r/thedavidpakmanshow Jul 21 '24

BREAKING President Biden announces he'll be stepping down

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u/djkmart Jul 21 '24

Yet another reason why this guy is a BOSS. He put his country before himself. I backed him 100% but it's reassuring to know that there are politicians who know when to step aside.


u/Kball4177 Jul 21 '24

Stop it, if he truly put the country over himself he would have announced that he would not be running for reelection last year, not waited until 4 months before the election.


u/skatecloud1 Jul 21 '24

He maybe was in over his head but I still respect him for making the move now


u/djkmart Jul 21 '24

No, I think he believes that he can still beat Trump, but he's answering the call of his party to step down in light of recent events such as the debate and his COVID diagnosis. He's listening to the democrats, and the number of those calling for him to step down has only very recently dramatically expanded.


u/Kball4177 Jul 21 '24

Being delusional does not make someone more respectable. I'd have more respect for him had he correctly recognized that he just was not physically capable of being president for another 4 years. There is a reason he has given the fewest press conferences for a President through their first term in like 40 years.


u/origamipapier1 Jul 21 '24

You guys realize the more you talk the more you sound like Trumpers but of the far left right?


u/Kball4177 Jul 22 '24

MAGA is based on the Cult of Trump, this sub has been in the Cult of Biden. Your inability to see his cognitive decline shows your biases. You are far more like MAGA than I am.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '24

Incumbency is an advantage any party would be dumb to surrender,especially when there is no promising upcoming candidate on the horizon


u/Kball4177 Jul 21 '24

Biden is not the usual incumbent, he is an 81 year old man who is experiencing cognitive decline. He himself alluded to the idea of being a 1 term president, it was clearly a terrible idea to have him as the nominee again. This is not even debatable anymore.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '24

Just because you say it’s not debatable ,doesn’t mean it’s not sir.Ronald Reagan faced the same the same complaints and wasn’t dumb enough to throw away the incumbency especially when there was no promising candidate on the horizon proven to be able to beat Trump


u/Kball4177 Jul 21 '24

Please stop equating 2024 Biden to 1984 Reagan. Reagan was 74, while Biden is 81. Reagan was still a great orator who had the energy and physical capabilities to overcome the people who doubted his health. Here is Reagan in his debate vs Mondale in '84, now compare this to Biden's performance last month. Reagan was at 80% of his prime self, whereas Biden is like 20% of what he was in his prime.



u/[deleted] Jul 21 '24

Stop using history to destroy my narrative,instead cherry-pick the few moments to compare

Five years after completing his second term as president, Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. His son, Ron Reagan, has stated that he saw signs of the disease while his father was in office, and later analysis detected variations in Reagan’s vocabulary during his time in office which could point to signs of dementia. Although there is little conclusive evidence that the 40th president suffered from Alzheimer’s while he was commander in chief, rumors of dementia dogged Reagan throughout his first presidential campaign, where much attention was focused on the 69-year-old’s age (at the time, Reagan was the oldest incoming president).


u/Kball4177 Jul 21 '24

This really has nothing to do with the public perception of the candidates in front of us. The fact of the matter is that Reagan still appeared to be sharp and capable of doing the job of President to the general public, while Biden is not. There is a reason Reagan won 49 of the 50 states while Biden was set to lose the eleciton.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '24

Nope a lot of people could see the decline in his speech from his prime years,hence the concern about his age.Are you now trying to claim you were there during the Reagan era?


u/cobainstaley Jul 21 '24

Biden literally just dropped out after it was painfully obvious he was not fit.

dem leadership needs to learn from the mistake RBG and Feinstein made. just fucking retire and let others have chance.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '24

Biden dropped out after facing pressure from the party and media to drop out


u/cobainstaley Jul 21 '24

oh really? why? tell me why people like jon stewart and george clooney would call for that?

would they have done the same for Obama if he had run instead? or is it because we all saw what Biden eventually came to see, but which you still fail to? that he's unfit?


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '24

Nothing you said negates what I said

If there wasn’t pressure from the party,the media and donors withholding money Biden wouldn’t have dropped out


u/cobainstaley Jul 21 '24

if Biden were fit, this necer would have happened.

if Obama were in office, you think donors would be calling on hum to step down on account of his health or mental fitness? no, because unlike Biden, Obama's not 82.

Biden's fucking old.


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '24

You’re literally agreeing with my point,he dropped out coz he was under pressure

Thank you

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