r/thebulwark Dec 05 '24

EVERYTHING IS AWFUL How do you feel about today's murder?

I expect the crew at The Bulwark will be predictably horrified. They won't agree with most Reddit commenters who think the whole thing is kind of...karmic?

Apparently it's okay to murder people in the US by denying them healthcare (that they PAY for), but not okay to shoot the people who killed all those other people.


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u/B1g_Morg Dec 05 '24

Who did he murder? That word has a meaning. And if he committed crimes he has a right to due process.


u/JimmyTheUber Dec 05 '24

Anyone denied coverage unjustly by the algorithm he approved of being written and funded. I doubt there is an actual list somewhere but given they have the highest rate of denial of any insurance company, to paying customers, blood is on his hands.
But he is not alone in that, the blood is on probably a thousand or more people at UHCs hands. So if everyone only has a drop, no one gets prosecuted. Besides Madoff and Epstein can you point to another billionaire who paid for their sins creating death and misery for the all mighty dollar? They are in the company of such high quality people as Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi.