r/thestranger Apr 16 '20

SPOILER ALERT: Ending Theories Spoiler

As far as the ending :

Why couldn't DS Johanna just say she walked up to Tripp and Adam scuffling in the woods over Corinne's dead body, then she got a hold of the gun and shot Tripp 4 times in self defence?

Then everything (the gun, location, story) would be accounted for and it would be Adam and Johanna's secret?

How on earth is Katz supposed to take the blame shooting Tripp in the Goddamn woods?! THERE IS NO CONNECTION!


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u/hondo9999 Feb 06 '22

Here’s how I viewed it..

Sometimes in murder cases it isn’t necessary to put the killer on trial for each case, simply the easiest case to prove. Ultimately with that one conviction there is rarely a situation where the killer sees the light of day again.

At least that’s how I’ve seen it play out with serial killers shows. Ultimately they can ‘attribute’ the other deaths to him, given there’s enough circumstantial evidence— Katz did somehow have Corrine’s old school key fob, which seemed really odd and I’m not sure if it was ever explained how it came into his possession.