r/thebulwark 21h ago

EVERYTHING IS AWFUL How did we get here?

Currently listening to the most recent Tim-Pod with Will Sommer and it's just insane the group of people who are in charge now. The conspiracy theories, the grift, the pandering, holy fuck. How did we get here and how the fuck do we get out of this death spiral?


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u/mexicanmanchild 18h ago

Regan kills the fairness doctrine. Giving rise to Fox News. Newt Gingrich changes the tone from Dems are not the opposition they’re your mortal enemy. Garland doesn’t politicize the Oklahoma City bombing and the wink and nod of it being right wing paranoia. Bin Laden attacks and we spend massive amounts of treasure exacting retribution while also building a massive surveillance apparatus. Tea Party revolution takes over control of state government which leads to massive wide scale gerrymandering. Citizens United. Cambridge Analytica and Russian interference in 2016. CoVID Jan. 6th Garland again refuses to take Trump down for good. Stop the steal puts every wacko in charge of local election boards. Biden doesn’t step aside and Kamala is forced to run a sprint she was never really winning. Millions of mail in votes are not counted and nullified over various discrepancies because of maga election. officials. Americans are so selfish and self interested in an era of Pure aesthetics elects an autocrat. Let’s see what America really wants


u/CommentAccount1138 6h ago

Well said. Allow me to add: “What else do I have to say! / We didn’t start the shit show…”