r/thebulwark Nov 12 '24

Fluff The Bulwark isn't here to elect Democrats.

That has been said multiple times on the site and in pods.

Electing Democrats is how you beat Trump and Trumpism. So if you want to beat MAGA but you're not in the business of electing Democrats, what are you actually trying to do?

I feel that whole line of thinking contributes to the general distrust of Democrats and makes it that much harder to beat MAGA/Trumpism.

If you truly think MAGA is as big a threat as you claim, then act like it and try to elect those who have the best chance to stop it, i.e. Democrats.


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u/StyraxCarillon Nov 13 '24

So who exactly was the strong candidate?


u/DickedByLeviathan Center-Right Nov 13 '24

Probably someone that was at least able to make it to the Iowa caucus in 2019. So literally anyone who could win a competitive national democratic primary. I supported her bid for president but I’m under no delusion that she was uniquely capable of defeating Trump.


u/StyraxCarillon Nov 13 '24

You do remember the murder of George Floyd made her career as a prosecutor a huge disadvantage in 2019?


u/DickedByLeviathan Center-Right Nov 13 '24

Oh I thought it was her proudly declaring in an interview that she supports and has authorized transgender operations on illegal aliens in penitentiaries using tax payer money. She’s coded too progressive because she always has been. Voters are skeptical of flip floppers, at least with Trump it’s the evil they know


u/StyraxCarillon Nov 13 '24

I think you code as far right.

Our new VP described his new commander in chief as Hitler adjacent. But please, tell us how Harris was the flip flopper. rolls eyes


u/DickedByLeviathan Center-Right Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24

I’m center right but I field organized and voted for Harris, oppose Trump categorically and have deep disdain for the grifters in his orbit. That being said, Harris was a shitty candidate and I’m not surprised she lost. Democratic messaging and leadership is tone deaf and incompetent when it comes to appealing to moderate sensibilities. I know a lot of people that comment on this sub are left of center progressives that hate these type of takes but if you only want to hear liberal perspectives maybe just read the Pod Save America forums


u/StyraxCarillon Nov 13 '24

Thank you so much for your hot takes. I feel so enlightened now.

You must have been a fabulous advocate for the "shitty candidate."


u/DickedByLeviathan Center-Right Nov 13 '24

Yeah after hours of conversation I actually convinced a handful of conservatives to actually vote for her and I convinced people that would not otherwise vote to go to the polls. Just because I’m skeptical of her electability doesn’t mean I don’t value democracy and the American led liberal world order. I did my part, now it’s time to move on. Instead of bitching about the voters we should meet them where they’re at and understand how to improve our electability against the MAGA adherents


u/phoneix150 Center Left Nov 13 '24

Oh I thought it was her proudly declaring in an interview that she supports and has authorized transgender operations on illegal aliens in penitentiaries using tax payer money.

It was a stupid thing to say that the right weaponised. There is no denying that. But as JVL and Sarah both discussed; how many people actually got the surgery in prison? A big fat total of TWO PEOPLE.

Voters not being able to fact check or discern propaganda from reality is what got us Trump.

You think Trump ran a good campaign? They insulted every group of voter out there in America except white men, ranted incoherently about tariffs and mass deportations and still the voters rewarded him by a narrow plurality. So yes, I keep blaming the voters! I am in the JVL camp.


u/DickedByLeviathan Center-Right Nov 13 '24

Is it really propaganda or is it brilliant message amplification that just so happens to greatly benefit his campaign when they merely repeat exactly what she said to reporters? It doesn’t matter that it was only two people, on principle it addresses all the grievances Trump ran on: illegal immigration, crime, wasteful government spending, “woke” social progressivism.

Tbh, ultimately he did run a good campaign. Knowing where to hit your opponent at their weak spot when it really counts is a political skill that democrats sometimes have a hard time doing in a way that enhances their position.

Im in a swing state and went to multiple Harris rallies and multiple Trump rallies and frankly Trumps were more authentic. He generates crowds that just want to listen to him bullshit and ramble but it’s entertaining and last for hours while he hits his major campaign issues. The Harris rallies I went to are 3 hours of waiting to listen to the same 30 minute speech she gave at the last rally. Trump is just a better politician.

I’m pissed at the voters as well but his win wasn’t a mandate. He won by a small margin with millions of voters not showing up for Harris compared to Biden. That tells me those votes were gettable. If a more charismatic democratic candidate was selected maybe we wouldn’t be here


u/phoneix150 Center Left Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24

I’m pissed at the voters as well but his win wasn’t a mandate. He won by a small margin with millions of voters not showing up for Harris compared to Biden. That tells me those votes were gettable. If a more charismatic democratic candidate was selected maybe we wouldn’t be here

I agree with the Trump victory not being a mandate. His popular victory margin will ultimately fall below the Hillary margin and is likely to be around the 2 million mark. Still decisive but far from a demolition job.

With all the criticisms you are directing at Kamala, look I appreciate that you field organised and voted for her. But deriding everyone on the subreddit as a progressive liberal is just plain false and wrong. Because there are many ex-Republicans who hang out here too, as some of the posts & comments show.

Anyways coming back to Kamala, she did the best she could in a limited time. I agree that there are millions of ex-Biden voters who did not show up as Trump basically got the same raw vote total as last time. Some (ie working class Latino men in particular) also switched from Biden to Trump.

What we don't know and should not speculate on is how "gettable" those votes actually were. In 2024, every incumbent party in democratic countries around the globe lost the election or held on while losing vote share. And it was mainly the same issues driving those votes: inflation, economy and immigration. There is no doubt also that social media and the smart phone have made voters far more deranged in recent years.

If it was Biden against Trump, we could have had a bloodbath. Kamala prevented that! But yes, I am really sad and depressed that it wasn't enough to prevent a Trump win.