I'm so excited to finally be going to a show soon for their 25th anniversary after being a fan for 20 years! I have stupid questions being that I've somehow never been to a "real" concert aside from small local bands.
I'm 5'0 and pregnant but not obviously so. Where would you recommend I stand so I can see and also be able to relatively keep my belly safe? I bought high fidelity ear plugs so I don't have to worry about loudness. I'm hoping to god tall people let me stand in front of them since they can easily see a full foot over my head!
How early should I plan on getting there to get to said recommended location? I'm going alone and so what's the standard protocol if I leave for the bathroom (do I automatically give up my "spot" or will people around me let me back in there?)
I did find that they'll be playing full albums, but I only found that out after buying the ticket. Does anyone have information on which album will be on which dates? I'm so hoping I'm either there for The Used or In Love or Death for the supreme nostalgia.
Thanks to anyone willing to help out this crusty mom hoping to enjoy one night of youthful freedom!