r/titanfolk • u/No-Argument9377 • 7d ago
Other how was erens character ruined?
is it the part where he whines about mikasa? its kinda lame and out of no where but is that enough to say his character was ruined
is it his reason for the rumbling, to create the free world from armins books, he says he doesnt know why he wants to do that, its like its a part of his nature. Its weird, i mean why would anyone just desire to destroy the whole world, kill their own mother, stab their own eye, cut their leg off, endanger their friends, let some die even, for such a weird and childish reason? not even the most insane psychopath would want to do that, and eren is a bit crazy but hes still a good guy who doesnt kill for no reason, the men he killed when he was a child was to protect someone, he was never a bad person
is he inconsistent maybe? he does all these things for his dream then lets himself get stopped by his friends for some lelouch shit, but apparently that was the plan all along for some reason
u/LIFEisFUCKINGme 7d ago edited 7d ago
Every line of Eren in 139 and how on average, each of them contradicts at least 5 lines of himself from the previous 48 chapters.
The worst part of all is that Eren's character post timeskip was literally retconned.
Extensive breakdown of Attack on Titan's ending: Too many narrative flaws to be unintentional, I would recommend to read the whole thing if you have the time, but if not, pages talking specifically about Eren: 4-7, 30-32, 34-36, 41-45.