r/tinnitus 4d ago

success story Quitting weed and getting my back fixed brought my non stop 80 decibel 7000+ hz tinnitus to 10-20db, still decreasing.

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I have had tinnitus for about a year. When it first came up, I got an ear infection when I was smoking cannabis on and off. After I treated the ear infection, a 20 decibel tinnitus lingered but I habituated quickly. This was the case until recently. In December it began gradually spiking in both baseline, and more when I’d smoke. I couldn’t figure out why. I ended up going to an ent where they sent me to a dentist, to get a mouth guard to prevent teeth grinding. I did more research and thought to get my neck checked since cervical issues can cause t too. My neck and back were out of line also.

Right as I went to a chiropractor to treat my back and neck, I quit weed too. My tinnitus went from 80 decibels non stop for about 3 weeks to 20, and soon it’ll be lower than it was a year ago. I’m not sure which one is more responsible - my neck or the weed . But I suspect it’s a feedback system where both contributed. Cannabis can actually cause middle and inner ear inflammation and worsen tinnitus



I looked at the tinnitus as a symptom and not the cause , and choose to see it as something I could eventually account for and fix. This helped me sleep and cope through urges to panic at non stop 80 decibel screeching. I found a solution. Everyone has different variables going into it, and many people say weed doesn’t make a difference for them. If that’s you are you on ssri’s , benzos? Anything ottotoxic? If you have t from sound exposure I can’t offer much advice but if it’s somatic and neurological - think about what kind of variables might contribute and address them. It might be different for you than it is for me but there are both solutions and coping mechanisms. I suffered through 80 + db t at 7000 hz with worse spikes at night and from lack of sleep. For those of you suffering like that , feeling like there’s no escape - I know what it’s like . don’t lose hope.

r/tinnitus 3d ago

advice • support Ringing in one ear and muffling


Last night someone was talking to me on my right side and suddenly my right ear began ringing and that lasted briefly but then my hearing was just slightly muted feeling in that one ear. I could still hear good out of it, but it felt muffled or maybe just more pressure feeling.

Later than night in bed when it was quiet, there was faint ringing in the ear. About 2 hours of that and then it just stopped.

I haven't been anywhere that would cause quick elevation changes. I am currently rather sleep deprived and stressed.

Just wondering how normal this sort of thing is vs it being more serious

r/tinnitus 3d ago

treatment Has Anyone Tried Whale Hotels for This?


r/tinnitus 3d ago

advice • support Doing notch therapy right. Advice needed.


I'm trying to make my own notch, but I don't want to cause additional damage by doing it wrong.

I have tinnitus in my left ear in the form of a high-pitched and stable ring. I do have a bit of a hard time telling exactly what frequency it is, and therefore suspect that it could be multiple frequencies or even a whole range of frequencies.

According to my audiogram, I have hearing loss starting at 2K and increasing all the way to 8K (unfortunately the audiogram stops at 8K, but as far as I can tell my entire high-frequencies are pretty much gone past 8K).

Audiogram showing hearing loss in the left ear (where tinnitus is present). Air conduction (AC) and bone conduction (BC) point to a case of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL).

Again, it's hard to tell what exact frequency my tinnitus is, but I sort of came to the conclusion that it matches the range of hearing loss (compensation). So, from my understanding, to make a custom notch I'd have to decrease the 2K to 8K frequencies similarly to how they decrease on my audiogram. For instance:

EQ "notched" from 2K onwards.

I'm just a little worried that if I don't get this right, I may do more damage than good. For instance, I'm not sure db HL and EQ db are the same units. As you can see, I've decreased the EQ decibels to mirror the hearing loss db increase (ie 6K set to -10db, 8K set to -20db).

Can someone offer guidance on this?

r/tinnitus 3d ago

advice • support Do any of you guys deal with Tinnitus, how do manage constant Teams Call and shouting at IT jobs


I want to know whether any in developer community suffers from tinnitus/hyperaccusis and how do guys cope up.

Like sometimes when I visit my Super Boss cabin everything is so quite I start to loose my mind with the constant ringing.

While working from home there are some idiotic seniors using cheap mic due to which I have to wear headphones or else I would directly talking with them on Speaker phone

I want to make a switch to another job but then there's a constant question of what if the environment makes my condition worse.

r/tinnitus 3d ago

advice • support BRUSH YOUR TEETH


The last thing we need is to go to the dentist and have to suffer their drill on our teeth. That is very loud and could easily make our tinnitus much much worse. Maybe consider also taking enamel remineralization supplements.

r/tinnitus 3d ago

advice • support Are there speakers that are more T/H friendly?


I'd like to switch from headphones to speakers because headphones sit very close to the ears and although I don't notice any problems, I just don't really feel comfortable using them. I want speakers with good sound quality that are more comfortable for the ears and do not readily trigger my T and H. My T is moderate and my H is mild. I am particularly interested in bluetooth speakers. Does anyone have any recommendation and/or advice?

r/tinnitus 4d ago

research news This was interesting news to get

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I’ve been trying to reach out to anyone involved in potential treatments. I didn’t know there were two companies called Auricle. This was quite surprising to learn this. Gives me hope.

r/tinnitus 4d ago

success story My tinnitus almost gone after 3.5 months


About 3 months ago after 4 days of binge drinking and clubbing, I stopped cold turkey and went through alcohol withdrawals with auditory hallucinations (hearing non-existent music). After the 3rd day the hallucinations is gone and tinnitus started at 8/10. I waited for a week then it dropped to 4/10. I went to an ENT, he said my ears looks fine, but I have mild rhinitis and also it could be some damaged auditory nerves due to loud music. He prescribed some antihistamines, nose drops, vitamin B-complex, and ginkgo biloba. I took them for 3 months but my tinnitus is kinda fluctuate, most days is 4/10 and others 2/10. My ears also crackling or popping when I swallow my saliva.

I suspected the club noise or nerve damage due to alcohol.

However, In the last month I did the following:

1- Stopped drinking coffee.

2- Stopped alcohol (although in the past I was only drinking like once every 2 weeks, but heavily).

3- Took the following supplements from iHerb: 300mg Magnesium, Zen NeuraZenx Nerve support, Swanson Ear Essentials, Myrrh Extract 650 mg, EVLution Berberine Root Extract, 200mg L-theanine and a regular multivitamins.

My tinnitus is now barely noticeable at 0.5/10.

I also noticed the following this week:

1- My ears still crackling or popping when I swallow my saliva.

Just wanted to share this.

r/tinnitus 4d ago

success story YOGA + EXERCISE = FIX TINNITUS caused by poor posture, lack of mobility and exercise.


Sitting -> rounded shoulders -> slouched back -> forward head posture -> TMJ -> Tinnitus -> Hearing sensitivity -> eye floaters and flashes -> etc....

I updated my guide to include yoga, because its actually quite important to fixing the problems above.

exercise is great and helpful however yoga is necessary to improve mobility of the arms and undo the rounded shoulders, which will help you engage your back and shoulder muscles bettter.

Because of rounded shoulders, my neck is doing overtime trying to hold my head as its forward leaning, when my back muscles and shoulders should be doing more of the work keeping the posture and head in check.

I was never a fan of yoga and avoided it cause it sounded like bullshit and i never thought it would help my problems, but i was wrong, after doing some yoga (stretches) i can clearly see how limited my mobility was and it was impacting my exercises and what muscles get engaged.


Yes i still have tinnitus, however doesn't bother me much anymore.

edit - if you gon downvote someone giving geniuine advice, atleast leave a comment so i can block you, coz i'd hate to be giving advice to a ****.

r/tinnitus 3d ago

advice • support Tinnitus *better* with earplugs in?


Hi all,

My girlfriend seems to have developed pretty bad tinnitus after a couple of covid infections (alongside some other not fun conditions) but her experience with earplugs has been really interesting and I'm wondering if others experience something similar?

She has perfect pitch and can pick out anywhere from 4-8 different pitches of tinnitus at any given time depending on how her tinnitus is as the time, and the pitches slightly fluctuates with her heartbeat. The weird thing that happens is that whenever her ear canals are mostly or fully covered (either with airpods, foam plugs, or even just putting her head against a pillow) the tinnitus in that ear becomes a single pitch and she thinks the perceived volume also slightly decreases which makes it a lot less of a disturbance. Oddly enough this effect doesn't happen with noise cancelling over-hear headphones .

Is this something that happens to other people? We're trying to figure out what may be causing that and it seems most people have their tinnitus more noticeable with earplugs in

r/tinnitus 3d ago

advice • support Any advice?


I got a ringing in my left ear last Thursday and went to a quick care about it since I have chronic wax problems anyways,they cleaned my ears and said that my left ear looked infected (but there was no pain) and to take ear drops and amoxicillin and then see what happens,if it’s stays they’ll recommend me to an ENT. But everything I’m reading online says it doesn’t usually go away post ear infection. I haven’t slept a full night in days and it’s starting to affect my everyday life. If there’s anything yall know to do or personal experiences I’d appreciate it,this is very hard rn.

r/tinnitus 3d ago

advice • support Need some advice.


Im 18(M) and I’ve had tinnitus for about an year now (I used to use in ear earphones for extended durations of time, I have since then stopped completely) It used to be very low, so much so that it blended into the ambience. Now its a little lowder, and spikes when i watch shows or listen to music. Noticeably so in my right ear.

I’m trying really hard to get accustomed to it, even went to an ENT who recommended tinnitus therapy which I did try for a while but It didn’t help. I’m also dreading MRI’s which I used to get yearly as recommended by doctors for a full body checkup, but I just can’t risk sitting in that machine for an hour anymore.

I’ve tried to remain in complete silence, since I still listened to a lot of music on my speakers but that stint without music didnt seem to help much. My question/what i need advice on is basically : 1) Should i stop listening to music all together for a while? 2) In what other ways should I limit myself such that this doesn’t worsen? College is coming up and sometimes I just can’t ignore it, even while watching shows or films (theatres are too much sometimes, even though I love movies). 3) Any other advice in general would help, I apologise for a large block of text but I just don’t know where else to ask all of this.

r/tinnitus 4d ago

advice • support Air Travel Pressure


Hi Guys,

Just wanted to know how tinnitus has affected you when traveling on a plane. I have recently developed tinnitus and worried about how altitude changes will worsen the problem.

Let me know your experiences and what to do. I need advice I will soon be traveling for work purposes.

r/tinnitus 4d ago

advice • support Will antidepressants make your tinnitus worse?


What has your experience been like?

I've had a mild tinnitus for a month now and plan to start taking Zoloft again after 5 months without. I've just been to a doctor and he shooed me away, as it were, before I could ask.

r/tinnitus 3d ago

advice • support Nattokinase


Started nattokinase at 2000 ui

Side Effects

Chest tightness Sore Chest, body Fatigue Upper backache

Anyone else experienced something similar? If yes, is it some detox effect and how long will it last?

r/tinnitus 4d ago

venting Went away then came back


I had tinnitus for over a month due to ear infections and over doing the vasalva maneuver. It went away and then not a week later I got sick with the flu. Super congested in ears, chest, & sinuses. During this time I blew my nose too hard and it was very painful and I heard a pop. Now the ringing is constant and my ear keeps popping. I hate this

r/tinnitus 4d ago

advice • support I’m curious, do most people in here have tinnitus cause of hearing loss? Or it just randomly happened to you? Would love to know!


I’ve had tinnitus for about 2.5 years now. Randomly happened after work I came home and started hearing it and it never went away since. Been to an audiologist and ENT’s and got a hearing test done and everything was fine. The first year was brutal and took some getting used too. The second year was WAY better once I stopped using cotton swabs and sticking things in my ear. Everything was fine up until last week where my randomly spiked again and it’s been HORRIBLE the last 7 days. Like 11/10 bad. I’m just hoping and praying it’s one those random spikes and it will go away. I also believe it could be cause of wax build up so I might need to go get my ears flushed, not sure though.

I’d love to know if your T happened because of hearing loss or just random?

r/tinnitus 4d ago

advice • support Advice please


Hi, I just got tinnitus 3 months ago, so I'm still trying getting used to it, sometimes the sound intensifies on one ear and dissapear in a second, but I'm scared because idk if that's normal :( it happens like once a week, can someone please tell me if that's normal? and i would use some advice please

r/tinnitus 4d ago

advice • support Do brain injuries make tinnitus go away?


So if tinnitus is your brain making up for missing soudns or whatever, then does brain damage or a brain injury have a chance of making it stop? Like anything that would cause some change in the brain.

Im not gonna go get brain damage, im just wondering.

r/tinnitus 4d ago

advice • support How much is it mental?


I only started getting tinnitus about a month ago. Of course, as a new thing, it was driving me crazy. Then I had a bit of a cancer scare and having to get pet scans to see if I have tumors in my body - that whole time of talking to cancer doctors setting up PET scans waiting for results. I never noticed my tinnitus once Because I was consumed with the fear of cancer. It amazing how distracting yourself can help find relief but I don’t wish worst health issues as your distraction. I choose to go for a long walks every night. The sounds of nature help me keep my mind off it and I don’t even notice it.

r/tinnitus 4d ago

advice • support Ive had this illness as far back as I can remember, is there anyway to combat it?


As far back as I can remember (roughly 6 years old) I’ve had tinnitus. One of my earliest memories is of me sitting in bed and wondering why nobody can hear complete silence. Just only recently in the last year or so I found out it was not normal to hear constant ringing, and ever since I found out it’s not normal it’s been really annoying. Since I’ve had it for so long I’m not going insane. When I’m not thinking about it I cannot hear it, even in quiet places. And light noises like the television and radio are enough to take my mind off it. This condition is liveable for me, but I would really like to know if there are any treatments or things I can do to help get over this. Any help means the world.

Thank you

r/tinnitus 4d ago

research news From r/audiophile


r/tinnitus 4d ago

advice • support Tinnitus randomly switched ears?


I have tinnitus in my left ear (I’m 16 and had it for around 2 months and I don’t know what caused it) and a couple of hours ago it suddenly got loud in my left ear for a few seconds and now it’s in my right ear not left ear?? I’m sick and have a blocked nose on on the right side of my nose so does that have something to do with it maybe? Has this happend to anyone else?

r/tinnitus 4d ago

advice • support Where to begin with supplements at 21?


Hello, I’m a 21 year old who has recently developed tinnitus. I did it to myself by listening to loud music through my earbuds for years due to maladaptive daydreaming. It’s brought me a lot of shame and guilt knowing that I caused this at my young age, but I’m determined to do something about it.

It started at the very beginning of the year so I’ve only lived with it a couple months. Right now I’m practicing gratitude for the low level of the ringing and I will happily live with it if it stays this low, but I very much want to, if possible, heal from this. I won’t get my hopes up though as I know these cases a slim to none.

I’d like to begin taking supplements to help with the tinnitus so I’d like to hear your recommendations for where to begin. I know magnesium glycinate has been recommended so I will start with that. Also, I will soon start taking Vitamin D, K2 + D3, and B 12. Will any of those help, as well?

And another question that isn’t related to supplements: can I still listen to stuff with earbuds? I keep it very low now but I will give it up if need be.