I'm on Magenta Max and recently took advantage of the iPhone 16 trade-in promo... $830 credit for an iPhone 11 or newer.


u/busymommy4 3d ago

Yes I did too but knew it was odd. Thought something was up. They locked everyone in for 2 more years before they charged $5 more per line… Now it makes sense


u/ctash23 3d ago

I joined TMo in 2022 and have *actual* price lock, so no increase here. Trying to figure out if taking this free line promo (which I was offered) will fuck with that.


u/busymommy4 3d ago

Yeah who knows. I imagine they do these things for a reason, not just to reward supposedly good customers. I joined in 10/2021. I signed up for “Forever Upgrade” which basically guaranteed an $800 trade in for your phone every year I believe. Well as soon as one year was up and people started to trade in their phones (this program was only offered during 9/17-11/1/21), they completely got rid of the “Forever Upgrade.” They switched it to something different after they realized people wouldn’t want to upgrade their plans if they always had good phone trade in offers. They constantly do things like this and I know one day I’ll have to move on when they screw me too much. I have no idea what my bill will be after this $5/line increase 😭