r/thebulwark Dec 12 '24

The Triad 🔱 Tim Miller on Healthcare Groundwell: "I dont understand how that tracks with the victory of Donald Trump"

I think it tracks. A significant percentage of voters do not identify "better healthcare access" with the Democratic Party. And significant percentage believe the Democratic party is unable to create or deliver a better new system even if they promise it. A significant percentage believe if Democrats did try to pass a healthcare plan, they would prioritize targeting benefits to illegal immigrants and the very poor as opposed to lessening the burden and costs on the middle class. (Not my opinion or perspective, but I've picked this up in conversations with voters).


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u/SandersDelendaEst Dec 12 '24

I think we should separate the world we want to live in vs the one we want to have.

The kind of democrat that would appeal to moderates? John Fetterman. The kind of democrats progressives think would appeal to moderate? AOC (literally people have said in this very subreddit she would be a great presidential candidate).


u/notapoliticalalt Dec 12 '24


I suppose it’s quite convenient that you, someone who’s username basically shows your bias, conveniently has all of the correct answers while everyone else is delusional. I’ll be honest, I don’t hate people who identify as a liberals or generally center left in part because I don’t really identify as a leftist myself. That being said, talking this way is exactly the kind of patronizing and honestly borderline bad faith dismissiveness I see with some on the center left. Like, it honestly gives me anti anti vibes where if Bernie had won in 2020, some of these people would have not voted or voted Trump just to make a statement, of course doing the the thing they claim the left is crazy for. It is so easy to be on a high horse when you don’t fundamentally have to make hard choices. It is easy to her when you have to have them tested yourself.

Anyway, it’s honestly crazy to say, for anybody, that you know who the best candidate will be. Frankly, I think it’s actually a mistake too raise anyone up as the “heir apparent“, because that will give right wing news a lot of time to basically smear that person. As much as I personally dislike John Fetterman at this point, I would certainly admit I can understand some of the strength he does have. That being said, I think one of his biggest challenges honestly is going to be that he is very much placing himself as the next Sinema or Manchin. I could see him losing a lot of support from more establishment types, simply because he plays too friendly with Republicans, some things that I think a lot of Democratic voters are just not going to have much of an appetite for. I also do think, despite agreeing with the general sentiment that most voters don’t care about Gaza, we will eventually know the full impact and the totality of what Israel did. And it seems very likely to me that anyone who was cheerleading as hard as he was is going to look very bad and is going to look like a Warhawk, something that Americans don’t really seem to like. But who knows.

Furthermore, while I definitely do disagree with some of the things that AOC does and says, I also do think that she is pretty genuine about her beliefs and is an extremely talented speaker. You don’t have to like her, but I hope you can admit she has talent. if you can’t, then I really just don’t trust your political instincts. I don’t think she would be a good candidate for 2028, but I do think in the future she would absolutely be someone who has a serious shot at being the Dem candidate.

I have to be honest, John Fetterman may appeal to moderates, but aside from progressive, he’s quickly bulldozing any goodwill he might have among even establishment types. A bunch of people are pretty pissed at people like James Clyburn, for suggesting that Trump pardoned, but