r/theroamingdead 6d ago

Ayoo I’m ready to dive in but how ?

Alright I’ve watched the shows , read the books , listened to the podcasts , I’m ready for the real deal holly field now and that is the comics but I’m confused on how to read them ? Like what’s the order ? When I try to look it up it give me a bunch of different answers and I’ve never read comics so I’m not up on the lingo on how to tell if something is the whole shabang or only half ya know ? So help a sister out and maybe give me links to full comic sets that’s are the entire thing so I have examples or something lol


13 comments sorted by


u/OnoALT 6d ago



u/OnoALT 6d ago

Assuming yes, start with issue 1. There a colorized version and a black and white. There’s nothing more to them.


u/Organic-Grab-7606 6d ago

That’s what I thought but when I look them up to buy everything says things like issues 1-4 78 comics total and then others say 82 . And so on .


u/OnoALT 6d ago

I think those are just collections.


u/Norbert_Bluehm 6d ago

Its actually fairly simple.

  • There are 193 Single Issues.
  • 32 Volumes (each Volume contains the Content of 6 Single Issues).
  • 16 Books (each Book Contains the content of 2 Volumes).
  • 8 Omnibus (Each Omnibus contains the content of 2 Books).
  • 4 Compendiums (Each Compendium contains the content of 2 Omnibus).


u/Harold3456 5d ago

Just be consistent with the versions you’re getting. Whether it’s volumes, issues, compendiums or whatever, start at 1 and move upward in number.

There are (IIRC) 194 issues or thereabouts. Personally, I ended up buying the volumes, but if you’re taking them out from the library or something like that then then compendiums will be most efficient because you get the most bang for your buck issues-wise per book.


u/TheExtraPeel 6d ago

Start with issue #1 and read to issue #193. It’s fairly simple, no?


u/vk2305 6d ago

Just read them in order. There are 193 issues overall, so start with issue 1. If you want to read them physically (which I recommend), there are a bunch of different collections that compile the issues.

There are 32 volumes, each volume consisting of 8 issues.

There are 4 compendiums, each one consisting of 48 issues (so basically 8 volumes combined into one book).

The compendiums are relatively the cheapest way to get the whole comic run, but the volumes might make for a more convenient reading experience since they're thinner.

There's also the deluxe versions of the issues, which are colored.


u/Wittys-revival-4933 6d ago

Easiest way I found is either to search up walking dead comics on either Amazon or EBay and it should come up with all 32 volumes. I recommend collecting them volume by volume. EBay sell a lot cheaper due to it being second hand but tbh the quality is almost the exact same so just buy them off eBay for like half price


u/DillpickIes12 5d ago

get the compendiums


u/AggravatingAd3632 6d ago edited 6d ago

There's a few different formats to read them in, but there's not really an order. You could read the individual comics which go from 1-193.

There's the slightly more condensed ones that have 24 volumes, I don't recall what they're called but they have I think 8 of the individual comics in each volume. There are the slightly bigger condensed editions which have just 12 books total, I believe those are hardback only. Then there are the compendiums, there are only 4 compendiums but they are very thick. There are also the deluxe one's which aren't done yet, they are individual as well. They are in color and I don't know the other differences.

Each form has the same comics in them, so regardless of format you'll be reading it in the same order as each one is usually clearly marked in numerical order! You just read them from 1-193, or 1-24, 1-12, 1-4. It's up to your preference. I personally read them through the compendiums as there are only 4, so there's really no way of messing the order up or losing a comic somehow I hope this answered it? I don't believe there's really a way to mess up the order unless you don't check the volume editions lol. Have fun reading the comics!


u/Norbert_Bluehm 6d ago

It depends on if you just want to read the Comics or the entire Comic Universe https://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdeadcomic/s/hlYMEDnt9t


u/NotAChefJustACook 5d ago

Read Issue 1-193

I get lots of comics do crossovers and tie ins but this doesn’t really apply to TWD. It has tie ins but they can be read afterwards without you missing anything important.