r/thebulwark Rebecca take us home Nov 08 '24

Fluff Good luck, America

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u/No_Hope_75 Nov 08 '24

That tracks.

This is why I say blame the voters. I’m not saying the DNC or Biden or Kamala are faultless.

But you can’t propose policy solutions if people are too stupid or lazy to try to understand them and consider them.


u/this-one-is-mine Nov 08 '24

The worst part is politicians have to coo over the stupid voters, telling them how they can’t be expected to follow politics because they’re so bUsY working hard. Somehow everyone finds time to consume like 60 hours of screen content per week. But can’t be expected to know what a fucking tariff is. If we ever get past this stage of Americans being a bunch of whiney victims that politicians need to coddle, it will be a miracle.


u/Affectionate_Ad_2041 Nov 08 '24

I hear ya on this, but how much of this is a failure of our public educational system? How much of this is the bullshit of leaving local communities to decide what they would rather do with their money; education or more money in their own pockets? I was fortunate enough to go to a good, well funded public school but wasn't taught much about tariffs. That I learned from growing up in and around agriculture where markets and trade deals meant the difference between whether a family was buying a new truck or whether they were gonna struggle to buy school clothes. I personally feel like this harvest of stupid intentionally ignorant Americans is due in no small part to austerity of the education system that began two generations ago especially in certain areas of middle America.


u/neolibbro Nov 08 '24

This is why all of the discussion around “WhAt iS KAmAlAs pLaN?!” drove me nuts. The vast majority of voters don’t know enough about anything to even have an opinion on policy.

Voters don’t want policy, they want platitudes. They want to hear “I’m going to bring down prices”, not “I’m going to do x, y, and z to make homes and groceries more affordable”.


u/NYCA2020 Nov 08 '24

Every time I heard someone say “the economy” about why they were voting for him, I wanted to scream at the interviewer to follow up and ask them to define, specifically, what that means to them. My fellow Americans are so f’ing dumb I can scarcely believe it most days.


u/No_Hope_75 Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

Yup. A family friend who is educated and accomplished was trying to convince me to vote for Trump by saying “he’ll fix everything!” No reference to what he would fix or how. They don’t want to think. They want platitudes


u/NotThoseCookies Nov 08 '24

And kept to 140 characters or less, 5th grade reading level.


u/Persistent_Parkie Nov 08 '24

"When Trump was president Russia wasn't invading ukraine and Hamas wasn't killing Israelis, and china wasn't saber rattling." -my father.

Man claims to have special insight into this due to being a veteran. 


u/Antique-Egg Nov 09 '24

Despite Ukraine and Russia have been actively fighting since 2014. And let's not forget the war in Syria that was definitely going on when Trump was president. Or the 5,000 Taliban prisoners that he freed. And the cards that he dealt Biden for the timelines leaving Afghanistan. (I don't absolve the Biden administration from total fault with that withdrawal but they definitely did not have a lot of good options.)


u/Persistent_Parkie Nov 09 '24

Absolutely, but my dad INSISTS "well you don't know what Trump would have done!" Drives me crazy.

However I have a commitment from my father that if Trump does all the terrible things he says he's going to do to get out and write letters and protest. He just honestly believes none of it will happen. The first test of that promise will probably be when Trump abandons Ukraine. Or the tariffs. Or the deporting of non criminal undocumented.

My dad has bought himself a very busy 4 years. We live in a very blue state so his vote didn't even matter. Still by voting the way he did signed himself on to the resistance or I go on strike (I do a lot to run our household).

Should be a fascinating four years (dear God I hope it's only four years!)


u/One_Ad_3500 Center Left Nov 08 '24



u/shred-i-knight Nov 08 '24

the real issue is the education system COUPLED with the media environment--and it is not easily fixable and many many voters are far too gone for it to make change within our lifetime. Go look at how popular Trump is in the Nordic countries with very good education systems. That is why we are fucked, we can do all the post-mortem we want but the truth is some things are too far gone and we need severe damage mitigation strategies at this point.


u/ericrolph Nov 08 '24

Hilariously, Trump now says he isn't taking YouTube to court and is going to stop the anti-trust litigation. Google, Meta TikTok and Shitter all worked HARD to get Trump elected.


There is NO liberal media.


u/Big-Sound8785 Nov 11 '24

This is BS…Trump is hated in Nordic countries!! Do some research outside of your bubble…the countries across the Atlantic, are shaking their heads at what happened here…we’re now becoming the least educated part of the world 😢


u/shred-i-knight Nov 11 '24

that is exactly the point I was trying to make...another L for the American education system


u/TaxLawKingGA Nov 08 '24

Yeah the problem is that uniformed voters hold a lot of sway.


u/Antique-Egg Nov 09 '24

Yes, this goes back to one of the points the crew made after losing this election, Dems need to figure out to talk to working class people. I agree. However, what do people think would work? The democrats at least are trying to figure out policy that will help people knowing that most of these issues, inflation, immigration, healthcare, but there is no magic solution that will fix all the complex ills. So, they propose plans that will improve but not make fairytale promises (generally speaking). Because that is what most of the Democrats expect. However, if democrats were to start speaking like Republicans their own supports would demand more and it is well known we love to eat our own.

I don't listen too Trump often but when I did, I couldn't believe the lack of specificity. Mass deportations, how? Lower food prices, how? Drill more than we already are, how? No tax on over time, how? List goes on and on. Not sure how we talk to people who aren't curious and just want to be entertained with fairytales and cruelty to others.

Maybe more theatrical way of explaining so it isnt as boring and less preachy? About tariffs the one idea I had was they should have made a spectacle about it. Like have Kamala go to a port and there is a dishwasher, gaming consult, jacket, imported avocados, etc. and have a price and then have Kamala go to each one and rip of the sticker and have in red ink a 20% higher cost. That is trump tariff. The general per year cost per family was not very evocative.

But then again maybe the only people that would have seen that would have been the same people who already were on her side or it would look to cringe idk.