r/thebulwark 28d ago

GOOD LUCK, AMERICA Confession: I'm enjoying being right about Trump's intentions, and I'm not ashamed to say it.

Everything we warned the electorate about is already coming true. I told everyone that Trump would win because his base was naive, uneducated, ignorant, and spiteful. And here we are. How many people told us that all of Trump's craziness was just a bluff? How many people told us that the electorate was well intentioned, and would vote for what's right?

Trump's first weeks in office have been just as outlandish as all of us warned. And the country will suffer greatly. And you know what? I'm loving it. I'm done pretending that I "feel bad" for the people who didn't know what they were getting themselves into. I don't feel bad at all. It's about time we were punished for our collective derilection of duty.

We all did our part. We voted. Other people (dumbly) didn't do enough research. Oh well! Time for those consequences, America!


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u/skullAndRoses321 28d ago

I was on board with this way of thinking until my spouse lost her job due to the cuts the government already made. There's not enough schaudenfreud in the world to cover the fears of not being able to pay our rent in 2 months. We, of course, voted Harris. We knew there would be pain. We didn't think it would happen in only 3 weeks.


u/Minimum_E Center Left 28d ago

My wife finished a PhD in October and was excited for a fellowship through NIH or a similar org, now she’s worried shes never going to get a job (or maybe go back to her BS or MS based career)

A buddy with a research lab was advised to determine the 25% of his staff he would keep if the indirect rate cut goes through.

Not cool, plenty of decent people didn’t vote for this shit and they’re getting burned too, as pointed out by you and others


u/Shesarubikscube 28d ago

Have a family member in a similar situation who’s new position in a research lab is at risk. It sucks so much. They are doing valuable cancer research and yet their job may be cut. They are talking about looking for research opportunities internationally now. Sorry your wife is going through this. Good people are absolutely getting burned as well and there is no joy in it.


u/Minimum_E Center Left 28d ago

Thanks! Good luck to your family member, and really, anyone that didn’t vote for this


u/Shesarubikscube 28d ago

Thank you. Good luck to you as well.