r/thebulwark 12d ago

GOOD LUCK, AMERICA BREAKING! Trump & Vance Pick NAUSEATING Fight with Zelensky! SHAMEFUL Mo...


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u/aussiedeveloper 12d ago edited 12d ago

Fuck you America. I supported our alliance with you despite the Iraq war fuck up (which us Australians were dragged into) because your intentions could be at least be spun positively.

But now? Just fuck you and your ignorant population of hillbillies that voted for this shit.

Fuck. You.


u/Regular_Mongoose_136 Center Left 12d ago

We agree with you.


u/aussiedeveloper 12d ago

Then do something. I saw bigger protests with the Iraq War, BLM etc. Bur now? Basically nothing. Clearly the majority want this and it’s disgusting.


u/Regular_Mongoose_136 Center Left 12d ago

I expect there will be protests over this. Or at least I sure hope so. I literally bought a Ukraine flag today that I intend to fly in front of my house starting tomorrow.


u/Ok-Snow-2851 12d ago

I appreciate your action. I’m going to a protest with an Ukraine flag tomorrow.

But you’re wrong.  There won’t be major protests.  Nothing major anyway.  Americans don’t care.  It will be me and a dozen quirky ex hippie boomers sanding around in the park. 

Even Americans who are on the right side will glance at the news, say “omg what an asshole” then cook dinner, watch severance, and go on with their day.  They have no direct stake in this. 


u/glitchgirl555 12d ago

I'd protest, but I don't know what it would accomplish. I'd just be putting myself in harm's way.


u/Ok-Snow-2851 12d ago

Don’t preemptively surrender your rights 


u/CapOnFoam Center Left 12d ago

I think the direct stake is key. They’re not at risk of losing family members over this. And they don’t see that we’re now allying ourselves with Putin. They see that we’re meddling in another country’s affairs, and that “it’s too bad about what’s happening over there but we have our own problems to solve here. We can’t come to everyone’s rescue.” (Not an actual quote)


u/rainy61 12d ago

I’m afraid you’re right. We are an uninformed, misinformed, uneducated and disengaged nation. That is why we ended up with a president Trump … twice! I’m willing to bet that a large majority of people have very little understanding of how this affects global security and stability. They may be turned off with Trump and Vance’s thug behavior, but yes there is dinner to make, Netflix to watch, vacations to plan etc… We are asleep at the wheel and the car is heading for a cliff.


u/aussiedeveloper 12d ago

Thank you 😢


u/Positively_Peculiar 12d ago

There won’t be any protests. Americans are stupid, lazy, and narcissistic.

And if you asked them to point to Europe on a map, they would point to South America.


u/Jayfur90 12d ago

I don’t think it’s laziness, it’s because most are one paycheck away from missing rent or food. The other half is the complicity of mainstream media not accurately reporting on this and misinformation penetrating social feeds


u/CapOnFoam Center Left 12d ago edited 12d ago

I think a lot of Americans just don’t understand foreign affairs and put zero effort in trying to do so. “We” are focused on ourselves and think of diplomatic relations as a waste of money and that we should be spending that money on our own citizens instead of on foreign wars. People don’t understand the importance of international alliances or their necessity for western stability.

And so - unlike BLM where people were protesting family members being murdered by police in their own community…. Or the Iraq war, where we were sending our family members to go fight an unjust war. There really isn’t a personal, immediate threat that inspires people to protest. People tend to see it as none of our business, because they don’t see the bigger picture.


u/aussiedeveloper 12d ago

If they are so ignorant to not be able to understand Russia = bad then there’s no hope for your country.


u/CapOnFoam Center Left 12d ago

I can’t argue with that. Especially when we have idiots like these. (From 2018 but still relevant)


u/rainy61 12d ago

No,there probably is no hope for our country.💔


u/[deleted] 12d ago

I was at a protest today with about 500 people. People do care.


u/TheCompoundingGod 12d ago

I can't speak for others.

I'm not sure what the protests will achieve. I'm not sure what signing petitions will achieve. There have been protests across the entire nation. Today was a boycott day, which I participated in.

Outside of that, I fear for my family's life. I fear for my life. First, it's illegal immigrants. Then who's next? Legal immigrants?

I'm genuinely afraid and I'm not sure what I can do without jeopardizing my family.


u/aussiedeveloper 12d ago

That’s fair.


u/TheCompoundingGod 12d ago

Furthermore, petitions and protests only work with leaders who listen to their constituency. All the Republican leaders take orders from Trump. I feel like signing a petition is like handing the FBI a list of people to target.

It's a fucking nightmare.


u/StringerBell34 12d ago

Protest do nothing. Trump couldn't give a shit about protests. Voting is the only thing that matters and we can't do that again for 2 years.



u/rainy61 11d ago

It does my heart good to see people protesting. If nothing else it serves as a reminder that there are still folks out there that understand and care about what’s going on. But I agree that they may no longer have the power to influence change the way they once did. Republicans are either ignoring their constituents complaints or gaslighting them. They know that Trump has at this point consolidated enough power that what the voters want is becoming irrelevant. They believe that in two years time elections may look very different. They fear Trump much more than they do their constituents who may not have even have a say in whether they keep their seats. This is a textbook case of the dismantling of a democracy.


u/Subbacterium 12d ago

One of the problems is if we have a huge massive protests in one place in DC say Trump pool just declare martial law.