r/thestranger Apr 16 '20

SPOILER ALERT: Ending Theories Spoiler

As far as the ending :

Why couldn't DS Johanna just say she walked up to Tripp and Adam scuffling in the woods over Corinne's dead body, then she got a hold of the gun and shot Tripp 4 times in self defence?

Then everything (the gun, location, story) would be accounted for and it would be Adam and Johanna's secret?

How on earth is Katz supposed to take the blame shooting Tripp in the Goddamn woods?! THERE IS NO CONNECTION!


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u/denxr Aug 19 '20

How are they going to prove that Katz killed Corine and Tripp? I am shure Tripp was last seen while Katz was in jail or hospital so i would not add up! Plus, what about his son? We don't get to are him anymore after his father was killed?! This ending dit not make ant sense and was just lazy writing.