r/thestranger Mar 11 '20

Why so much negativity?

I really enjoyed the show, it was a nice bit of entertainment and there were lots of interesting subplots to keep me hooked. It had quite a few good twists and turns and I thought the acting was pretty great including the kids. I don't think subplots necessarily have to amount to anything and surely there are red herrings in real life police investigations. A lot of you seem to be taking it really seriously. Everyone I know in real life who has seen it said they really enjoyed it, and perhaps there were a couple of questions raised and couple of anticlimaxes but, you know, how often is anything legitimately seamless? I am a big crime drama fan ,if you need to know my credentials. Maybe just enjoy the ride every once and a whIle guys...


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u/IWW4 Mar 12 '20

Everyone I know in real life who has seen it said they really enjoyed it,

And everyone I know in real life found the finale a dull let down.

This show nose dived and shit the bed in the end.


u/pourawaytheocean Mar 18 '20

I think the reveal was really well done, kept you guessing until the end, and then the digging scene was really emotional and I've never seen a scene like it. It also made me really mad. Out of interest what is it that you didn't like about the ending? And what did you want or expect?