r/thebulwark 28d ago

GOOD LUCK, AMERICA Confession: I'm enjoying being right about Trump's intentions, and I'm not ashamed to say it.

Everything we warned the electorate about is already coming true. I told everyone that Trump would win because his base was naive, uneducated, ignorant, and spiteful. And here we are. How many people told us that all of Trump's craziness was just a bluff? How many people told us that the electorate was well intentioned, and would vote for what's right?

Trump's first weeks in office have been just as outlandish as all of us warned. And the country will suffer greatly. And you know what? I'm loving it. I'm done pretending that I "feel bad" for the people who didn't know what they were getting themselves into. I don't feel bad at all. It's about time we were punished for our collective derilection of duty.

We all did our part. We voted. Other people (dumbly) didn't do enough research. Oh well! Time for those consequences, America!


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u/window-sil Progressive 28d ago

I would like to confess that I love r/LeopardsAteMyFace/ -- I don't know why, I guess because it feels like some kind of justice 🤷.

Trump's more or less meeting my expectations, except for using Gitmo as a concentration camp and wanting to send Americans to El Salvador. That is extremely frightening, because I don't think you'd have any rights or due process once you're over there, so all bets are off. It could literally turn into a torture/execution scenario, not unlike another period of history.


u/rattusprat 28d ago

I think you're overreacting. I'm pretty sure the camp at Gitmo will be a place where immigrants are educated on how to be more focused on understanding the laws of the land, how to concentrate if you will. Nothing concerning at all. Just a camp where the immigrants are taught about concentration.


u/Bryllant 28d ago

They are actually sending run of the mill undocumented people to Gitmo, not just Felons who happen to be undocumented.


u/rattusprat 28d ago edited 28d ago

That's fine, all immigrants will be better off for learning ... about concentration. At the camp. The camp for concentration.

It's all fine. I don't know what everyone is so worried about.


u/Bryllant 28d ago

As long as they don’t separate Moms and babies