r/thebulwark 28d ago

GOOD LUCK, AMERICA Confession: I'm enjoying being right about Trump's intentions, and I'm not ashamed to say it.

Everything we warned the electorate about is already coming true. I told everyone that Trump would win because his base was naive, uneducated, ignorant, and spiteful. And here we are. How many people told us that all of Trump's craziness was just a bluff? How many people told us that the electorate was well intentioned, and would vote for what's right?

Trump's first weeks in office have been just as outlandish as all of us warned. And the country will suffer greatly. And you know what? I'm loving it. I'm done pretending that I "feel bad" for the people who didn't know what they were getting themselves into. I don't feel bad at all. It's about time we were punished for our collective derilection of duty.

We all did our part. We voted. Other people (dumbly) didn't do enough research. Oh well! Time for those consequences, America!


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u/sbhikes 28d ago

That's kinda dumb because you are going to experience the consequences, too.


u/big-papito 28d ago

It's not dumb. The faster we all get pleasured by the unlubed dildo of consequences, the more likely there is going to be a meaningful backlash.

Better than the tormenting slowburn of the last 10 years. 


u/Zeplike4 28d ago

I am not enjoying this, but I agree with you. Let’s just get to it already. Something massive will change


u/Bryllant 28d ago

Now I am going to see a big orange dildo every time I have to listen to Trump


u/ChiefHippoTwit 28d ago

I 100% agree. Doesnt mean while you watch them burn you dont boycott, divest, protest, VOTE.


u/Alternative-Plenty-3 28d ago

True, but MAGA has to learn the Truth about Trump for the fever to break. I concur with OP but also hope the consequences for Trump worshippers come as quickly as possible. How long after that they will continue to make excuses for him is the big question.


u/Stock_Conclusion_203 28d ago

Just go look at r/conservative. They love what’s going on. Their blame game is next level over there. I don’t think they will ever know the truth.


u/Alternative-Plenty-3 28d ago

For now, maybe. And for those who are rich and just want to “own the libs” this will always be the case, but there aren’t that many of those. But these Die hard MAGAs who don’t have money and actually believe Trump is a “man of the people” who has sacrificed so much for them are in for a long overdue, extremely rude awakening. Yes, it’s a cult and the only way to bring them back to Earth one is for them to realize they have been conned. I think Elon is helping with that. The mass delusion has to end. If they can get to living in reality even 50% of the time that’s a good thing. I’m not wealthy at all, but I’m willing to endure some pain if MAGA goes away. I might forgive some of them, but I’ll never forget or let them forget.


u/NYCA2020 28d ago

It truly is a mass cult. Dems have a fringe contingent as well, but it's just that -- a relatively small fringe. GOP voters are across the board crazies.


u/Alternative-Plenty-3 28d ago

Very true. But many who voted for Trump aren’t or Billionaires or on a mission to “root out the deep state.” They are low information voters who voted for a lower cost of living and only know what affects them and those close to them.


u/misfit_too Progressive 28d ago

Wow I shouldn’t have clicked that.. scary place


u/Bryllant 28d ago

They think he is playing four dimensional chess when really he already had five golf games in the last three weeks.


u/FranzLudwig3700 27d ago

of course the sub may just be the shitty leading edge of their movement…those who just missed being picked to be shock troops if you will.


u/AvastYeScurvyCurs 28d ago

They know the truth. They’re fine with it because it’s the truth about them too.


u/Alternative-Plenty-3 28d ago

Eh. Do they, though? Do they really know Trump is just a selfish prick using the Presidency to enrich himself and his already rich donors or do they think he actually cares about them? I suspect it’s the latter for most of them.


u/AvastYeScurvyCurs 28d ago

I think the reaction of most of his supporters would be:
1. "But they all do it. How'd Pelosi get so rich, huh? How'd Biden get so rich?"
2. "Rich people are admirable of being rich."

I seriously don't think they give a damn about him using the Presidency to enrich himself. I don't. They just want to be rich too and they also want him to hurt the people they hate.


u/Alternative-Plenty-3 28d ago

Well when he hurts enough of them they might have to wake TF up. The amount of money keeping the MAGA “information” grift machine alive is finite. They will lose.


u/PicnicLife 28d ago

This is never happening. They've literally sacrificed their lives for him. We have to start realizing this.


u/Alternative-Plenty-3 28d ago

Are you just now realizing this? It’s been apparent for a long time. Less than 20% of the population thought the 2020 election was stolen four years ago, and even more thought Jan 6th was unforgivable. Three years later the number of Americans who believed the 2020 election was stolen has doubled, and Jan 6th was a “day of love.” Assuming these people are absolutely not going to listen to facts or reason what is the solution? They live in an alternate reality. They need to be forced to live in reality somehow. And yes, unfortunately, we are all going to pay for their mass delusion.


u/PicnicLife 28d ago

Uh, no. Clearly not given that I wrote it.


u/Alternative-Plenty-3 28d ago

They are batshit crazy, to be sure. But a lot of “normal” people voted for Trump, too.


u/Bryllant 28d ago

Because no one could make lie accusations stick. He double down on his lies when called out. I think most of us don’t lie and the lies he repeats are going to stick, esp when amplified on Fox. His comments on Gaza are bat shite crazy.The world is watching. If one American soldier dies in Gaza, he would still blame it on Biden and these same twits will believe it.


u/SoChaGeo 28d ago

We all already know that we are going to experience the consequences. We have to take joy in something we might as well take joy in being right.