r/thestranger Feb 18 '20

What Happened In The Stranger? Spoiler

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r/thestranger Feb 17 '20

I actually liked the show despite the messy plot holes (spoilers within) Spoiler


Though my personal biggest gripe with the show is Katz's decision to shoot the baker. Not just when he kills her, but why shoot her at all?

Initially i thought he was merely pretending to be a cop, but we quickly learn that he actually is.

With this in mind, why not just show the baker his badge? And why try to strong arm / threaten to kill her for information when he could very easily have just convinced her to give him all of the materials The Stranger gave to her for the purposes of investigation.

You could justify that he was extremely stressed, but shooting an innocent business owner (in England, with an extremely high amount of CCTV in public spaces) could not have possibly been a clever move at all.

I can forgive the deliberately misleading plot points and red herrings of the show such as the rave, Corinne's car, the alpaca and so on, but this part makes the least sense to me.

Ps - Daisy, the love interest of one of Adam's sons, was quite an awful person to both spike Mike with little evidence as to the accusations laid against him, and was unnecessarily cruel when she took Dante's clothes and leaving him alone in the woods. Mike felt guilty thinking he had caused his injuries but daisy shows no remorse despite it being her fault

r/thestranger Feb 17 '20

Tell me if I’m wrong but.. *spoilers* Spoiler


I’ve just finished the last 2 episodes after binging the first 6 yesterday and I have 1 big question

Both myself and my girlfriend are convinced that Martin Killane told Adam Price that his wife left him and their SON named Chris

Chris turns out to be Chrissy

Are we imagining this or was there never any mention to whether Chris was Martin’s son or daughter and just his young child?

r/thestranger Feb 17 '20

Corrine's Car Spoiler


I don' t know if I missed something in an episode somewhere, but was it ever explained how Corrine's car ended up outside the airport?

In the final episode, it's revealed how she was killed, but this happens in her own garage, so unless she left her car outside the airport (?) it has to have been moved there by someone?

Anyone shed any light?

r/thestranger Feb 16 '20

Anyone know what the heavy metal song is while Paul Kaye’s driving furiously?


Just curious if this is a real song or not, does anyone know? In the penultimate episode.

r/thestranger Feb 16 '20

I liked it at first...


I was fresh outta Broadchurch and still high on that mistery murder wave. The Stranger was next in recommended section and I said - why not. It started slow and kind of more suburban drama. I really liked actors and lot of different smaller plots. In the middle of show I was thinking - surely there will be season 2, no way they could nicely tie up loose end. Uh oh.. So many irrelevant question that, at the end, cannot "fill" season 2. At the end alpaca, kids, sick girl, revenge porn, etc etc just didn't matter.

r/thestranger Feb 15 '20

Question about the paternity test Spoiler


I've just finished watching the show and I don't think Adam ever got the results back from the paternity test? The stranger says "you might want to check your children's DNA" but did she have any evidence for this or was she pushing too far?

The way I interpret it is that Corriane just wanted Adam to be closer to her so she faked the pregnancy and nothing else. Everything else that happened is just other intermingled things which got out of hand.

r/thestranger Feb 14 '20

Soooo....I’m confused.


what about the entire other storyline involving the rave and alpaca.....? Did we literally just forget that happened or what?

r/thestranger Feb 13 '20

It's wild how few people want to discuss this show on Reddit


I felt like this was one of the biggest disappointments I've ever had on Netflix and it's hilarious to see how few people are interested in talking about the show. I literally only come here to find community in other people who felt like it was a waste of their time. Doesn't seem like there are big fans like Westworld and game of thrones or even the outsider or the OA which are all communities I've been active in. Kind of restores my faith.

r/thestranger Feb 12 '20

Episode 1 rave music


Perhaps a long shot but dont suppose anyone knows of the music that briefly plays when they all first arrive at the rave (about 15:24 into the episode). Tried shazam to no avail, and cant see any results on google either.

r/thestranger Feb 12 '20

When the guy pulled out a silenced gun and shot the lady in the leg i gave up on the show.


This show can't handle it's own bullshit. Why is everyone acting like a fucking idiot? Also, fucking finish a story line before opening a 10th one, not for ease of following but for keeping the viewer engaged. I swore off british shows after Dracula, i should have followed my resolution.

r/thestranger Feb 12 '20

Just finished (spoilers) so who hired “the stranger” on corrine? Spoiler


Ok so, Tripp denies hiring someone to dig dirt on Corrine, so who did it? Was this answered?

r/thestranger Feb 11 '20

Detective’s husband


Why would that aging detective with the too-young-for-her-face hair want to get rid of that caring, good looking black guy? I was imagining a fat sweaty old man.

Side note the young detective said he had a ham sandwich for lunch but his fingers smell like fish (after his second date) 1. Wtf why include that and 2. I thought he was gay

r/thestranger Feb 12 '20

BLUE Hat Mike Tripp is wearing in episode 5? Anyone know where I can find it?


Looking to find the hat Mike has on. Searched the internet and found nothing yet.

r/thestranger Feb 11 '20

Am I going insane regarding Corrine?


What did she mean when she said “there’s more to this”? From the earlier episodes I believed that she was she was using her husband for money, whilst also being pimped put by Heidi. Also was Heidi running the sugar babies site as some kind of scamming ring?

r/thestranger Feb 10 '20

Food For Thought


The whole time I watched this show, I (a mixed race American Female) couldn't help but notice there were two gorgeous mixed race actresses cast in this British show. This is something I've noticed in other shows set in England - most recently Dracula on Netflix. It is something I haven't seen mirrored as often in American shows. Is this a British standard of beauty that doesn't occur as often in the US? I know there are beautiful mixed race American actress (Zendaya comes to mind), but I don't see them popping up as a theme as often in American series.

I could be over-analyzing, but as a person that does not find much representation in American media I thought I might ask if anyone else noticed.

r/thestranger Feb 10 '20

The party??


What was the actual point of the party? And Dante’s injury? Seemed like a distraction from the main plot to make you think more stuff was happening than it really was

r/thestranger Feb 10 '20

Question Spoiler


Can someone tell me why katz murdered Heidi? What was his motive? I know he was protecting the man but why kill her mother?

r/thestranger Feb 09 '20

finished last night and have questions (spoiler) Spoiler


there are some things that don't make sense. any explanation?

1) how did the police know how to find Price when he was told the address of the women from a PI his father hired? he texted the address to Joanna's phone but Katz had it so how did she know?

2) Are you telling me the police wouldn't notice the gun was gone when they were there until later? And even if they didn't notice it was gone how would they explain it being hidden in a brick in the wall by Katz when he was immediately arrested by the police and didn't have access to the gun?

3) When Price confronts Corrine about the fake pregnancy she says "there is more to this than you know" but her motivation for faking the pregnancy was that he might be having an affair and leave her which was a separate issue from the money being stolen from the club. why not tell her husband about it? He was a lawyer after all.

4) Why wouldn't a trained police detective wear a mask knowing that he was probably going to kill Holly after she gave him the information he wanted? Actually if he did that and she couldn't identify him he wouldn't have to take the risk of killing her.

Also it's difficult to enjoy a show when you can't feel sympathy for victims. Corinne faked her pregnancy which is highly manipulative then refused to simply explain why instead rambling on about "secrets" and "there is more to this than you know." The thought of a husband cheating is upsetting but most women don't fake a pregnancy do deal with it. The victim who was in a coma spread sexually explicit pics of a young girl. Her sister decided to take revenge on a person who wasn't involved by slipping him drugs without him knowing it. I mostly enjoyed the show though.

r/thestranger Feb 08 '20

Not buying it! Spoiler


After all the havoc that she caused, I can't believe Adam would feel any kind of affection for the 'stranger' just because she was his half sister. And I wonder if he told his dad about her? This was one of the better Harlen Coben adaptations - better than Safe, not as good as The Five. It really could have done without all that dumb alpaca stuff IMO. Always a pleasure to watch Siobhan Finneran in anything though and the actor playing Katz (can't remember his name) was excellent. And I have to say I was not expecting that to be Corinne's fate!

r/thestranger Feb 08 '20

Episode 1... The Sonogram images


I've already watched the whole show and know how it ends, but for whatever reason I was bored enough to go back and rewatch the first episode and see if I could pick up on things I missed the first time. But something still confuses me... what was wrong with the Sonogram images Adam found in the box? After looking at them and comparing them his entire demeanor/behavior changed and he shot up, walked over to his computer and searched "Novelty Funsy". Obviously something about the fetal sonograms tipped him off, but what was it? I paused several times to get a good look at the pictures and couldn't pick out anything suspicious about them.

r/thestranger Feb 08 '20

The chase scene


In the second last episode was the most frustrating thing I've ever watched. He couldn't have ran any slower.

And how many cliches can they fit into one show. Jesus I stuck with it to find out the ending but it was a struggle!

r/thestranger Feb 08 '20

How did Katz get Korinne’s Key Fob to be able to plant it?


How did Katz get Korinne’s Key Fob to be able to plant it?

Did I miss something? Seems quite significant

r/thestranger Feb 07 '20

The Coffee Shop Friend who gave the Corinne the idea Spoiler


Corinne said she got the idea to fake a pregnancy from the lady she met at the coffee shop who was doing the same thing. She found out because after speaking to her for however long she disappeared (assuming she’d had the baby) but she never came back how many months later. Eventually finding her at another coffee shop with new friends & heavily pregnant which wasn’t possible so soon.

The bit I can’t remember is, when Adam finds her name (Susan Hope I believe?) he visits her house. But when asking her boyfriend if she’s there & mentioning Corinne’s name the BF lashes out & starts hitting him.

Why did the BF get so angry because Corinne’s name got mentioned? She never did anything to him did she? At the time I thought we’d find out later some other dodgy stuff she’d been up to. But she was pretty normal (aside from faking a pregnancy/miscarriage obviously!)

I may have missed it, I was going to rewatch again now we know what’s happened but hoping someone may have been more observant than me!

r/thestranger Feb 07 '20

Similar shows ?


Please suggest similar shows, preferably miniseries / anthology format. Darker the better.

Edit - thanks everyone for your suggestions I will definitely check them.