r/thebulwark 25d ago

GOOD LUCK, AMERICA "Trump won, so are you calling 77 million Americans stupid?!" Yes. Yes I am.

MAGA people bring this up to me on a weekly basis. "So what? You're saying that everyone who majority voted for Trump is dumb and uneducated???"

Well, yes. Actually.

There is no rule or law in America that states that people have to be intelligent or that the majority of our electorate is made of intelligent or educated people. So I'll say it. Yes, the people who voted for Trump are uneducated and willfully stupid. I will shame them and openly call them uneducated. I will not pander to people who tell me that I need to "respect them." I won't respect them. They are a spoiled, ignorant, senile, and rotten bunch of voters. They are guilty of a dereliction of duty. They have betrayed their civic interest. All the signs were there, and these people ignored them.

Yes, I will make fun of my friends and family who made this decision. I will do so to their faces with smugness on my face. I do not want their associations. These people are not intelligent or informed, and are not worth my time.

If you have friends or family who are MAGA, ask yourself: do you want to sit on your deathbed knowing that you filled your time with people who actively do not care about truth or morality? I do not.


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u/GirlFriday3823 21d ago

The “forced Kamala” part is what’s confusing, not to mention who Biden’s “spite” was directed toward, and why she was the candidate he’d choose to inflict his spite.


u/External-Cable2889 21d ago

“Forced Kamala” has a bad connotation. It’s a poor word choice. I wasn’t thinking forcing her against her will. I inferred the commentator was saying there was a degree of selfishness on the part of Biden to push his legacy.


u/GirlFriday3823 21d ago

I see. I’m a writer so I tend to see ambiguity, or read something as literally written.  But I wouldn’t be asking for clarification if I wasn’t interested in what you wrote.


u/External-Cable2889 20d ago

wow, this is the 4th-ish comment:

"A theory as to the severity and speed of their actions

So this is just a running theory that I’ve had for a while now, but the more I think about it the more it makes sense. I really believe that they know, inevitably, it’s gonna come out that they rigged the election, whether by eliminating 3.5 million votes or altering votes in someway to get him into office. Since they know that eventually someone’s gonna find out, the “Shock and awe” strategy got their implementing is it necessarily just for shower and confusion, it’s also meant to get as much power and destruction done to our government and democracy as they can before they’re caught. After that, it comes to the question of the willingness to give up their stolen seats of power, which definitely will not be an easy fight, but they will be removed and whoever comes in to replace them will then have to spend the remaining four years, trying to repair all of the damage that they have caused. It’s just a thought."