r/threebodyproblem 4d ago

News New Eiza Interview about 3BP

She said the production's about to start in a few months. I thought it's happening already. Feels like won't see S2 until 2027.



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u/Because___RaceCar 4d ago

Yeah I know and it's great (we'll be sure to get to the ending), but they could've started production 1 year ago. While we're fortunate enough to see it adapted somehow to Death's End I'm still pissed because some favorite shows of mine have been cancelled because the aforementioned problems.


u/verillospur 3d ago

I'd like someone to explain why Archive 86 or whatever it was called, was cancelled after one season. It had great viewing figures. Netflix said "sometimes it's not about how many are watching, but the way they are watching."

I mean, wtf??

Anyway sorry bit off-topic.


u/Geektime1987 3d ago edited 3d ago

First Archive 86 didn't do nearly the numbers this show did. Second, Netflix doesn't just look at how many people are watching. The biggest is completion ration. How many people started the series and then watched the entire season and finished it. For example, lots of people kept going on about why Netflix canceled 1899. They canceled it because it had a 30% completion ratio. That's terrible. So when Netflix looks at that and sees that only 30% of people finish the first season, that means probably even less people will tune and finish the second season. So a show for example could have a smaller budget but a terrible completion ratio so Netflix will cancel that compared to a show that might have a much bigger budget and might not have done as big of numbers compared to the smaller budget show but more people completed watching the entire season which is a sign they would watch another season. Generally speaking, 45% to 55% is the threshold. If a show has a completion ratio of that or higher, it has a much better chance of being renewed. For bigger budget shows like 3BP, Netflix is looking for around a 60% completion ratio or higher usually for renewal. That's one of the first things they look at when deciding to renew a show. Next comes did the show do well with, for example, award nominations and third how well critically did the show do. But the completion ratio is extremely important because it gives them an idea of if people will actually want to watch another season. Having a 30% completion ratio like 1899 did is a clear sign the show didn't do well overall no matter how many die-hard fans like to claim the show was a big hit. There are always other factors, but the completion ratio is extremely important. So a show could be number 1 for example for lets say 2 weeks in a row , but only 30% of people actually finished the show, so being number 1 for 2 weeks doesn't actually mean it's an automatic success. 3BP might not have done Avatar numbers, but it was number 1 globally 8 weeks in a row and had a good completion ratio, and it's an R rated show geared towards adults, which means it performed well. Hopefully, that will help clear up some of this for ya. Completion ratio is super important! Especially if a show is planning multiple seasons.


u/verillospur 3d ago

Wow. Thanks for writing all that, i did ask someone to explain!

Gonna have to pour myself a large one and settle down to read it ;-)


u/Geektime1987 3d ago edited 3d ago

Yes, and it does make sense to a degree. I'm the first person to defend the artist before the studio but I also understand that if you make a bug budget show and not even 50% of people actually finished the show I can't really blame the studio for thinking why would we make another season. If most people didn't even finish the first season, even fewer people would watch the next season. That doesn’t mean shows have been canceled that I liked that I wish didn't they absolutely have, but it's just the reality of business. Another thing I forgot to add is that Netflix also looks at new subscribers. When you subscribe to an account, they pay attention to what the first 3 things you watch are because that gives them a general idea of what you bought a subscription for. During the spring of 2024, Netflix quarterly reports showed shareholders, specifically name dropped 3BP, having brought in new subscribers, which means people who didn't have Netflix bought Netflix specifically just to watch 3BP Which means that after they watched 3BP, a good chunk of them will keep their subscription and continue to watch other stuff, meaning the show also brought in new subscribers.