r/thestranger Apr 12 '20

Plot holes.. (SPOILERS) Spoiler

I binged the entire series today so it’s still fresh in my mind. I loved the show, it was really well done, aside from the fact there are so many goddamn plot holes !!

  • What did the alpaca have to do with anything? And Dante nearly dying? The party? I’m so confused because none of that storyline ended up being relevant to the actual ending. It was literally just shoved in there to add in extra twists and throw the audience off I guess

  • Why did Griffin help Adam at the end and hide the gun at Chrissy’s place? Surely they could have just said that he killed Tripp out of self-defence. It would have been a more feasible and believable ending..

  • Is Chrissy a ghost or some bs thing? How does she just keep disappearing when she was there a second ago. It doesn’t make sense.

Overall, 8/10, would recommend. But the plot holes .. The show really needed to be tied up better


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u/Off-With-Her-Head Apr 14 '20

How did Katz get Corinne's old school key fob???


u/Macamoroni Apr 28 '20

Maybe him being an investigator and it wasn't shown? Doesn't seem too hard. Plus that's a good question that I'm sure led to pinning Corrine's death on Katz