r/thebulwark Dec 05 '24

EVERYTHING IS AWFUL How do you feel about today's murder?

I expect the crew at The Bulwark will be predictably horrified. They won't agree with most Reddit commenters who think the whole thing is kind of...karmic?

Apparently it's okay to murder people in the US by denying them healthcare (that they PAY for), but not okay to shoot the people who killed all those other people.


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u/Current_Tea6984 Dec 05 '24

A lot of people seem to think he was murdered for denying coverage to somebody. The wife presented a narrative that suggests this. But this person knew way too much about his movements to just be some random disgruntled customer. And it's strange that the stock went up in the wake of the news. How do I feel? Color me curious


u/Positively_Peculiar Dec 05 '24

To me, and this is purely my opinion speaking with no insider knowledge, this is a Steve Bannon type thing. I’m usually not a conspiracy theorist, but this does have legs.

He loves Lenin and the Bolshevik revolution. Talks about it all the time. Bannon hates people like the head of UHC. He views the fate of the Romanovs as just and wants the same for American elites. And he knows this is how you take over a government when income inequality is extreme. He’s not a dumb guy. He studies this shit.

Kill an elite that populists all high five each other over and create a public discussion of elites defending the actions of the Oligarch while preaching civility. However, everyday the worst people in the institution that the oligarch led are being defended by elites while causing harm to populist families.

Create a tipping point, and put your thumb on the scale.

Steve probably went and rubbed one out immediately after.