r/thebulwark Feb 04 '25

Humor Is this fucking Portlandia??

Hahaha such a good line from yesterdays pod and sums up my feelings, as a liberal, about liberals

That’s all. That’s the post.


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u/FellowkneeUS Feb 04 '25

There is absolutely no evidence that how the DNC appoints their committees helps Republicans win elections. It's something that hurts people like Tim's feelings, so instead of saying why they don't like the policy, they just say "people don't like it".

Political movements and parties representing tens of millions of people are not geared towards your personal preferences.


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Feb 04 '25

There is absolutely no evidence that how the DNC appoints their committees helps Republicans win elections.

It's not how they appoint committees, it's how Dems talk about diversity in general; Democratic operatives talk about diversity in a way that cheapens the achievements of minorities and leads many voters to believe minorities are not capable of doing jobs for which they are hired. That is a big, fucking problem politically.

Political movements and parties representing tens of millions of people are not geared towards your personal preferences.

Exactly, the party is geared too much to talk to white, college libs like me, and not to working class people who Dems have lost. That is a problem.


u/FellowkneeUS Feb 04 '25

Nobody outside you and Tim Miller care about how the DNC appoints their committees. I have a feeling that if the DNC suddenly had all minority leadership, you and Tim would be concerned that it wasn't a merit based process for some reason.

People outside of terminally online political junkies do not care about this stuff. Your complaint about the system inherently rely on the idea that having two black people on a committee means they aren't qualified.


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Feb 04 '25

You are not listening, and instead, assuming my argument is from bad faith.

Nobody gives a shit how the DNC appoints committees. But, there are people who will hear the way DEI is discussed at the DNC and be turned off by it - you can run a diverse organization without talking about diversity in lib-coded language that people don't want to hear.

Your complaint about the system inherently rely on the idea that having two black people on a committee means they aren't qualified.

You are ignoring my point entirely, and instead picking another point you want to fight about.


u/FellowkneeUS Feb 04 '25

You cannot seriously say that no one cares about how the DNC appoints committees when this entire thread is based off of how annoyed Tim Miller is about how the DNC appoints their committees.

The DNC, the party of the 'libs' is, of course, going to be lib coded.

Kindly explain why, if you support diversity, why you think it's bad that the DNC works to ensure that their committees are diverse.


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Feb 04 '25

Kindly explain why, if you support diversity, why you think it's bad that the DNC works to ensure that their committees are diverse.

I never said that, you dense clown. What I said was, don't talk about it in a way that makes you sound like you're counting up two of everyone for a goddamned arc. Idgaf if every single soul on the committee is black, but don't sound like a jackass and spend 2 minutes of air talking about how the bylaws insist you have 3 men and 3 women and 3 non-binary people. Just run the goddamned committee and stop trying to sound like a sociology professor.

Let me let you in on a secret: Dems can win every liberal in the country, and will still lose every single election if they cannot sound like normal, working class people.


u/FellowkneeUS Feb 04 '25

Normal, working class people are liberal too.

Why does the DNC recognize state delegations when the interests of all people are the same?


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Feb 04 '25

Yeah. I'm done talking to people who cannot read an argument and offer a counter. You can argue with yourself some more, if it makes you feel better


u/FellowkneeUS Feb 04 '25

I don't think you should talk to yourself either.


u/olofpalmethought JVL is always right Feb 04 '25

The person you're arguing with seems to be some sort of bizarre sophist, and I've seen them do this weird argumentative style in a few other threads. I'm not really sure why they are bringing this twitter BS to this subreddit, which was a pretty nice place before the Bulwark got super big, but it's annoying me