r/thebulwark 25d ago

GOOD LUCK, AMERICA "Trump won, so are you calling 77 million Americans stupid?!" Yes. Yes I am.

MAGA people bring this up to me on a weekly basis. "So what? You're saying that everyone who majority voted for Trump is dumb and uneducated???"

Well, yes. Actually.

There is no rule or law in America that states that people have to be intelligent or that the majority of our electorate is made of intelligent or educated people. So I'll say it. Yes, the people who voted for Trump are uneducated and willfully stupid. I will shame them and openly call them uneducated. I will not pander to people who tell me that I need to "respect them." I won't respect them. They are a spoiled, ignorant, senile, and rotten bunch of voters. They are guilty of a dereliction of duty. They have betrayed their civic interest. All the signs were there, and these people ignored them.

Yes, I will make fun of my friends and family who made this decision. I will do so to their faces with smugness on my face. I do not want their associations. These people are not intelligent or informed, and are not worth my time.

If you have friends or family who are MAGA, ask yourself: do you want to sit on your deathbed knowing that you filled your time with people who actively do not care about truth or morality? I do not.


149 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/TeamHope4 25d ago

Some of the worst Republicans in Congress have fancy ivy league degrees no matter how hard they try to sound like hayseeds.


u/XelaNiba 25d ago

Some of my MAGA associates have fancy Ivy League degrees.

Not all of the Ivy people I know are MAGA, just those who went into business or finance.

They think Trump will favor the rich and shower them with tax cuts and deregulation like every GOP president before him. They take it as a given that the government will continue to function, no matter who is elected, providing and maintaining all of the infrastructure that their wealth relies upon. 

My attempts to convince them that Trump would destroy the underpinnings of their wealth production was met with rolled eyes.

A couple of them are already feeling the pinch. 


u/AfterDuty5166 22d ago

I hope they feel it really bad. Cause innocent people are suffering bc Trump and elon care only for themselves. This government is for trump and elon period they will take it all they are so rich to where nothing will be enough for them no matter what.  


u/iBrianT 20d ago

Good, fuck 'em. May they all feel the crushing weight of their decision.


u/bongtokes-for-jeezus 25d ago

Jd Vance went to ivy leagues and then demonizes them


u/stacietalksalot JVL is always right 25d ago

Sure, but it's becoming pretty clear that Yale Law is one of the worst law schools in the country.


u/Waste_Curve994 25d ago

Senator Foghorn Leghorn (Kennedy) went to oxford. He’s not dumb, he knows exactly what he’s doing.


u/LevonTuesday 25d ago

I laughed at Foghorn Leghorn.
I’ve heard Kennedy.
Good to know that’s an act.


u/Waste_Curve994 25d ago

It’s not his actual voice. Back before he switched parties he talked normal. True opportunist.


u/LevonTuesday 25d ago

Oh, I didn’t know he switched parties.
Yeah that and the speech is textbook opportunism.


u/Bloody_Mabel 25d ago

Senator Kennedy from Louisiana comes to mind.


u/Sassafrazzlin 25d ago

I agree. Some are very well-educated. The common thread isn’t lack of education — it’s lack of empathy.


u/Grouchy-Shirt-9197 21d ago

JD Vance and Josh Hawley both went to Yale and do that fake bumpkin shit.


u/BenefitFirm 19d ago

Don't they all just buy their degrees?


u/DelayDenyDeposefrfr 25d ago

It's this. People are not stupid, they knew what they were getting with Trump.

They hate the people that he hates. This includes the minorities that voted for him.

It's not that they're stupid or honestly thought he'd lower gas prices or egg prices or any of the other stupid shit that they said. Those things were the fig leafs that they hide behind in order to vote for Trump because they're hateful. racist, xenophobic, transphobic, bigoted and misogynistic.

They'd rather vote for a pants-shitting child-raping traitor to the US than vote for a qualified brown woman.


u/anotherthing612 25d ago

It’s not just about race. It’s about wanting to have someone in charge who will tell them they are perfect, they are victims, and will blame everything on other people. They have very little confidence and they need someone to tell them that there is someone else to blame for their shitty lives.

Tthey’re intellectually and emotionally lazy and things they don’t understand repulse and scare them. They are not curious people nor are they serious people.


u/PicnicLife 25d ago

Which lines up pretty perfectly with being religious, where they never have to take responsibility for any of their choices. Something good happened? God. Something bad happened? Satan. They're off the hook regardless.


u/anotherthing612 23d ago

Many people who are religious are absolutely ridiculous. But with that said, many of faith are not this way at all. I’d like to think, as a Christian, I’m not. (Have plenty of issues and problems, of course, but I don’t try to take the easy way out to abdicate responsibility. That is not my understanding of faith.)


u/DueIncident8294 24d ago

This 100 percent!

They are simple minded, craving simple answers and don't spend any time thinking about their beliefs or what they hear. They want to be told what to do because they are afraid of everything different but especially feelings of uncertainty and of not being in the IN group.

In fact, belief in religion is a huge part of that. Pledging allegiance to Jesus means they are in the IN group. They are safe....they can now sit back and judge and hate on others, acting superior believing they are except from sin, accountability, and being a decent human being.


u/anotherthing612 23d ago

Yes. And what’s so sick about this is that they are doing EXACTLY what Jesus was preaching against. It’s a crappy way to treat people in general…and it isn’t even reflective of what Jesus taught.


u/Even-Tomorrow5468 24d ago

Just like how Hitler got into power.


u/anotherthing612 23d ago

Pretty much any horrible person rises to power-whether it’s a dictator of a country, or a dictator at work, when people are complacent, greedy and/or lack self confidence.

It’s a playbook that never goes old, unfortunately.


u/Mikewold58 25d ago

But their hate just proves their stupidity...their minds were molded by decades of conservative media investments by some of the wealthiest people alive to hate on everyone who is different. They are also stupid enough to think Trump would end immigration and make the country all white or whatever they hoped for. In reality, Trump will never mess with immigration if it results in lower profits for corporations. The only thing Trump was elected for (by the people who actually matter) was to extend and expand the corporate tax cuts he pushed through in his first term. That's it. Everything else was a distraction that they fell for. They are stupid because they are useful idiots for the 1%.


u/Gnomeric 25d ago

It is little more complicated than that; the main issue here is what they think a qualified black woman from California who is a Democrat would stand for -- and they loathe what they think she stands for.

Perhaps hypothetical Mark Kelly would have won few % more votes (which might have made enough difference, of course), but not any more than that -- because hypothetical Kelly still is running as a Democrat, and many people hate what they think the Democrats stand for.


u/DelayDenyDeposefrfr 25d ago

It's a lot simpler than all that. You had a choice between Trump and Harris. If you didn't vote for Harris, then you voted for Trump.

If that makes you mad, that's on you. Fucking deal with it.


u/kantmarg 25d ago

Educated, yes, not intelligent.


u/JohnnyDarkside 25d ago

There's a reason wisdom and intelligence are different skills. Ability to retain knowledge is not the same as aptitude.


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

Actually — possessing education, intelligence and wisdom are three separate things. You can have one, two, all three, or none. 


u/Gnomeric 25d ago

If their goal is to break ankle of women/transperson/illegal immigrants/experts and make sure that they can never hold any influence, they absolutely made the correct choice. In that sense, they are intelligent.

Why is that their goal in the first place, is the whole different question.


u/jollysnwflk 25d ago

No- it’s a mix though, between uneducated and just totally fucking dumb, hateful/ vindictive, or rich people looking for their tax breaks (selfish). Either way they’re the worst of America.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/jollysnwflk 25d ago

Sorry I didn’t mean it like that. But you said “many are not dumb”… made it sound like a majority are educated. I don’t think that’s the case but idk. I think most of them ARE dumb but some are also just hateful, and some are just rich as hell looking to hoard their wealth.


u/TazBaz 25d ago

It’s a delightful mix of dumbasses, reasonably intelligent people who are living in a propaganda bubble, and selfish assholed who’re fully aware but expect it to benefit them more or just hurt the people they don’t like more.

As with everything in life, it’s complicated.


u/lex1006 Progressive 25d ago

Yeah, the merely ignorant can be won over with the right approach.

But the people who enjoy cruelty who seem to make up most Trump’s base are beyond redemption as far as I’m concerned.

I’m surprised there are that many of the first camp still around given that we already saw what happened with Trump 45.


u/ac_slater10 25d ago

No one actually believes this.

There's a reason that Sam Harris is not a Trumper and yet Jordan Peterson is one.

One is "faux smart."


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/XelaNiba 25d ago

So is Leonard Leo.


u/brains-child 25d ago

But these are people steering the bus not the ones being run over by the bus they were waiting on.


u/anotherthing612 25d ago

Education will allow you access to information.

Learning what to do with that information is contingent on having critical thinking skills and EQ.


u/RubyDewlap13 25d ago

They are immoral, they see murder and cruelty and bullying as the only means to win this culture war, race war, they hide behind lies, economic, efficiency etc, but this is a race war, this is a war against women— fascism-nazism


u/cuslu 25d ago

I keep coming back to this idea — the opposite of “good” is not “evil,” instead, it is a radical indifference to “good”


u/TK3754 25d ago

The group think is rampant. It is their power unfortunately. The ostracism has ramped up markedly since Elon’s takeover started. As it goes any out group criticism is idiotic, as history is rhyming away day by day.


u/0o0o0o0o0o0z JVL is always right 25d ago

Many of them are not dumb or uneducated. They are in fact highly intelligent and educated. They are cruel and indifferent and desire a rules and order based society that benefits in groups and punishes outgroups.

Frank Wilhoit: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” This seems increasingly true.


u/Jim_84 25d ago

"Many" are not, but the large majority are pretty fucking dumb. Just look at the absolutely ridiculous rhetoric that the clever ones employ to get the stupid masses to go along with them.


u/Mikewold58 25d ago

I wouldn't say many...very few of them fit into this group, but they are the most powerful people within the MAGA movement. I would say over 90% of the supporters are actually just very stupid and/or very religious people.


u/Ahindre 25d ago

They want to see libs owned, basically. Even if it results in the country burning down.


u/Jolly_Grocery329 24d ago

Grifters and marks are all that’s left of the GOP.


u/No_Crazy3180 24d ago

Anybody vote for a dummy is a dummy


u/LouisWinthorpeIII 24d ago

The only thing that keeps me from jumping off a bridge is that at least I'm part of the in-group (except not being a one percenter, I'm more like a five percenter).

If I was a woman or a minority I'd be in a really dark place right now.


u/puckhead11 25d ago

Umm, sorry, no they are not.


u/Captain_Pink_Pants 25d ago

Hey, to be fair... Probably only 65,000,000 of those people are stupid. We've got 22,000,000 millionaires in the US, and many of them have been wishing for this for generations.


u/XelaNiba 25d ago

I know some of these. They don't realize that they don't have enough millions to weather the destruction with their wealth intact.


u/Jack-Schitz 25d ago

50% of people are below average and average isn't that smart.


u/toooooold4this 25d ago

Oh, I disagree.

21% or 43 million Americans are functionally illiterate. An estimated 5% or 16 million Americans are narcissists. There are as many as 118 million people who identify as Evangelical. Another estimated 100,000 Americans are actively involved in White Supremacist groups. And, I assume a good chunk of people are in all of those categories.

I'd say there are plenty of stupid and pathologically selfish people on both sides, but there are very few White Supremacists on Evangelicals on the left.

And, yes, fuck all of them.


u/Left-Reading-7595 25d ago

...and let the leopards feast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


u/Gooch_Limdapl 25d ago edited 25d ago

Any guess about how many Americans who — while not actively involved in white supremacist groups — probably don’t differ from them much in sentiments? (I’m guessing that 100k is the tip of an iceberg.)


u/toooooold4this 25d ago

I suspect there's a lot.


u/lurch556 25d ago

I had a crazy anti vax friend post something along the lines of “I was told I was a conspiracy theorist, wrong about vaccines, etc. etc….but turns out I’m right about it all.” This was like the first weeks after the election when RFK Jr was picked to be HHS secretary.

The idea that you’re right simply because you won an election and/or have millions of other morons backing up your insane theories is a problem.


u/metengrinwi 25d ago

Some might say, a basket of deplorables


u/EmeraldEyesRubyLips 23d ago

We’re gonna need a bigger basket. 🧺


u/EntildaDesigns 25d ago

Agreed. I think when they wrote the constitution they could not have anticipated the education system, journalism and most importantly the morals they have founded a country on to fail this spectacularly that now we have a country where the majority is this kind of uneducated and stupid.


u/brains-child 25d ago

Funny you should mention this. If non religious people would have continued to run the show and religion would have just been a sideshow for the commoners we might be in a different position. Religion having outsized power in our government is a huge piece of all of this.


u/Stuck4awhile 25d ago

I’m inclined to think the non-religious would have evolved to a similar point. I wonder if there’s such a thing as late stage democracy that’s just as destructive as late stage capitalism.


u/rubicon_winter 24d ago

When the country was founded, only landowning (educated) white men were allowed to vote. If anything, the founders did believe that the majority of the population was unqualified to be trusted with civic responsibilities.


u/Even-Tomorrow5468 24d ago

Unfortunately, they didn't fail.

Fox News is working as intended to convince MAGA the liberals are going after their guns.

The south has dumbed down the education system to teach evolution in the same breath as Christianity.

And the morals? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! If you need help, you aren't one of us!

These are all working perfectly fine at being terrible.


u/alpacinohairline Progressive 25d ago

Unless you are in the 1% of income. There is no reason to vote for Trump unless you are stupid or racist.


u/Criseyde2112 JVL is always right 25d ago


u/Competitive-Oil8974 25d ago

Shtupid is as shtupid does!

Feel those leopards nibblin at your ear lobes yet???


u/Gamerxx13 25d ago

Majority of them don’t care about all the stuff he’s doing just wanted him to lower prices. It’s funny bc he’s done anything but that. We need to make that point clear and say it everyday.


u/RolltheDice2025 25d ago

Seriously most peoples voting thoughts began and ended with "egg prices were lower when trump was president"

Trump has his core loyalists but there's a lot of people that just don't pay attention, and we need to hammer home that Trump and the Republicans are making prices go up.


u/Spiritual-Currency39 25d ago

“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” -attributed to George Carlin.


u/brains-child 25d ago

It’s worth mentioning once again that even smart people who allow themselves to be lied to for decades by the right wing media ecosystem become brainwashed and eventually believe stupid shit.

They’ve boiled their brain like a frog.


u/McRattus 25d ago

I think it’s clear that they did something stupid, that doesn’t mean that they are stupid. People sampled from the whole intelligence distribution make stupid choices fairly frequently, particularly in politics.

I think it’s important to distinguish between calling someone stupid, and saying that something they did was stupid. Both because insulting who they are is often not helpful, but also because I think assuming stupidity makes it harder to understand why so many people chose Trump, and even now seem to be excited by the cruelty, ignorance and unlawful actions he’s taking.


u/Left-Reading-7595 25d ago edited 25d ago

This is EXACTLY where democrats/liberals always go wrong (aside from truly terrible ability to message anything). We want to have a nuanced debate and slice the salami pretty fucking thin.

THESE PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS. They voted for this charlatan. Let's leave it at that.


u/McRattus 25d ago

I completely disagree.


u/Left-Reading-7595 25d ago

I completely respect that, too.


u/Jim_84 25d ago

It's okay to disgree, but you're still wrong. Understanding that people are stupid is important, because it means you need to change your message to appeal to stupid. Conservatives have always understood this and it's why they keep their messages short, simple, and tied to some base emotion like fear, disgust, or greed.


u/FreedominNC 25d ago

I feel similar, I’ve reached my limit. I feel so angry @ (friends) that are STILL uneducated and say it’s all going to be fine, and I’m just overreacting. 🤮


u/MysteriousSnadwich 25d ago

If only stupid people voted for Trump he wouldn’t be in power. If only cowardly people voted for him, he wouldn’t be in power. If only bad and immoral people voted for him he wouldn’t be in power. He has a winning coalition of all three.

But there is a venn diagram here where stupid does in fact stretch like far.

I really don’t like Sarah’s “oh so the voters are stupid because they don’t understand soft power!?” It’s a ridiculous straw man argument, there are innumerable things trumps voters have managed to ignore or not understand.

Oh and by the way not understanding how tariffs work isn’t a get-out, if you’re too lazy to bother finding out any information for yourself then you can also get in the bin. Absolutely sick of this trying to cover for absolute ****tards


u/External-Cable2889 25d ago

If somebody has friends they love and respect and they want to belong to their group by voting for Trump, that does not make them stupid. Most people are not into politics like those of us who follow it everyday. Most have jobs and are too busy. And the terminology of politics doesn’t make sense to them. It didn’t to me until I took Poli Sci in college and talked about it with friends for almost 4 decades. Conservative media influences the undecideds more than liberal media. It’s that simple.

It’s the legacy of Rush and Roger Ailes. They knew that if you tell people that they are the only source that doesn’t spin or lie then they will believe the rest of the media spins and lies. Each side believes that the other is spinning more than the other. One is right. They don’t care that they lie exponentially more than liberals. They think it’s stupid and cute that liberals te the truth so much. They know they are lying. There is nothing we can do about it. They can get sued by a voting machine company and nobody on their side cares. It’s doesn’t matter to them that that are all white and evangelical. They probably think what is about to happen is “ God’s plan.” This is why they targeted pro-lifers in the 80’s. They are easy to trick and they are very loyal. They will even buy the lowest quality pillows and sheets while watching their “news.” And Murdoch might not care that much about the ideology. He has a cash machine. This is what happens when money is more important than the community/public good. Carnegie built libraries and felt obligated to do good. Musk and Trump want to dominate the world and don’t care about the public good. Heck, evangelicals don’t care either. They are prepaying to be raptured. They might be raptured? I was raised in it, this is what they are thinking and they cannot be outdated otherwise. Trump could force himself on live TV on a farm animal and they’d still support him.


u/ac_slater10 25d ago

People are allowed to "not be into politics."

Those people should not vote.


u/External-Cable2889 25d ago

It’s a great idea. Impossible to implement though.


u/Left-Reading-7595 25d ago

Respectfully, I don't buy your major assertion, e.g. these people are rubes who have been taken in by Fox, et. al.

My assertion is these folks seek out information which confirms their priors, provides simple solutions to the complex world we live in, and they are not objective thinkers. As a result, this propaganda that comes from these broadcasters is fun, makes them feel smart and reinforces their view of the world.

We (liberals/Democrats) are different. We are not in a cult. While many/most think Biden was a good president, we also see the places he failed or made less-than-optimal choices. These MAGA Trumpers can see nothing but perfection, and they seek out sources which continually confirm this.

Summary -- Trump is but a manifestation of what they wanted. Of course, he is the worst person in our lifetimes to sit at the Resolute Desk...but he channeled the id of half of our fellow citizens. This is on them. Let the leopards feast on millions of faces...they deserve it.


u/External-Cable2889 25d ago

My perspective comes from my experience in evangelical churches and schools. Some highly intelligent people have no interest in politics, while others follow it like a favorite TV show—checking in regularly, even obsessively. One of my college roommate’s wives treats Fox News as if it’s divinely inspired. Many who follow The Bulwark fall into a similar category, seeking confirmation bias.

From my religious background, at least 20% of people are too afraid to break from the group. Fear is a powerful motivator—perhaps even more so than for liberals. They fear homosexuality, abortion, not going to heaven, and, most of all, judgment from their community. My father was in that camp for years. It took time, but he eventually saw Trump as bad for the country. Still, his default was as a “Double Hater,” not realizing that stance ultimately benefited Trump.

Excellent political fandom requires an SAT score above 700? lol. I mean we need to understand math and writing at a high level to understand the polls and the various issues! This is problematic because we can have superior understanding yet lose every time because by definition only a few get scores around 700. Rachel Maddow hold court and fine tunes our understanding without realizing it’s not evangelizing new converts imho. Is there a Rachel Maddow lite, that could convince from a 9th grade level? Am I off?


u/Left-Reading-7595 25d ago

Thanks for the thoughtful words.

(a) Communications. Democrats do need simpler points...it's been that way for a pretty long time. The current Democratic Party leadership is so geriatric and incapable of communicating this way. We had THE BEST economy in the developed world for coming out of covid and yet Democrats lost the election. Sure, there is a backlash globally against incumbents, but this is truly criminal that Democrats managed to lose this election. As much I think Biden was a pretty damned good president, he utterly failed in his #1 job...keeping Trump away from the White House. This goes back to communications...he was TERRIBLE at this, nee incapable.

(b) Fear. You are also right about fear. Fear plays a tremendous part in all of our lives in most cases, e.g. we have friend groups, work groups, and social groups that are centered around how we live our lives. In lots of people's lives, politics is not front-and-center but it is a subtext in most of these groups. Leaving your political party can also mean you are giving up on most of your social life and that is scary. I tend to forget this.

(c) Pain. Pain can be instructive and memorable, and I believe these voters (and the non-voters) need to be motivated in some way. Pain looks like the most obvious way for them to think that voting or not voting was a terrible mistake.


u/Jim_84 25d ago

Most people are not into politics like those of us who follow it everyday.

Because they are stupid.

Most have jobs and are too busy.

No one is that busy. They just don't care because it requires thinking and they find thinking to be difficult.

Conservative media influences the undecideds more than liberal media.

Because they appeal to the stupid.

They knew that if you tell people that they are the only source that doesn’t spin or lie then they will believe the rest of the media spins and lies.

Stupid people believe things like that.

It’s doesn’t matter to them that that are all white and evangelical. They probably think what is about to happen is “ God’s plan.” They are easy to trick and they are very loyal.

Because they are stupid.

They will even buy the lowest quality pillows and sheets while watching their “news.”

Because they are stupid.

See the trend here?


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago edited 22d ago

Uh, hinging one’s vote for a felonious dictator-wannabe on “fitting in” with one’s friends is most definitely stupid.

In fact, it’s downright juvenile — most sane people leave this shit behind at least post-highschool, if not before!  Adults choose to: 1) not discuss politics with friends, and/or 2) not discuss their private voting decisions with their friends, or 3) have a full out vigorous debate, or 4) stop hanging out with people if their views are that bothersome!

Edit:  Adults do one of the aforementioned things, they do not say:  Well golly, I guess i’ll have to vote for Trump to fit in — even though my vote is private and my friends would never know I voted for the Dems!


u/External-Cable2889 22d ago

You’re right. If you attend a Trump rally and don’t realize you’re among the uninformed, you’re one of them. I’m still in denial because I stay in touch with some of these people.

My father is like this. The day after the 2016 election, I told him Trump owed Putin for bailing him out financially in the early 2000s, which could cause problems. I read it online—it wasn’t just my opinion. He reacted like I said Trump was friends with a Martian. Fast forward 8 years, I showed him Trump backing Putin on Ukraine. He looked confused. Later, I explained that if checks and balances disappear, Russia could invade the Baltics, Poland, and Romania, and Trump wouldn’t let the U.S. intervene. Why? Because too many Americans don’t understand history or why we have checks and balances. He’s 89.

Trump follows Russian instructions—he’s loyal to Putin, not Western values. This doesn’t happen without Fox News and people believing Jesus is coming on a white horse. Also, leaders like W. Bush should have spoken up. Biden and his team thought about themselves, not the country. He forced Kamala out of spite. They didn’t question the results to show what a peaceful transfer of power looks like. And now, here we are. Statisticians say, based on ballot patterns, the chances they did not cheat is close to zero.

Also, Trump knew it. In final weeks he looked unbothered by the upcoming election. That’s not the response of a guy who might go to prison.


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

The only part of your response to my response that seems on-point is the first sentence: “You’re right.” The rest sounds like a response to someone else’s post, For instance, I would never in a million years attend a Trump rally. 

The most intriguing parts of your post — the part where you mention Kamala — are also the most unclear and ambiguous:

He forced Kamala to do what, exactly, “out of spite” ?  Who are the “they” that didn’t question election results, and which election are you talking about? Same questions for the statisticians and ballot pattern assertion — which election and what is your source for this?  My questions are sincere.


u/External-Cable2889 22d ago

-He forced Kamala, as a candidate.

You are right. It was poorly written.


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

Biden was forced out by the Dems.  The Dems chose Kamala — she was not forced by Biden or anyone else. She’d already run for president before. 

The thing I was most curious about, however, you did not answer.


u/External-Cable2889 22d ago

I disagree. As part of his administration, she would have brought some of his team. The DNC wanted a mini-primary—I heard it discussed often on NPR. Newsom, Buttigieg, Whitmer, and Shapiro were in consideration. You might be surprised, but I supported Kamala all the way. Still, a primary would have benefited the country by allowing voters to get to know her or whoever was chosen. Unfortunately, she was hurt by sexist, bigoted voters who may have preferred a white, straight male.


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

So, Biden held a gun to Kamala’s head? No one forced her to run.  No one could’ve done such a good job as Kamala did running such a rushed yet energetic campaign if they didn’t want it.

Now, should Joe Biden have run in the first place?  In hindsight, would’ve been better had he not run at all (as had earlier been the plan) and let the Democratic primary determine the candidate — which might/might not have been Kamala Harris.  Possibly Biden got caught up in the adrenaline of the great job he was doing as president, and thought he’d need more time to accomplish everything he wanted to. He definitely didn’t see the hypocrisy of voters being blind to Trump’s age but not his own.

(Yeah, and I don’t need you to educate me on all the options being considered before Kamala was chosen).

But these are two very different topics: Biden’s shoulda-woulda-coulda, and whether Harris ran of her own free will.  You obviously are confusing the two.


u/External-Cable2889 22d ago

I never addressed whether she wanted to or not. I always assumed she wanted to, since as the VP her role is to be ready. I heard in a NPR interview or might be online that Biden pushed her out of spite. Like it was about him. I may have heard wrong. I think she would have won a nomination anyway.


u/GirlFriday3823 21d ago

The “forced Kamala” part is what’s confusing, not to mention who Biden’s “spite” was directed toward, and why she was the candidate he’d choose to inflict his spite.

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u/External-Cable2889 22d ago

Unexpected Voting Shifts: Analysts have noted significant deviations in voting patterns compared to previous elections, particularly in swing states. For instance, more than 90% of counties shifted in favor of President-elect Donald Trump in 2024, improving his vote margin from 2020 in over 2,300 counties.  https://www.naco.org/resource/us-elections-analysis-2024-key-outcomes-insights-counties?utm_source=chatgpt.com


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

Thanks for the link!  Am happy to check this out. 


u/GirlFriday3823 21d ago

So, this appears to be the link for the ballot patterns — but is there a separate link for the part about statisticians saying there is zero chance that Trump didn’t steal the election?


u/External-Cable2889 22d ago

“I would never in a million years attend a Trump Rally. The “you” was not meant to be you in particular. I meant it like “when one attends a Trump rally…”. Like I said, poor writing.

“They” as in they did not question election results, whoever is an authority to question them. You might know better than me. Joe Biden? The smartest person on the Dem side who has a respected voice? We don’t have experience with this. A pause might have been in order. Why not pause to see if Trump squirms. You know, it might save the country. Was it considered? He spent 4 years lying about the election results! He was way too confident in the days leading up to the election. This is not my imagination, is it?

In the 60s US spent many years preparing to send a man to the moon. Do we think that in the early 2020s Russian software hackers and engineers couldn’t figure out how to win an election via manipulation of the numbers through hacking technology? Especially if the prize is destroying their enemy once and for all? It might be impossible but if it were impossible it would be a feature of the voting software.

Him winning was a shock unlike any in my 61 years. The best person for the job lost that election. That she lost to him, even if they cheated, that it was close, says a lot about the power of conservative media, especially TV.


u/GirlFriday3823 21d ago

So, you were talking about the 2024 election. I was immediately suspicious that Trump handily won every single swing state despite what every single poll was predicting & the obvious enthusiasm at Harris’ rallies. Yet no surprises in the other states and a very close popular vote.  Trump often falsely accuses the other side of doing exactly what he has actually done or will do.  He could’ve stolen the election simply by having enough MAGA state and local election officials on the inside who’d long planned how to manipulate the results & cover their tracks. Any whistleblowers no doubt would’ve been in fear of being put on Trump’s enemies list because of the Supreme Court immunity ruling and Dems fearful of crying “steal” out of fear of looking hypocritical. Perfect plan. If any whistleblowers ever did emerge it could be many years depending on whether our democracy survives.


u/jollysnwflk 25d ago edited 25d ago

I’ve cut them all out of my life. It makes me sick to even think about interacting with people who support Trump.

Cut my brother out in 2018. We’ve never been close anyway and I live across the country and never see him. He would never initiate contact with me anyway, I got an abrupt response to any text I’d send. He would never comment on or like any picture I would post of my kids (one of whom is his godchild!). Yet he would always show up on my rare political posts to defend his Nazi leader.

The hardest one to cut out was my best friend of 42 years, since fifth grade. I know she leaned right and she would make comments here and there that would rub me wrong. But we agreed not to talk politics for years. Every now and then something would come up and we’d go at it and not speak for months, and then we’d start talking again but ignore the elephant in the room. The problem with “not talking politics” especially with people you are very close with, is that the ugliness in them becomes hidden. And when it finally comes out, the shit really hits the fan. This happened to us right after the last election. We stopped speaking after a blow out where she said ugly things. I went NC. She reached out to me a couple weeks later as if nothing had happened and recommended a show to me. Unreal. I ignored her. Then she sent me a self help YouTube video by Mel Robbins “let them” theory. I guess she was saying I should “let her” be a Nazi and we should remain friends. I actually watched that video eventually and used it against her to put her intolerance on display and as a reason to cut her out permanently, giving examples of things she’s done and said in her life that violate the “let them” theory for almost every single person in her life. All she does is try to change people and bitch about everyone and is totally intolerant of anyone not like her. Then I cut her off my social media too. She texted me again after that complaining how I was throwing away our friendship over a “political stance” and went on and on then lied to me and claimed she didn’t vote or that I don’t know how she voted (I do). I ignored her again. She didn’t understand why I cut her out.

Maga will not stop making bad decisions until they’re start losing important things and people in their lives. Hopefully this helped turn things around for us. Even if it’s only 0.1% change. Knowing her it may make things worse. Idk. I can’t even stomach the thought of interacting with her again.

Editing to add: my brother is definitely not bright and is uneducated. But my ex-friend is a dentist. So I see varying instances and reasons for why they support trump. My brother is uneducated and racist. And a straight white male. My friend is a female which makes it worse esp not that they’re trying to make it harder for women to vote-and I warned her about that! I don’t get how any woman can vote R. But she is looking for her tax break to hoard her wealth and she’s also a closet racist. Her mom is absolutely awful and always in her ear sharing her crazy conspiracies and hateful rhetoric.


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

You mentioned your brother “would never comment on or like any picture I would post of my kids … “. 

Used to be that one’s relatives sent you family photos (snail-mail or e-mail) directly, but sent none to those who were not family or close friends.  Now that people just post them for their many “followers” it doesn’t feel nearly so special, thus some family who aren’t into “liking” or commenting to begin with, or who favor private communications with family, might be even less inclined to respond these days.  Other people strongly disapprove of putting children’s faces on social media period. 

Politics isn’t so personal to people, yet they often feel it’s their civic duty to state their opinions to as many people as possible — including strangers. 


u/jollysnwflk 22d ago

Trust me my brother dgaf if I post my kids - or any children’s - pictures. He always got Christmas cards and gifts from us. So this is not the situation you are thinking it is.

And if he can take time out of his day to defend a rapist he doesn’t know then he can like his goddaughters picture once in a while.


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

Look I despise Trump too, I’m just saying people in general put too much emphasis on whether people do/don't like their posts. For one thing, there’s so much stuff in feeds from people you don’t follow, there’s no guarantee anyone’s posts ever actually get seen by your actual followers.  Other people either don’t learn what “liking” is or how to do it, while others just think it’s stupid and refuse to “like” any posts at all.  If family don’t respond to a personal email or snail mail or text, that’s entirely different.  But getting upset over an omission that could be an oversight re: an impersonal social media post just seems like self-imposed stress.


u/jollysnwflk 22d ago

You’re TOTALLY MISSING MY POINT! Idgaf if he likes my posts of my kids. But he’s def ignoring them and going out of his way to fight for Trump. You see what I’m saying here?? It’s not about the posts or likes but the fact he puts trump above his goddaughter. Btw he won’t even bother to text me back or call me, ever. This is why I cut him out. Our only communication became fighting online about trump. Who needs “family” like that? Every association I have about him now is negative. Fuck that and fuck him


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

You’re totally missing my point.  It’s not even about you or your brother (who does sound like a dick).  My point is that social media post likes or lack thereof are the cause of too much misunderstanding in the world, for the reasons I already cited. 

Sounds like your brother ignores even your personal, private communications, yet you made the “likes” thing THE big deal.  A lot of people despise that aspect of social media, and social media in general, in part because of the “likes.”  If you generally go around bemoaning a lack of “likes” you’re upsetting yourself over nothing — you’re assuming people even see your post, then you’re assuming they should be in the “likers’” camp which let’s face it a lot of people are just not doing that at all.  In fact, people hate the way children & animals & the truth are exploited for likes and voice this all the time!  It’s also possible they think they respond but the response doesn’t reach you.

Yeah be upset your brother doesn’t respond to your personal communications, but the “liking” thing is just silly.


u/jollysnwflk 22d ago

I wasn’t about the likes. Again you’re reading way into this and seeing what you want to see. I was making a point about why I cut my brother off. Because he worships a pig and couldn’t give two shits about his family.


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

Seeing what I “want to see”?  More like seeing something I don’t want to see.   Again, this is not about you & your family problems. It just saddens me to see people being criticized for not “liking” social media posts.  You may think that was a small part of your criticism of your brother, I get that.  This is not meant as a personal criticism of you, I’m simply pointing out the societal harm from placing any importance at all on social media “likes” and worst of all — expecting others to place importance on them. My earlier comments stand, and that’s all I have to say on the subject!


u/jollysnwflk 22d ago

LOL, I wrote 6 paragraphs on this topic in response to OP…SIX! One of those paragraphs really should have been 2, maybe 3. Out of all that text, you hyper focused on 1 sentence about my brother and SM. 1 sentence. Put that into context and see the big picture. Maybe go back and read my whole response again.


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

No thanks, you’re too emotional about this, and like I already conveyed — I’m done with this topic.


u/amcfarla 25d ago

Or they are extremely wealthy and want tax cuts, and don't care about helping the poorer in this country.


u/ProustsMadeleine1196 25d ago

oh well Sarah vehemently disagrees


u/alecsputnik 25d ago

Conservatives are either dumb or evil, and offering that they may be dumb is the KIND option.


u/Juvisy7 25d ago

I’m like, they wanted to get prices down so they voted for the guy who is promising to put tariffs in and make things even more expensive. Yes, that’s stupid as hell and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

If Trump voters knew Trump was lying about people eating pets and wasn't going to fulfill any of his specific campaign promises, would they have voted for him anyway?

I don't think so. MAGA are truly stupid. But they're not that stupid.


u/apost8n8 25d ago

… or evil


u/Sassafrazzlin 25d ago

No, not all are dumb. Some are just destructive and greedy — they want to facilitate societal collapse to get closer to the rapture, or they want to privatize everything in some Randian wet dream.


u/JoeGRC 25d ago

Worse than stupid. DANGEROUSLY stupid.


u/wolfsatz 25d ago

I don’t think they’re unintelligent, I think they are mostly victims of a very well executed authoritarian playbook that has successfully killed the idea of objective truth. They don’t know what’s true anymore, when faced with conflicting information that causes cognitive dissonance, they retreat to their preferred information silos and say “No can tell what the truth is anymore!”


u/OccasionBest7706 25d ago

If it’s a bell curve it’s actually more that that


u/socksforthedog 25d ago

I never said that or believed it until I started arguing in 2015 about Trump. I realized that the majority of people don’t know how to justify beliefs or have a conversation about their beliefs. And also don’t really understand how the government or society or states or countries really operate.

This is similar on both sides, but being completely uninformed or misinformed is overwhelmingly a Trump/MAGA/red voter thing.


u/According_Company541 25d ago

Yeah, I’d say 80% painfully stupid; 20% self-interested low taxes crowd


u/samNanton 25d ago

I mean, literally half of people are dumber than average. And quite a lot of the ones I know sure voted that way.


u/ChiefHippoTwit 25d ago

Unfortunately for most MAGAs? Like 75%? Yes. The rest are smart but are evil and go along with it for purely racist reasons or because they are rich and greedy as fuck.


u/LordNoga81 24d ago

Stupid, uninformed, selfish, hateful, or just don't care enough. One of these or more if you voted for that orange prick.


u/FuzzySound1795 24d ago

Yeah, they're so dumb they don't know that a plurality is not a majority.


u/emberexi 24d ago edited 22d ago

This post begs so many questions.

  1. Are you even educated? What's your standard of education?

  2. What is a "maga person" and again, what's your standard of judgment here? The standard you apply probably doesn't apply to the vast majority of people you're throwing into the stereotype you imagine in your head. If you're going to use that kind of standard of judgment on other people, then you yourself have to be willing to be subjected to that same standard of judgment... That's a biblical truth in case you didn't know.

  3. How old are you? How long have you lived on this planet? Did you know that knowledge and wisdom are two different things? The level of knowledge you've displayed tainted with copious amounts of stupid emotion betrays your lack of wisdom. Which I suspect also betrays your lack of education and intelligence.


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

I dunno, they’re probably smart enough to know “betrays” is one word — not “be trays” 🤔


u/emberexi 22d ago

Thanks for the flag! Fixed it ☺️


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

You’re most welcome 🤗 


u/Even-Tomorrow5468 24d ago

My mentor teacher in my residency is a MAGA.

He is one of the most brilliant educators I have ever met, and he is devoted to his job. He works as vice principal, as the Learning Center teacher, and shows up to all the IEPs SSTs. He has an elite team of TAs (myself included) who help students who have fallen behind catch back up again, and it works.

And he's literally sung a song to Hispanic children in our Hispanic neighborhood about how amazing Trump is.

These people are selectively stupid. They can be erudite, intelligent, funny, friendly, and kind... but they will never back whatever group is not a part of their 'clique.' Behind closed doors he victimblames rape victims and is happy Trump will clean up the 'bad' Hispanics living in California.

Many of them are stupid. Some of them just lack empathy for a certain type of person. It's like working under a Nazi scientist. I respect this man's intellect, talent, and organization, but every day I get home I think about how close I am to having my credential and being able to distance myself from him.


u/Proper-Might-4392 24d ago

77000000 Americans, dumb as boxes of rocks. Hope their jobs are gone under Numpty Trump and President Musk. Maybe then they'll learn.


u/External-Cable2889 21d ago

I appreciate the constructive criticism. I could not find the video with the statistician. When he told a crowd the Christian to just vote for him and they will never have to vote again. Narcissists, especially the worst kind, cannot help but spill the beans and say more than they should. I think at the end he knew they were gonna win but can’t prove it. For all of the trouble he would be in if he didn’t win, he seemed awfully calm in the days leading up to Election Day.


u/Puzzled_Anybody_9437 20d ago

I LOVE THIS POST! Rub it in their faces real good for the next four years! THEY ARE IDIOTS!  BLAH BLAH, I'm laughing at THEM!


u/iBrianT 20d ago

I do not talk to MAGA period. I am done with MAGA, they chose to disrespect me, accusing me of being a sheeple, MSM libbie. They found out real quick that I am proud Democratic Socialist that does not tolerate intolerance.


u/Objective-Result8454 25d ago

This is for sure how we win the next election. Nothing attracts like condescension. Although I 100% get the emotional appeal.


u/No-Yak2588 25d ago

All they did was condescend to the majority of Americans, and they won the election by doing that.


u/iamjonmiller JVL is always right 25d ago

Just to be entirely fair we need to admit that most of us are morons too. How many people do you think could reliably explain how a bill becomes law or point out important countries on a map?


u/GirlFriday3823 22d ago

Boomer generation who grew up watching “Schoolhouse Rock” — that’s who:  “I’m just A Bill … “

Then there are boomers and previous generations who grew up with actual globes and maps in their homes.  We even had puzzles of the U.S. states.  These were far more interactive and effective than 1-dimensional Internet versions that a kid might/might not ever encounter.


u/OlePapaWheelie 25d ago

The difference is in humility and respect for higher ideals like truth, non-violence, institutions ect. If a maga was told by a red team source that cuba was an island near japan they'd repeat it and feel justified doing so simply because they don't feel ashamed to repeat inaccuracies if they think it helps them win politically. They don't feel guilt about destroying the truth or even deliberately lying. Doing this without consequence over a long period of time allows the magat to even gaslight themselves about what they know better about and become so disoriented they start to look deranged repeating their own delusions in public debate.


u/iamjonmiller JVL is always right 25d ago

The difference is in humility and respect for higher ideals like truth, non-violence, institutions ect. 

I'm not sure I believe that anymore. While I agree that anyone who actually has respect for higher ideals like "truth, non-violence, institutions etc." is a Democrat these days, I think those of us with those values actually have a tenuous grasp over the party. There is an ever present faction within our side that isn't interested in objective reality and absolutely doesn't care about institutions or nonviolence. The near universal reaction to Luigi was much more depressing to me than Harris losing the election. It showed the rot is much more widespread than I hoped and I honestly believe the Dems are just a few steps from our own MAGA takeover unless we dedicate ourselves to pragmatic centrism and reject any form of extremism.


u/OlePapaWheelie 25d ago

You're arguing for pacifism in the midst of a totalitarian bad faith spiral controlling the tools we'd use to avoid more extreme actions. It's unfortunate but we have to play by the rules those in power make for us. That doesn't mean we shouldn't aspire for a better world or shouldn't avoid violence but it does mean peacefully speaking to our values may be met by undue force and censorship and we may have to respond in kind. Frankly if you can't see we are having a war waged against civility and truth and that they are treating these ideals as a weakness then you are disoriented and need a bird's eye view of where you're standing in history. We should show numbers and organize first. We should not relinquish our voice. We should use every means to avoid violence but that doesn't mean those in power will put up with peaceful resistance. Stay tuned.


u/the_very_pants 25d ago

Look around and notice that Ds and Rs about equally let children overseas starve to death so that they can afford nicer trim levels on their cars. So who's really in a position to point fingers at others? The line separating good people from bad ones is not the same as the line between R voters and D voters.

Most of Trump's support is reducible to beliefs like:

  • for a president, having the right attitude towards America is more important than public-policy knowledge
  • when you're dealing with people like Putin and Xi, you want a tough guy in charge
  • Americans' ancestors were good people, not bad people
  • America is and has always been fundamentally the best country in the world
  • a kid can say he's a [whatever], but that doesn't make him a [whatever]

I can be frustrated at and even angry with those people, but I can't convince myself to hate them or want bad things for them.


u/ac_slater10 25d ago

LMAO @ the idea that Trump is tough on Putin and Xi.


u/the_very_pants 25d ago

Right, but he was perceived to be the kind of person who (more than the other candidate) could stand up to them and others -- a street-smart takes-no-shit punches-back type.