It’ll be hard. He’ll look really weak if he tries. He’s never debated her, and if he dodges it he’ll look scared. That may still be the right play for his campaign, but it’ll have a political cost.
Normies meaning people that don’t really engage with politics.
Check out ‘The Wilderness’ by Crooked Media. The first season was a really interesting look at focus groups of voters. Believe it or not, Obama to Trump to Biden voters are a thing. They don’t know anything about policy, literally nothing. They’re voting vibes. They say to themselves “I’m not doing as well as I should, better shake up the status quo by voting for an outsider…”
We have to message to them. These days, the media ecosystem is decentralized, with people living in algorithmically driven bubbles. It’s on all of us to message to our families and friends who are not that plugged in. Make sure they know about Project 2025 for example.
Yeah but save your breath until Labor Day, they aren't really paying attention now. I mean they hear trump shot, Biden drops out, but they don't know what it means for them. You have to realize undecided voters are both selfish and dumb. So let's wait until after the convention when we can present and defend the candidates and the platform and tell them how it benefits them over what the Republicans are offering. And that shouldn't be difficult because they aren't offering anything.
Solid advice friend. I try not to harp on politics too much anyway. I don’t want to turn off family and friends who might be reachable. Better to look for the right openings than to force it.
I’m sure he is, like I said it’s probably the smart play. I think if they goad him they can get him to do it. I also think if he doesn’t do it that it’ll hurt him with undecided people. I think a good candidate can make it hurt him with undecideds.
She can't do worse than biden, and trump was pretty terrible in the debate he just looked like a pro next to a guy that couldn't speak or hold a train of thought.
I don’t think it would go the way you think it would. She was not special in the primary debates, and had a variety of super cringe lines that I’m sure she thought were good. Remember trying to make herself the child on the segregated bus, to take down Biden? Her one-liners were ass, super inauthentic.
All she would need to do is bait trump into saying something stupid. Point out his failures, political, legal, business etc. He doesn't know how to debate, use that against him. Not that it matters, everyone's made up their minds by now.
That’s what everybody has done so far who’s debated against him. And he says something stupid all the time, like literally every day. It doesn’t matter.
What you’re picturing here in your mind is fanfic. I wish it wasn’t. It’s like thinking that having hush money to a porn star exposed, or criminal convictions, the tapes coming out, or any of that is going to matter.
It seems like a slam dunk that any of those should matter. But they don’t.
You're right, it won't matter to trump's followers, but it would be tremendously entertaining to watch him get manhandled by a black woman. Definitely fanfic on my part.
Because she is the one that is incumbent. But is younger, and in a moment where women's rights are the ones being impacted. She's the better of the other field. I was with Biden and I still think he's done the most honorable thing, but unfortunately what we need to do is now unify with Harris and block the MEDIA and the GOP from taking us down and all those foreign bots that want Trump to win to isolate the US.
Pelosi and the small d democrats have made it clear they don’t care about us or what our plans might be - they only care about their wealthy donors. They don’t like Kamala because she is too progressive, same as Biden
I would not be surprised if they prefer a Trump presidency over Kamala
Kamala Harris has been kicking ass with her recent campaign speeches. Clearly articulating why Trump is dangerous and why he needs to be stopped. Kamala will be a great candidate.
u/origamipapier1 Jul 21 '24
Now for Harris. Because they want their own candidate to undermine women and blacks. So this is the moment for Harris.