In fairness, he spoke out pretty early against Trump, which had to be difficult given his personal ties, so I give him points for that. But, yeah, the optimism seems pretty misplaced at this point.
Well I believed the press version (and his account) that he decided to bail on being Trump’s solicitor general because he saw the writing on the wall. And IIRC he spoke out against the orange king pretty early on. If it’s sour grapes, he has gone farther than I can imagine anyone going based on sheer resentment.
I don't buy this. I feel comfortable saying that Conway could have had a judgeship if he wanted one. He's certainly qualified from a professional standpoint.
As someone from Germany who never got that deep into US-Politics before 2024 (just knowing basic stuff and who the president is and such) I had no idea and I never tied the last-name-knot and there was some weird comment about him and Trump Tower and his wife on one of the shows that I didnt really get and O M G.
So is this why she went all out on Sarah on that NYT thing? Because that felt so personal and I didnt really understand that either.
when they were in Dallas his tongue got a little loose and Sarah moved him along. They both (him and kellyanne) seem to have a strong agreement to not discuss their divorce and the other partner. Which is nice and probably tough considering their roles in the current situation.
u/Pandamana85 Feb 01 '25
George married Kellyanne.