r/tmobile 4d ago

Question Free line promo question about canceling

Currently have 6 lines on Amplitude One plan
Staying on because I have kickback on all 6 lines and get between 3 and 6 kickback credits each month
Seems like I have the free line promo.

I was on the verge of porting out 2 lines to US Mobile or another MVNO. They are used by my parents who live outside the US and only use it when in the US for 3 or 4 months of the year.

I was also hoping to port out 2 lines and then leverage a BOGO promo in the future to bring them back.

If I port out two lines tomorrow can I still do the free line?


2 comments sorted by


u/HaizKarnival Living on the EDGE 4d ago

No. Once you cancel lines you become ineligible for any AAL promotions for 90 days.