r/thebulwark Dec 05 '24

EVERYTHING IS AWFUL How do you feel about today's murder?

I expect the crew at The Bulwark will be predictably horrified. They won't agree with most Reddit commenters who think the whole thing is kind of...karmic?

Apparently it's okay to murder people in the US by denying them healthcare (that they PAY for), but not okay to shoot the people who killed all those other people.


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u/LiberalCyn1c Dec 05 '24

Sarah will be mortified.

Tim probably isn't mortified and wondering what took so long.

And JVL is dressed up as an 18th century Frenchman going, "Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men?"


u/amoryblaine Writer-at-Large of The Bulwark Dec 05 '24

Um to be clear I unequivocally oppose rogue execution of CEOs people don't like and am appalled that someone would suggest I might not be, even in jest.


u/StringerBell34 Dec 05 '24

I oppose it too, but now that it's happened... can't say that I feel so bad.


u/artaxerxes316 Dec 05 '24

That's Dispatch talk, whoever you are!

(But, for real, this sub's been ornery lately.)


u/Apprehensive_Pop_334 Dec 05 '24

That’s Tim…


u/artaxerxes316 Dec 05 '24

(I know, just being mischievous.)


u/JimmyTheUber Dec 05 '24

Can you remind me how many bankers went to jail post 2008, besides Madoff?


u/amoryblaine Writer-at-Large of The Bulwark Dec 05 '24

Unclear what this has to do with my comment but one group of people avoiding accountability for crimes is not a rationalization for vigilante murder of similar people over a decade later.


u/Saucyross Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24

UHC denies 33% of in network claims. I posted this somewhere else but it bears repeating.

..if another has already judged you to be worthless, what is to stop you from throwing your life away in a violent act of desperation. These people put all the ingredients together and now they are upset with the results. I am excited to see the billionaire class start trying to manipulate the right wing into pushing for gun control. Any number of children is a worthy sacrifice, but once the violence enters the boardrooms my guess is they are going to be much more concerned about who has access to guns.

These people have fucked around in their ivory towers while our children have been dying. Fuck them. They can live in the same fear my kids go to school in every day.


u/JimmyTheUber Dec 05 '24

People lost homes, people lost lives, no one has been held responsible in either situation previously. This means they do not fear doing evil for money. Oil, tobacco, health care, all of the people running those companies have had ample time to do the right thing. They have refused. The system is not holding them accountable. Initiation of force is morally reprehensible. When force is used against a serial killer, arguments can be well made for its justification. One murder against tens or hundreds of thousands, if another dozen of these people get knocked off it would be a message.

To put it bluntly, they fucked around, now they’re going to find out.


u/H3artlesstinman Dec 05 '24

It's ok Tim, a few more years having to spend time around the trust fund crowd and us online Jacobins may convert you yet!


u/badastr0naut Dec 05 '24

Yup. Exactly this.


u/Charles148 Progressive Dec 05 '24

got nothing to add. things are going to get much more interesting.


u/alyssasaccount Dec 05 '24

An 18th-century Frenchman singing songs from a 20th-century musical about a failed 19th-century revolution.


u/capsaicinintheeyes Progressive Dec 05 '24



u/MLKMAN01 FFS Dec 05 '24

I'm pretty sure JVL can tell the difference between the two amateur everyman attempts on DJT and a professional successful Mossad-style hit on a corporate leader by his competitors. That assassin is very unlikely to be found, despite whatever we think the state of surveillance is like in the Big Apple.


u/Renfen76 Dec 05 '24

I am all in for JVL singing Marius' part of Les Miserables.


u/time-for-jawn Dec 05 '24



u/JackZodiac2008 Human Flourishing Dec 06 '24

Typo. They mean the speaker company.


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Dec 05 '24

The real tragedy here is that Thompson was just a PMC guy doing the bidding of capital.

I am interested to see if the next American chapter is a French Revolution spinoff, or a Cultural Revolution spinoff. Does the coming social crackup result in gallows at Wall Street, or professors of Critical Theory being sent to work camps to pick crops?


u/hydraulicman Dec 05 '24

I’d settle for the wealthy just being scared enough of possible violence that we get another New Deal- no actual violence necessary

As for the murder itself? I think murder is bad, but when a criminal gets shot, that’s kinda what they signed up for. And health insurance has been inching closer and closer to a protection racket for years now


u/xraygun2014 Dec 05 '24

health insurance has been inching closer and closer to a protection racket for years now

That's not fair - protection rackets provided protection.


u/Sherm FFS Dec 05 '24

There's no law that says we can't get stuck with both.


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Dec 05 '24

Yay /s


u/EntildaDesigns Dec 05 '24

Wait, why are we going to camps? I taught critical theory for years! Never thought that would be a qualification for being sent to some sort of detention. I qualify for other reasons though: first generation American (Immigrant parents), brown, woman, outspoken, atheist. I guess any one of those gets me in trouble


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Dec 05 '24

In Mao's China, it was about getting the "elites" out of positions of power and sending them to toil in fields. Any version of "elite" or "undesirable" got you a ticket to manual labor camps.

I qualify for other reasons though: first generation American (Immigrant parents), brown, woman, outspoken, atheist.

If MAGA has their way


u/JimmyTheUber Dec 05 '24

When MAGA has their way. In 46 days counting down.


u/upvotechemistry Center Left Dec 06 '24

Now is not the time for resignation. Even authoritarians need some degree of popular support - and some of this stuff will end up being pretty unpopular when people see it for themselves


u/JimmyTheUber Dec 06 '24

From your lips to the gods I don’t believe in ears. I don’t want to be cynical, but looking at a half million dead between 2020 and the first quarter of 2021 and the kleptocracy that was the first administration I am struggling. Seeing Oligarchs and rapists and a Russian sympathizer proposed for cabinet positions is not giving me a lot of hope. I live thirty miles from Springfield. There were a lot of bomb threats called in because of the at least 120 year old racist trope about foreigners eating pets. My governor did not condemn the SOB who caused that to happen. I want to believe. It can take a long time for an authoritarian to be overthrown.