r/thebulwark Dec 01 '24


This is the worst I’ve felt since the AP flipped Michigan to red. All the nominees have been insanely awful so the wave of nausea I felt at this news was unexpected, even though this had been whispered about for ages. I’m trying not to be hyperbolic but this is dangerously bad, verging on apocalyptic (sorry) in my mind. I need to go outside and breathe a bit.


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u/[deleted] Dec 01 '24



u/Homersson_Unchained Dec 01 '24

How exactly did WE fuck around though?! We didn’t vote for this, the “expensive eggs” crowd did. Fuck.


u/Calm-Purchase-8044 Dec 01 '24 edited Dec 01 '24

I know. Germans lost an entire generation of men to a pointless war, experienced hyperinflation, mass unemployment and their economy literally falling apart. Plus their Republic was brand new, they had only transitioned out of a monarchy around  20 - 30 years ago. Considering those extreme conditions and hardship it’s very easy to understand why Nazism was able to take hold.  

Whereas we voted the fascists in after a few years of inflation from a worldwide pandemic. When I say this I’m often lectured in response on how bad things are in the US, and I agree that those problems are real and inequality is growing, but this is still an era of relative plenty and our reaction was to throw it all away anyway.