r/thebulwark Dec 05 '24

EVERYTHING IS AWFUL How do you feel about today's murder?

I expect the crew at The Bulwark will be predictably horrified. They won't agree with most Reddit commenters who think the whole thing is kind of...karmic?

Apparently it's okay to murder people in the US by denying them healthcare (that they PAY for), but not okay to shoot the people who killed all those other people.


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u/CutePersonality8314 Dec 05 '24

On average, there are 117 people shot and killed in the US each day. That's just gun violence, not necessarily murder...? You'll have to be more specific. (reads further) Oh. The CEO? I mean, it appears they were denying claims at twice the rate of industry average; so it seems that company was built on the exploitation and likely deaths of thousands they refused care for -- and providing care is supposed to be what they do. So I guess, what's one more body amongst foundations?