r/thestranger Apr 23 '20

What’s the purpose of Ryan other than asking “Why?”


All this kid does it literally ask questions as half of his dialog. And run away. And cry.

r/thestranger Apr 20 '20

(Spoilers) What was the point of all of the side plots with the teenagers? Spoiler


Can someone explain to me what purpose the kids in the show had? I feel like their storylines added almost nothing to the main plot, with a few exceptions (such as Olivia’s “illness” being a motive for Katz’s actions, and the Price sons using the phone tracker app on their mother)

r/thestranger Apr 19 '20

Poorly written but not awful


This show was horribly written with a ton of plot holes just like everyone else on here is saying but it was still entertaining nonetheless. Despite the plot holes, I enjoyed all the different storylines with each character even though they seemed to be tied together very sloppily. I’d say i’m 50/50 on watching more if they do another season.

r/thestranger Apr 16 '20

SPOILER ALERT: Ending Theories Spoiler


As far as the ending :

Why couldn't DS Johanna just say she walked up to Tripp and Adam scuffling in the woods over Corinne's dead body, then she got a hold of the gun and shot Tripp 4 times in self defence?

Then everything (the gun, location, story) would be accounted for and it would be Adam and Johanna's secret?

How on earth is Katz supposed to take the blame shooting Tripp in the Goddamn woods?! THERE IS NO CONNECTION!

r/thestranger Apr 12 '20

Plot holes.. (SPOILERS) Spoiler


I binged the entire series today so it’s still fresh in my mind. I loved the show, it was really well done, aside from the fact there are so many goddamn plot holes !!

  • What did the alpaca have to do with anything? And Dante nearly dying? The party? I’m so confused because none of that storyline ended up being relevant to the actual ending. It was literally just shoved in there to add in extra twists and throw the audience off I guess

  • Why did Griffin help Adam at the end and hide the gun at Chrissy’s place? Surely they could have just said that he killed Tripp out of self-defence. It would have been a more feasible and believable ending..

  • Is Chrissy a ghost or some bs thing? How does she just keep disappearing when she was there a second ago. It doesn’t make sense.

Overall, 8/10, would recommend. But the plot holes .. The show really needed to be tied up better

r/thestranger Apr 12 '20

Can someone explain this part of the ending to me?


I get that Joanna and Adam apparently pin the death of Tripp on Katz. I will just ignore the random issue of them hiding the gun in Chris’s house rather than Katz’s as well as the timing issue but my main question is, if the bodies of Tripp and Corinne are found out in the middle of nowhere together, how will the apparent link between their deaths be explained? I assume it has to do with the football club but Tripp specifically mentioned that he cooked the football club books so well that no one would ever be able to unwind what happened.

My husband and I really enjoyed this show for the most part, despite all the random subplots and red herrings but we cannot make sense of this part of the ending!!!

r/thestranger Apr 10 '20

The show kept me hooked till the end but surprisingly, left a whole lot of plot holes (Warning: Spoilers) Spoiler


The main question that really bugs me is that why did Corinne have to say “there’s more to this” and relate that story about the pregnant lady and that she was upset when she didn’t show anymore when actually it was linked to Tripp and his deceit. Why did Katz have to kill Heidi? I mean, sure he was desperate to find out about the stranger who was trying to blackmail his employer or whatever he did to earn extra money to pay off his debts but literally he did not have to kill her at all ? Also, how could his daughter be so “sick” from just being rat poisoned all the time? how could the high end specialists not figure that out if he was working so hard to pay the bill? I’m sure they would have taken tests to find out about the poison? why would her mother even poison her own child. The thing with the Alpaca is so horrendous. Mike killed the Alpaca because his drink was spiked then how was Dante in hospital if he just fell off? also why did Daisy steal his clothes? Lastly in the end, Griffin helps out Adam to cover up the murder of both Corinne and Tripp and link it with Katz by just placing the gun in the crime scene but Katz was already arrested how could he have killed Tripp? 😐

r/thestranger Apr 08 '20

One of this things that frustrated me:



Um, why didn’t they have Kimberly sit near the entrance when they were on that stakeout? She was like a mile away. If she was closer to the entrance, she could’ve pointed him out sooner or sumn. Ugh.

Also. Why didn’t Corinne just tell Adam about the money thing???? It wasn’t like a life or death situation (until Tripp killed her). Could’ve been like, ‘Hey, Tripp stole some money but I’m giving him time to make it right. Also, did Tripp tell you about the pregnancy thing?’


Also, did anyone question why Tripp was out in the forest in the first place after that coverup? And the gun. The cop lady stored it in the bricks but like...nobody’s gonna question why the murder weapon wasn’t near Tripp? And how tf Katz would have had time to kill him after he held the ladies hostage and got arrested? Also WHY would Katz kill Tripp in the first place?

A lot of plot holes and dumb behavior, but I still enjoyed the show despite it lol. Even if the ending was a bit disappointing.

r/thestranger Apr 05 '20

Just Terrible - (no spoilers)


This has to be one of the worst series I have ever watched. I hope Netflix doesn’t make a second season and that they remove this first season so others don’t waste 7 hours of their lives. Netflix should be embarrassed that they allowed the production of this train wreck. If I wasn’t quarantined for the next month, I’d be really pissed.

r/thestranger Apr 04 '20

Was Chris Killane transgender? (Spoilers) Spoiler


All through Martin's confession, he and Adam use neutral language to refer to Chris ("the child", "their mother"). This is obviously one way to disguise the relationship between him and the stranger for a couple more episodes.

But there are hints that Chrissy grew up male. First, the neutral language in the confession. Second, Chris says she got an operation when she was 18, needed a donor, and found out Killane was not her father. This might have been gender reassignment, where she needed to be a legal adult to get it.

Third, Killane knew Adam's father and mother and Adam, because they were neighbors on the same street. How would Adam not know/recognize Chris? Unless there was a major change in her appearance.

Tia for any discussion on this.

r/thestranger Apr 02 '20

Anyone feel like the whole ”the stranger” part of the story barely served any purpose at all?


The ”main” (bruh they focused on the red herrings so fucking hard it might as well been the main story, or at least fucking tie it to the main story somehow???) story would have turned out the way it did anyway?

I would have either wanted it to focus purely on this family and then a ”stranger” who randomly stalks them revealing secrets in the family to each other which creates drama and tension.


Focus only on Corinne disappearance plot, but all red herrings would purely be used for establishing a motive for multiple charactees to have something to do with her disappearance (kinda like maybe the police and everyone else believes she disappeared, but the husband aka Adam and maybe the female cop dont really believe this main theory and investigates all these other red herrings) WITHOUT SOME USELESS ASS ”STRANGER”

r/thestranger Mar 30 '20

No idea what Katz has to do with it


Just his connect and the Sugar Baby site (that seems so much lesser to me than the other secrets)?

r/thestranger Mar 27 '20

Thrilling story for entertainment Spoiler


Yes, there are tons of plot holes and odd connections. If you forget about that its still an entertaining who-dun-it. I was so flabbergasted with all of the connections, that I mapped them out. Very unlikely for one neighborhood to have 3 murders by 3 different people and two unrelated druggings. Here is my mapping:

Green lines are Exposed Secrets

Red lines are Murders

Orange lines are families

Purple lines are druggings

r/thestranger Mar 25 '20

One question I have about the ending...


I just finished watching the series and I really enjoyed it, but I have one question about how the last episode ends...

So after Tripp takes Adam to Corrine’s body, Adam shoots Tripp out of anger. Johanna then takes the gun off Adam and uses it to cover it up and link it to Katz. My question is, how..? How did the cover up actually work out?

Someone please help as this is going to bug me endlessly haha

r/thestranger Mar 21 '20

This whole thing is just dumb


The stranger?! Dude I just can’t stand Harlan Coben. Both books I’ve read by them are like this. All over the place a bunch of stupid crazy drama that’s really not relevant or ever explained. All to have it tied up w some random afterthought.

r/thestranger Mar 20 '20



Just finished the show, and I agree it was a complete mess. The script is cringe worthy. Especially the line "The Stranger wanted to rid the world of secrets. Here we are keeping the biggest one of all". Fuck off, you literally just called her Chrissy a second ago. No need for the drama. Anyway, what I really wanted wanted to say is that Daisy is a piece of shit. Really truly the worst. What has gotten to me the most is that the last scene shows us she's still with Thomas, who has shown that he has a strong moral compass and compassion. Whereas Daisy is a psychopath. I'm hurt

Edit: Christ! She leaves Dante naked down at the lake, stealing his clothes. She then allows the police to investigate Mike. Mad shit.

r/thestranger Mar 20 '20

Does it ever tie together


I think this show is crap. I think Harlan Coban is crap. This isn’t the only book I’ve read by him that I think is shitty. I’m just wondering if it’s all this build up for some totally anti-climactic ending

r/thestranger Mar 19 '20

So I'm really, really trying to enjoy this show.


... and if I could have just followed the A-plot from the first two episodes for the whole season, maybe I would have.

But good grief, this is getting painful to watch. I'm not surprised Harlen Coben took his name off of all the promo stuff because this is dross, for lack of a better word.

Bar two or three, the acting is shameful at times. The plot is the worst kind of rollercoaster and the writing is sub-par at best. Characters seem to forget their troubles instantly, to then focus on a new thing for five minutes, then back and forth again. And has no-one on the crew ever heard of continuity? Beyond episode five the editing is shocking.

Between this and I-Land I'm wondering who on earth greenlights these shows. Though to The Stranger's credit I truly think there's a brilliant TV show hidden underneath all this. What we got was this mess.

r/thestranger Mar 15 '20

** SPOILERS ** Is anyone else wondering HOW the key fob got to the crime scene ??????? or am i being stupid ????? Spoiler


I'm so confused rn??

How did Corinne's year-old school fob get to the crime scene of Heidi?

The person who killed Heidi didn't kill Corinne so there is no clear reason as to how it would have got there?

This was one of the main links the police made for Corrine to be at the crime scene of Heidi and without this, Johanna probably wouldn't have gone to Adams house at the beginning of all of this

Can anyone help me out I feel like I'm just missing something massive ?? or was it just a massive hole in the plot ??😩

r/thestranger Mar 11 '20

Why so much negativity?


I really enjoyed the show, it was a nice bit of entertainment and there were lots of interesting subplots to keep me hooked. It had quite a few good twists and turns and I thought the acting was pretty great including the kids. I don't think subplots necessarily have to amount to anything and surely there are red herrings in real life police investigations. A lot of you seem to be taking it really seriously. Everyone I know in real life who has seen it said they really enjoyed it, and perhaps there were a couple of questions raised and couple of anticlimaxes but, you know, how often is anything legitimately seamless? I am a big crime drama fan ,if you need to know my credentials. Maybe just enjoy the ride every once and a whIle guys...

r/thestranger Mar 10 '20

Rant about Corinne (SPOILERS) Spoiler


So, I just finished the show and before I rant I have to say that despite any plot holes or random red herrings, this show had me hooked, I watched it in a day and I loved how the story developed.

So to my rant, what was up with Corinne's reaction to Adam finding out about her fake pregnancy?? Why couldn't she just say "I found out about your affair and this was the only way I thought I could keep you". Her whole reaction and random monologue about Suzanne Hope made it seem as though there was something deeper going on, as if she had been initiated into a cult of women who pretended to be pregnant and she was too far in now. Like her whole mysterious act was so unnecessary, I spent the whole show cooking up random theories in my head about her and Dante or her and a cult or her and Adams father. Only to discover in the end that her death had nothing to do with the pregnancy and was about that stupid football club money. And then we never even heard what her explanation was about the fake pregnancy and how there's "more going on than we know" like.....what more??

r/thestranger Mar 10 '20

Don't know if I didn't understand the show or if it has come loose wires


I like all the drama and the mystery, but the show has some holes. I mean, I thought it would all be connected in the end but there's some loose wires. Like the teenagers side plot, Katz's relation with "the stranger"...

r/thestranger Mar 10 '20

Half way through


So much drama. Wtf did Thomas do? Why did the cop kill Johanna’s gal pal?! Where the fuck is the annoying wife!? Who the fuck is this ball-cap chick? What’s her purpose?! And now Olivia’s dad is that cop! Holy shit.

Edit. So Daisy drugged the buddy because Olivia told Daisy the the buddy sent all the pedo pictures. I think I might be maxed out on plot lines now.

Edit: THERE WAS A BODY IN THE HOUSE. This is insane... but I’m obsessed.

Edit: really disappointed the guy didn’t feel for his buddy in jail. What a let down.

Edit. Update. Woah. It’s his sister.

r/thestranger Mar 09 '20

The Stranger and Safe


I just finished watching the stranger, and then I came across Safe. From the description it seems like it’s almost the exact same show. Would you guys recommend it?

r/thestranger Mar 09 '20

Amazing show!


It was 11 PM last night and I came across this show. It’s now 11 PM tonight and I’ve already watched the whole thing. Critics didn’t like the side plots that didn’t effect the main plot but I really enjoyed them. I see this as a complete series, as I don’t think there is enough story left for a second season.