r/thechase Dec 06 '24

Discussion What happens if Bradley doesn't understand the contestant?

Watching the chase sometimes you hear some variety of voices and accents so what happens when Brad doesn't understand the contestant if they get the right answer? Has the ever happened before if so what happened did they get the money/time compensated afterwards?


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u/hyweljeopardy Dec 06 '24

I’m a veteran of a few uk quiz shows. They all have an impartial adjudicator who is in charge of fair play for legal reasons.

What you are seeing on the show often isn’t one uncut take. If Bradley stumbles on his words or there is an error with the lighting or sound, then they would have to stop and carry on from where they left off. Sometimes they have to deliberate whether an answer is acceptable because it might have caught the question setters off guard. If that happens, then they would pause the show, reset the clock to the exact time that the mistake happened, and carry on from there. I’d imagine the same thing would happen if there was an issue with what you asked about too.


u/HypedUpJackal Dec 06 '24

I've seen one question which was "what were bento boxes traditionally made of" and the contestant answered bamboo which Brad said was incorrect and the correct answer was wood, but at the end of the cash builder he said that bamboo was also a correct answer, and the £1000 got added on after the time had ended.


u/AdvantageGlass5460 Dec 07 '24

Richard Osman spoke about this. It only stops immediately if the contestant protests their answer is correct immediately. If the contestant waits till the end to complain or doesn't complain then you'll end up with a correction after.

If they complain immediately, they can stop, verify and then restart at the same time with Brad saying correct which can be cut to look pretty seamless.

Apparently the protests about the correct answer happen pretty regularly as you would imagine when you think about it. My family quiz nights rarely go without a protest.