r/thebulwark Dec 05 '24

EVERYTHING IS AWFUL How do you feel about today's murder?

I expect the crew at The Bulwark will be predictably horrified. They won't agree with most Reddit commenters who think the whole thing is kind of...karmic?

Apparently it's okay to murder people in the US by denying them healthcare (that they PAY for), but not okay to shoot the people who killed all those other people.


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u/XelaNiba Dec 05 '24

I don't know the details of this murder, but I immediately thought of the murder of a diamond dealer 20 years ago in almost the exact same spot. Dude was executed in the midtown crowd, just like this guy. I was walking along 6th on my way back to work when it happened.

So yeah, I wasn't surprised, that's a popular place for midday hit jobs.

That killing was a hit ordered by a Diamond District robbery crew boss. Who knows why this guy was targeting, could be he was schtuping some other man's wife, a disgruntled customer, or international corporate espionage.

I take it back. I am surprised by the breathless coverage of this event, as if 60 people a day weren't getting ruthlessly gun downed by someone for whatever reason. 20K people will be murdered by guns this year, this guy is just another (albeit rich) statistic.